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Created March 19, 2015 15:03
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my eslintrc
# babel support more syntax stuff than eslint for now
parser: babel-eslint
modules: true
jsx: true
es6: true
browser: true
node: true
__DEV__: true
__PROD__: true
- react
# 0: off, 1: warning, 2: error
# semicolons are useless
semi: 0
quotes: [2, "double"]
# 2 spaces indentation
indent: [2, 2]
# trailing coma are cool for diff
comma-dangle: [2, "always"]
# enforce comma at eol (never before)
comma-style: [2, "last"]
valid-jsdoc: 1
# # eslint-plugin-react rules
react/no-multi-comp: 2
react/prop-types: 2
react/display-name: 2
react/wrap-multilines: 2
react/self-closing-comp: 2
react/no-did-mount-set-state: 2
react/no-did-update-set-state: 2
react/jsx-uses-react: 2
react/jsx-uses-vars: 2
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