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Last active December 12, 2015 07:28
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import qualified Data.Text as T
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.Parsec.String hiding (Parser)
import Text.Parsec.Char hiding (upper)
import Text.Parsec.Prim
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as PT
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
type Parser = Parsec String (H.HashMap Char Int)
data KSToken = Def | Extern
| Ident String | Number Double | Keyword Char
| If | Then | Else | For | In
| Binary | Unary
data KSExpr = -- | Terminals
KSNumber Double
| KSVariable String
| KSUnaryOp Char KSExpr
| KSBinaryOp Char KSExpr KSExpr
| KSCall String [KSExpr]
| KSIf KSExpr KSExpr KSExpr
| KSFor String KSExpr KSExpr (Maybe KSExpr) KSExpr
deriving (Show, Eq)
data KSProto = KSProto String [String]
| KSBinOpProto String [String] Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
data KSFunc = KSFunc KSProto KSExpr
deriving (Show, Eq)
data KSFuncOrExprList = KSFuncNext KSFunc KSFuncOrExprList
| KSEmpty
deriving (Show, Eq)
data KSProgram = KSProgram KSFuncOrExprList
deriving (Show, Eq)
configDef:: PT.GenLanguageDef String st Identity
configDef = emptyDef
{ PT.commentStart = ""
, PT.commentEnd = ""
, PT.commentLine = "#"
, PT.nestedComments = False
, PT.identStart = oneOf $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
, PT.identLetter = oneOf $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
, PT.reservedOpNames = []
, PT.reservedNames = ["def", "extern", "if", "then", "else", "for", "in", "binary", "unary"]
, PT.caseSensitive = True
lexer :: PT.GenTokenParser String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity
lexer = PT.makeTokenParser configDef
p_identifier :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity String
p_identifier = PT.identifier lexer
p_stringLiteral :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity String
p_stringLiteral = PT.stringLiteral lexer
p_whiteSpace :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity ()
p_whiteSpace = PT.whiteSpace lexer
p_parens :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity a -> ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity a
p_parens = PT.parens lexer
p_braces :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity a -> ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity a
p_braces = PT.braces lexer
p_symbol :: String -> ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity String
p_symbol = PT.symbol lexer
p_reserved :: String -> ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity ()
p_reserved = PT.reserved lexer
p_natural_or_float :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity (Either Integer Double)
p_natural_or_float = PT.naturalOrFloat lexer
p_commaSep1 :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity a -> ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity [a]
p_commaSep1 = PT.commaSep1 lexer
p_integer :: ParsecT String (H.HashMap Char Int) Identity Integer
p_integer = PT.integer lexer
ifCondParser :: Parser KSExpr
ifCondParser = do
p_reserved "if"
ifexpr <- exprParser
p_reserved "then"
thenexpr <- exprParser
p_reserved "else"
elseexpr <- exprParser
return $ KSIf ifexpr thenexpr elseexpr
forExprParser :: Parser KSExpr
forExprParser = do
p_reserved "for"
var_name <- p_identifier
char '='
expr1 <- exprParser
char ','
expr2 <- exprParser
maybe_expr3 <- optionMaybe (do char ','; expr3 <- exprParser; return expr3)
p_reserved "in"
expr4 <- exprParser
return $ KSFor var_name expr1 expr2 maybe_expr3 expr4
<?> "parse for loop"
binaryOpRhsParser :: Int -> KSExpr -> Parser KSExpr
binaryOpRhsParser expr_prec lhs = do
bin_op <- lookAhead (oneOf "@%&^<>?+-*/")
precTable <- getState
let curr_bin_op_prec = fromJust $ H.lookup bin_op precTable
if curr_bin_op_prec < expr_prec
then return lhs
else do
bin_op <- oneOf "@%&^<>?+-*/"
expr1 <- unaryParser
next_bin_op <- lookAhead (oneOf "@%&^<>?+-*/")
let next_bin_op_prec = fromJust $ H.lookup next_bin_op precTable
if curr_bin_op_prec < next_bin_op_prec
then do
expr2 <- binaryOpRhsParser (curr_bin_op_prec+1) expr1
res <- binaryOpRhsParser expr_prec (KSBinaryOp bin_op lhs expr2)
return res
else do
res <- binaryOpRhsParser expr_prec (KSBinaryOp bin_op lhs expr1)
return res)
<|> (do
res <- binaryOpRhsParser expr_prec (KSBinaryOp bin_op lhs expr1)
return res))
<|> return lhs
<?> "parse binary op rhs"
unaryParser :: Parser KSExpr
unaryParser = do
unary_op <- oneOf "!-"
<?> "parse unary expression"
exprParser :: Parser KSExpr
exprParser = do
lhs <- unaryParser
binaryOpRhsParser 0 lhs
<?> "parse expression"
primaryParser :: Parser KSExpr
primaryParser = do
numeric <- p_natural_or_float
case numeric of
Left nat -> return $ KSNumber (fromIntegral nat)
Right f -> return $ KSNumber f
expr <- p_parens exprParser
return $ expr
try (do
func_name <- p_identifier
func_args <- p_parens (exprParser `sepBy` (char ','))
return $ KSCall func_name func_args
var_name <- p_identifier
return $ KSVariable var_name
expr <- ifCondParser
return $ expr
expr <- forExprParser
return $ expr
<?> "parse primary expression"
protoParser :: Parser KSProto
protoParser = do
func_name <- p_identifier
func_args <- p_parens (do p_identifier `sepBy` (p_whiteSpace))
return $ KSProto func_name func_args)
p_reserved "unary"
op <- oneOf "!@%&^*<>?"
precedence <- p_integer
op_args <- p_parens (p_commaSep1 p_identifier)
return $ KSBinOpProto [op] op_args precedence)
p_reserved "binary"
op <- oneOf "!@%&^*<>?"
expr <- exprParser
precedence <- p_integer
op_args <- p_parens (p_commaSep1 p_identifier)
return $ KSBinOpProto [op] op_args precedence)
<?> "parse proto"
funcParser :: Parser KSFunc
funcParser = do
p_reserved "def"
proto <- protoParser
expr <- exprParser
return $ KSFunc proto expr
<?> " parse function"
funcOrExprParser :: Parser KSFuncOrExprList
funcOrExprParser = do
return $ KSEmpty
char ';'
func_or_expr_list <- funcOrExprParser
return func_or_expr_list
func <- funcParser
func_or_expr_list <- funcOrExprParser
return $ KSFuncNext func func_or_expr_list)
expr <- exprParser
func_or_expr_list <- funcOrExprParser
return $ KSFuncNext (KSFunc (KSProto "" []) expr) func_or_expr_list)
<?> "parse func or expr list"
sourceParser :: Parser KSProgram
sourceParser = do
func_or_expr_list <- funcOrExprParser
return $ KSProgram func_or_expr_list
<?> "parse whole source file"
interactiveParser :: Parser (KSFunc)
interactiveParser = do
func <- funcParser
char ';'
return $ func)
expr <- exprParser
char ';'
return $ KSFunc (KSProto "" []) expr)
<?> "parse interactive mode"
codeGenExpr :: KSExpr -> CodeGenFunction Double (Value Double)
codeGenExpr (KSNumber num) = return $ valueOf num
codeGenExpr (KSVariable var_name) = undefined
codeGenExpr (KSUnaryOp op_name expr) = undefined
codeGenExpr (KSBinaryOp op_name lhs rhs) = do
lhs_val <- codeGenExpr lhs
rhs_val <- codeGenExpr rhs
case op_name of
'+' -> do
r1 <- fadd lhs_val rhs_val
return r1
'-' -> do
r1 <- fsub lhs_val rhs_val
return r1
'*' -> do
r1 <- fmul lhs_val rhs_val
return r1
'<' -> do
r1 <- fcmp FPOLT lhs_val rhs_val
r2 <- inttofp r1
return $ r2
_ -> undefined
codeGenExpr (KSCall func_name args) = undefined
codeGenExpr (KSIf ifexpr thenexpr elseexpr) = undefined
codeGenExpr (KSFor var_name assign_expr cond_expr term_expr body_expr) = undefined
codeGenFunc :: KSFunc -> CodeGenModule (Function (Double -> IO Double))
codeGenFunc (KSFunc proto expr) = do
f <- codeGenProto proto
defineFunction f $ \ _ -> do
retval <- codeGenExpr expr
ret retval
return f
codeGenProto :: KSProto -> CodeGenModule (Function (Double -> IO Double))
codeGenProto (KSProto func_name args) = do
f <- newNamedFunction InternalLinkage func_name
return f
codeGenProto (KSBinOpProto func_name args prec) = undefined
data Opts = Opts
{ debug :: Bool
, sourceFiles :: [FilePath]
, interactive :: Bool
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq)
progOpts :: Opts
progOpts = Opts
{ sourceFiles = def &= args &= typ "source files"
, debug = def &= help "debug mode"
, interactive = def &= help "interactive mode"
getOpts :: IO Opts
getOpts = cmdArgs $ progOpts
&= summary (_PROGRAM_INFO ++ ", " ++ _COPYRIGHT)
&= program _PROGRAM_NAME
&= helpArg [explicit, name "help", name "h"]
&= versionArg [explicit, name "version", name "v", summary _PROGRAM_INFO]
_PROGRAM_NAME = "kaleidoscope-plus"
_PROGRAM_DESC = "A dialect of kaleidoscope"
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
opts <- getOpts
let precTable = H.fromList [('<', 10), ('>', 10), ('+', 20), ('-', 20), ('*', 40)]
if (not . null . sourceFiles) opts
then do
forM_ (sourceFiles $ opts) (\fileName ->
do prog_src <- readFile fileName
case (runParser sourceParser precTable fileName prog_src) of
Left err -> print err
Right ksprog -> print ksprog
putStrLn prog_src
else do
mod <- newModule
mod_provider <- createModuleProviderForExistingModule mod
fpm <- createFunctionPassManager mod_provider
putStrLn "ready> "
prog_src <- getContents
case (runParser interactiveParser precTable "interactive" prog_src) of
Left err -> print err
Right f -> do
print f
v_func <- createModule $ codeGenFunc f
dumpValue v_func
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