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Last active July 8, 2020 13:33
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class Environment:
P_HEIGHT = 2 # Height of the player
F_HEIGHT = 20 # Height of the field
W_HEIGHT = 2 # Height of the walls
WIDTH = 10 # Width of the field and the walls
MIN_H_WIDTH = 2 # Minimum width of the holes
MAX_H_WIDTH = 6 # Maximum width of the holes
MIN_P_WIDTH = 2 # Minimum Width of the player
MAX_P_WIDTH = 6 # Maximum Width of the player
HEIGHT_MUL = 30 # Height Multiplier (used to draw np.array as blocks in pygame )
WIDTH_MUL = 40 # Width Multiplier (used to draw np.array as blocks in pygame )
WINDOW_HEIGHT = (F_HEIGHT+1) * HEIGHT_MUL # Height of the pygame window
WINDOW_WIDTH = (WIDTH) * WIDTH_MUL # Widh of the pygame window
ACTION_SPACE = [0,1,2,3,4]
PUNISHMENT = -100 # Punishment increment
REWARD = 10 # Reward increment
score = 0 # Initial Score
MOVE_WALL_EVERY = 4 # Every how many frames the wall moves.
MOVE_PLAYER_EVERY = 1 # Every how many frames the player moves.
frames_counter = 0
def __init__(self):
# Colors:
self.BLACK = (25,25,25)
self.WHITE = (255,255,255)
self.RED = (255, 80, 80)
self.BLUE = (80, 80, 255)
self.field = self.walls = self.player = None
self.current_state = self.reset()
self.val2color = {0:self.WHITE, self.walls[0].body_unit:self.BLACK,
self.player.body_unit:self.BLACK, self.MAX_VAL:self.RED}
def reset(self):
self.score = 0
self.frames_counter = 0
self.game_over = False
self.field = Field(height=self.F_HEIGHT, width=self.WIDTH )
w1 = Wall( height = self.W_HEIGHT, width=self.WIDTH,
hole_width = randint(self.MIN_H_WIDTH,self.MAX_H_WIDTH),
field = self.field)
self.walls = deque([w1])
p_width = randint(self.MIN_P_WIDTH,self.MAX_P_WIDTH)
self.player = Player( height = self.P_HEIGHT, max_width = self.WIDTH,
width = p_width,
x = randint(0,self.field.width-p_width),
y = int(self.field.height*0.7), speed = 1)
self.MAX_VAL = self.player.body_unit + w1.body_unit
# Update the field :
self.field.update_field(self.walls, self.player)
observation = self.field.body/self.MAX_VAL
return observation
def print_text(self, WINDOW = None, text_cords = (0,0), center = False,
text = "", color = (0,0,0), size = 32):
font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', size)
text_to_print = font.render(text, True, color)
textRect = text_to_print.get_rect()
if center: = text_cords
textRect.x = text_cords[0]
textRect.y = text_cords[1]
WINDOW.blit(text_to_print, textRect)
def step(self, action):
global score_increased
self.frames_counter += 1
reward = 0
# If the performed action is (move) then player.move method is called:
if action in [1,2]:
self.player.move(direction = action, field = self.field)
# If the performed action is (change_width) then player.change_width method is called:
elif action in [3,4]:
self.player.change_width(action = action)
# Move the wall one step (one step every WALL_SPEED frames):
if self.frames_counter % self.WALL_SPEED == 0:
# move the wall one step
# reset the frames counter
self.frames_counter = 0
# Update the field :
self.field.update_field(self.walls, self.player)
# If the player passed a wall successfully increase the reward +1
if ((self.walls[-1].y) == (self.player.y + self.player.height)) and not score_increased :
reward += self.REWARD
self.score += self.REWARD
# Increase player's stamina every time it passed a wall successfully
self.player.stamina = min(self.player.max_stamina, self.player.stamina+10)
# score_increased : a flag to make sure that reward increases once per wall
score_increased = True
# Lose Conditions :
# C1 : The player hits a wall
# C2 : Player's width was far thinner than hole's width
# C3 : Player fully consumed its stamina (energy)
lose_conds = [self.MAX_VAL in self.field.body,
((self.player.y == self.walls[-1].y) and (self.player.width < (self.walls[-1].hole_width-1))),
self.player.stamina <=0]
# If one lose condition or more happend, the game ends:
if True in lose_conds:
self.game_over = True
reward = self.PUNISHMENT
return self.field.body/self.MAX_VAL, reward, self.game_over
# Check if a wall moved out of the scene:
if self.walls[-1].out_of_range:
# Create a new wall
self.walls[-1] = Wall( height = self.W_HEIGHT, width = self.WIDTH,
hole_width = randint(self.MIN_H_WIDTH,self.MAX_H_WIDTH),
field = self.field)
score_increased = False
# Return New Observation , reward, game_over(bool)
return self.field.body/self.MAX_VAL, reward, self.game_over
def render(self, WINDOW = None, human=False):
if human:
################ Check Actions #####################
action = 0
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.game_over = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
action = 1
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
action = 2
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
action = 4
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
action = 3
################## Step ############################
_,reward, self.game_over = self.step(action)
################ Draw Environment ###################
self.field.update_field(self.walls, self.player)
for r in range(self.field.body.shape[0]):
for c in range(self.field.body.shape[1]):
(c*self.WIDTH_MUL, r*self.HEIGHT_MUL, self.WIDTH_MUL, self.HEIGHT_MUL))
self.print_text(WINDOW = WINDOW, text_cords = (self.WINDOW_WIDTH // 2, int(self.WINDOW_HEIGHT*0.1)),
text = str(self.score), color = self.RED, center = True)
self.print_text(WINDOW = WINDOW, text_cords = (0, int(self.WINDOW_HEIGHT*0.9)),
text = str(self.player.stamina), color = self.RED)
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