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Created February 9, 2022 23:13
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Useful queries on `radix_ledger` DB
-- 1. Get balances of all accounts holding a token on a specific date
WITH new_year_state AS (
select state_version
from ledger_transactions
where round_timestamp < '2022-01-09 00:00:00'
order by round_timestamp desc
limit 1
Select last_transaction, address, balance from
(select lt.round_timestamp as last_transaction, abh.to_state_version, abh.from_state_version, address,
(cast(abh.balance as decimal) / pow(10, 18)) as balance,
row_number() over (partition by address order by abh.from_state_version desc) as row_num
from account_resource_balance_history abh
LEFT join accounts a on = abh.account_id
LEFT join ledger_transactions lt on abh.from_state_version = lt.state_version
where abh.resource_id = (select id from resources where rri = 'dix_rr1qwne05jw2a42km0uk3xn5vrueqfrefdk3h06g9n6v4rqx54mwv')
and abh.from_state_version < (select state_version from new_year_state)
) balances
where row_num = 1
order by balance desc
limit 1000;
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