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Last active May 14, 2020 18:41
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Auto-Scaling Vector in C
// Header File
#ifndef VECTOR_H_
#define VECTOR_H_
// Vector Struct with size and allocated values
typedef struct vector_t{
int size;
int allocated;
int increment;
void** data;
void (*printItem)(void*);
} vector_t;
vector_t* newVector();
void addVectorValue(vector_t *v, void *value);
void removeVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index);
void* getVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index);
void setVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index, void *value);
void expandVector(vector_t *v);
void contractVector(vector_t *v);
vector_t* cloneVector(vector_t *v);
void freeVector(vector_t* v);
void printVector(vector_t* v);
#endif /* VECTOR_H_ */
// C file
#define INITIAL_SIZE 100
// Allocate a new vector and return a pointer to it
vector_t* newVector() {
vector_t *vect = malloc(sizeof(vector_t));
vect->size = 0;
vect->allocated = INITIAL_SIZE;
vect->increment = SIZE_INCREMENT;
vect->data = malloc(vect->allocated * sizeof(void*));
return vect;
// Manually scale a vector up by the size increment
void expandVector(vector_t *v) {
v->data = realloc(v->data, (v->allocated * v->increment) * sizeof(void*));
v->allocated *= v->increment;
// Manually contratct vector by size increment (no checks on stored values)
void contractVector(vector_t *v) {
v->data = realloc(v->data, (v->allocated - v->increment) * sizeof(void*));
v->allocated -= v->increment;
// Add a new value to the vector appended at the end
void addVectorValue(vector_t *v, void *value) {
if (v->size == (v->allocated - 1)) expandVector(v);
v->data[v->size] = value;
// Remove a vector value at a specific index
void removeVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index) {
size_t btc = (v->size - index - 1) * sizeof(void*);
if (btc > 0) memcpy(&v->data[index], &v->data[index + 1], btc);
if (v->allocated - v->size > 0 && !((v->allocated - v->size) % v->increment)) contractVector(v);
// Retrive a specified vector value at a perticular index
void* getVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index) {
if (index > v->size - 1 || index < 0) printf("Vector index out of bounds: index %d of size %d\n", index, v->size);
return v->data[index];
// Set/Overwrite a vector value at a specific index
void setVectorValue(vector_t *v, int index, void *value) {
while (v->allocated - 1 < index) expandVector(v);
v->data[index] = value;
// Shallow clone a vector (Only pointers, not data values)
vector_t* cloneVector(vector_t *v) {
vector_t* newV = newVector();
newV->data = malloc(sizeof(void*) * v->allocated);
memcpy(newV->data, v->data, sizeof(void*) * v->allocated);
newV->size = v->size;
newV->allocated = v->allocated;
return newV;
// Free memory of data stored in vactor and the vector itself
void freeVector(vector_t* v) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) {
free(getVectorValue(v, i));
// Only for int stored values, can be replaced with custom print function
void printVector(vector_t* v) {
if (v->size > 100) {
printf("%d,...,%d] Size:% d Allocated:% d\n", *(int*) getVectorValue(v, 0), *(int*) getVectorValue(v, v->size - 1), v->size, v->allocated);
for(int i = 0; i < v->size; i++) {
if (i == v->size - 1) printf("%d] Size:% d Allocated:% d\n", *(int*) getVectorValue(v, i), v->size, v->allocated);
else printf("%d, ", *(int*) getVectorValue(v, i));
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