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MobCat / XboxScreenshot.bat
Last active July 26, 2022 01:20
Draft 1.2 for automatically dumping a xbox screenshot to a mapped network drive.
@echo off
::Please note, this is for use with the official XboxSDK (XDK) installed into your computer and your xbox devkit on the same network.
::Setup for automaticly getting the name of your defult xbox devkit
::TODO Find out if I can get running app title aswell.
set KEY_NAME=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\XboxSDK
set VALUE_NAME=XboxName
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,*" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do (
set XboxName=%%C
MobCat /
Created May 27, 2022 03:06
Shitty python script that runs more python scripts
#!/MobCat (2022)
import schedule # Re-run our script once per day
import time # Shitty wait timer
import subprocess # Yo dawg, I heard you like python, so we used python to run your python.
import datetime # Set time for the clock... why this and time idk...
# The script we are going to run with this scheduler
def main():
MobCat / PSPScreenshot.bat
Created June 26, 2022 02:27
Broken demo of screen capture for DTP-T1000
::@echo off
:: User veribals
:: IP address of devkit
set devkitIP=
set gamestr=pspdev
:: System veribals, don't mess with it
set datestr=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~7,2%%DATE:~4,2%-%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%%TIME:~6,2%
:: cd to direct debug app thingy and connect to our devkit
cd C:\usr\local\PSP\devkit\
MobCat /
Created July 6, 2022 08:55
Flip X number of coins and then count them. Or flip 0 number of coins and count forever.
#/MobCat (2022)
import random
from datetime import datetime
heads = 0
tails = 0
total = 0
MobCat /
Last active April 20, 2023 07:28
Python Russian roulette for windows.
#/MobCat (2023)
# This game is a meme.
I keep seeing this dumb meme
But it's full of errors so im turning it into a "real" game. but.
██████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ████████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ████████╗██╗ ██╗██╗███████╗
██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗ ████╗ ██║██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ██║ ╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██║██╔════╝
MobCat /
Last active March 31, 2023 12:26
Get unix time in console, copies pre-formatted time for discord to your clipboard.
#/MobCat (2023)
# This was made in about 30 sec with AI
# So dont trust it
# Usage.
# +01:30 will give you unix time string in an hour and a half
# -01:30 Same but minus
# 20221207 17:09 Will give you the time string for 2022-12-07 05:09 PM
# Full date time is in 24 hour but I like 12. So I shold fix that
MobCat / players.csv
Created April 10, 2023 04:41
Twin Galaxies players list. Please update as needed this was more of just a demo for custom names.
Blackstorm BLK
William Billich WBL
Chin-Yu Lee RA3
Chen-Liang Kuo RA6
Michael Armstrong ARM
Chris Wilcox COX
Andy Bejaren ADY
JBFcrasher JBF
Excelliron KTW
MobCat /
Created April 10, 2023 04:43
Slow and trash tool for dumping Hydro Thunder scores from Twin Galaxies. This could be used with other TG scores if adjusted.
#/MobCat (2023)
# A super shit and super slow tool for automatically downloading Hydro Thunder arcade
# times for Twin Galaxies and exporting them into a csv you can use with
# as TG does not seem to display player initials and boats used
# a lookup table was made for players, and boats will be chosen randomly.
# The "Not Accessible" tracks will have default data placed there
# as TG does not have times for these tracks... as they are not accessible in game.
Track Initials Boat Timestamp
Ship Graveyard BLK Blowfish 01:31.82
Ship Graveyard RA3 Armed Response 01:31.99
Ship Graveyard RA6 Rad Hazzard 01:32.63
Ship Graveyard WBL Miss Behave 01:33.06
Ship Graveyard RAL Midway 01:33.59
Ship Graveyard ROB Damn the Torpedoes 01:36.16
Ship Graveyard KEV Midway 01:36.46
Ship Graveyard SHA Damn the Torpedoes 01:36.46
Ship Graveyard DON Razorback 01:37.16
MobCat / index.php
Last active August 12, 2023 14:08
"Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// "Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// (replace "Breaking News" Article on World of Warcraft login screen)
// By MobCat (2023)
// Preview
// Server side this has only been tested with trinity core for WoW 3.3.5 with sql 5.
// This will fubar on newer sql vers, sorry. But wont be to hard to convert mysql_query to $conn->query($sql) and so on
// Also https might brake it, idk.