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Last active August 12, 2023 14:08
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"Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// "Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// (replace "Breaking News" Article on World of Warcraft login screen)
// By MobCat (2023)
// Preview
// Server side this has only been tested with trinity core for WoW 3.3.5 with sql 5.
// This will fubar on newer sql vers, sorry. But wont be to hard to convert mysql_query to $conn->query($sql) and so on
// Also https might brake it, idk.
// On the client side though, this has been tested and appears to work with both enUS and enGB and all vers of wow
// from og WoW all the way though to the new wow classic engine. So im converdent this should work for all
// vers of wow as long as you get the news redirect corect.
// made a bat script for that too
// The ingame leaderboard is formatted as
// character name - Race Class - Level (current xp) - X offline or O online.
// [How to setup]
// Client setup (windows)
// 1. goto "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and edit hosts file with notepad as admin
// 2. add the following lines (without the \\ ofc.) Change to your web server.
//# US WoW redirect (untested)
//# WoW EU EN redirect
// 3. Save and close the hosts file.
// Server setup
// 1. goto your htdocs folder on your server
// 2. for EU EN make a new folder folder structure like this
// htdocs\en\alert\index.php
// for US make
// htdocs\alert\index.php
// 3. Open our new php file with notepad and copy past in this whole file
// Or just download this php file and place it into your alert folder
// 4. If your sql and apache servers where not running, now would be a good time to launch them
// 5. Check the news page. In your browser, goto up
// or for US
// And you should now see some plain text info about your server
// If you didn't get and random sql errors then this should display fine at the login screen as well.
// Max of 32 chars per line of news? befor it overflows into the next line.
// Define your WoW databases and creds
$dbip = "";
$dbUser = "trinity";
$dbPass = "trinity";
$realmID = 1;
$auth = "auth";
$char = "characters";
$world = "world";
// Connect and check db.
// Create a database connection
$conn = mysql_connect($dbip, $dbUser, $dbPass);
// Check the connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysql_error());
// Server stats
// Select update based on epoch start from auth database
mysql_select_db($auth, $conn);
$uptimeQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uptime ORDER BY starttime DESC LIMIT 1");
$uptimeRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($uptimeQuery);
// Count accounts and check if they are online or not.
$accountCount = 0;
$accountOnline = 0;
$accountQuery = mysql_query("SELECT online FROM account");
// Loop over account rows
while ($accountRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($accountQuery)) {
$accountCount++; // Increment accountCount for each row
if ($accountRow['online'] == 1) {
$accountOnline++; // Increment accountOnline if online value is 1
// Get realm info
$dictIcon = array(
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'PvP',
4 => 'Normal',
6 => 'RP',
8 => 'RP PvP'
$realmQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM realmlist WHERE id = ". $realmID);
$realmRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($realmQuery);
// Realm icon set
$realmIcon = isset($dictIcon[$realmRow['icon']]) ? $dictIcon[$realmRow['icon']] : '?';
// Func to format secs elapsed
function formatTime($secIn, $days = false) {
$hours = floor($secIn / 3600);
$remainder = $secIn % 3600;
$minutes = floor($remainder / 60);
$seconds = $remainder % 60;
if ($days) {
$days = floor($hours / 24);
$hours = $hours % 24;
return sprintf("%03dd %02d:%02d:%02d", $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
} else {
return sprintf("%03d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
// Format info into html
// Please note, there is a zero width space between the last <p> </p> to separate the server info from the leaderboard,
// as the client just strips unnecessary spaces. If this is missing and your news window doesn't have a gap like the demo pic
// because github or downloading this php brakes it, go to the last <p> </p> and in the gap in the middle of them type alt+0160
//(hold down alt, then type 0160 on your numpad, then let go of alt)
$stats = "<p>(". $realmIcon .") ". $realmRow['name'] .
"</p><p>IP: ". $realmRow['address'] .
"</p><p>Uptime: ". formatTime($uptimeRow['uptime'], true) .
"</p><p>Users Online: ". $accountOnline ."/". $accountCount ." (Max: ". $uptimeRow['maxplayers'] .
")</p><p> </p>";
// Leaderboard
// Dictionary for race lookup
$dictRace = array(
0 => '?',
1 => 'HU',
2 => 'OR',
3 => 'DW',
4 => 'NE',
5 => 'UD',
6 => 'TR',
7 => 'GN',
8 => 'RL',
9 => 'GB',
10 => 'BE',
11 => 'DR'
// Dictionary for class lookup
$dictClass = array(
0 => '?',
1 => 'WR',
2 => 'PL',
3 => 'HN',
4 => 'RO',
5 => 'PR',
6 => 'DK',
7 => 'SA',
8 => 'MA',
9 => 'WA',
10 => 'MK',
11 => 'DU'
// Select the char database
mysql_select_db($char, $conn);
// Select top 10 characters based on most xp
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters ORDER BY level DESC, xp DESC LIMIT 10");
// Generate the leaderboard for each characters found with the sql query
// If less then 10 characters are found then this *should* only display what it finds.
$leaderboard = '';
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// Perform lookup for $row['race'] and $row['class']
$race = isset($dictRace[$row['race']]) ? $dictRace[$row['race']] : '?';
$class = isset($dictClass[$row['class']]) ? $dictClass[$row['class']] : '?';
// format this leaderboard row into html
$leaderboard .= "<p>{$row['name']} - {$race} {$class} - lvl {$row['level']} ({$row['xp']}xp) - " . ($row['online'] == 0 ? 'X' : 'O') . "</p>";
} else {
// error catch for no characters at all found.
$leaderboard = "<p>No characters found.</p>";
// Close the database connection
// Now display the formatted html to the wow client. DO NOT EDIT THIS.
// The newlines at the start and end are important.
// When you download this script, make sure the blank newline at the end of this file is intact
// Without it the client will error out and won't display any news?>
SERVERALERT:<html><body><p>[Realm info]</p><?php echo $stats; ?><p>[Leaderboard]</p><?php echo $leaderboard; ?></body></html>
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MobCat commented Jul 15, 2023

PLEASE NOTE. github has removed the newline at the end of this file IT IS NEEDED for the news page to render.
just press enter at end of </html>, make sure you have a line 190 and then save it.

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