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Created May 14, 2022 11:30
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code for showing the genrated concert ticket.
<div class="bg-washed-blue vh-100 ph3 ph5-ns">
<header class="tc pv3">
<!-- Header content -->
<section class="ph5 flex flex-wrap justify-between">
<div class="w-100 w-50-ns tc tl-ns">
<div class="mv4 cb">
<!-- form content -->
<button class="f6 link dim br2 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib white bg-dark-green ba b--green pointer" @click="handleSubmit">Generate Ticket</button>
<!-- Generated ticket is conditionally rendered-->
<div class="w-100 w-50-ns pa3">
<h2 class="calisto fw1 f4-ns f3 underline">Result</h2>
<div v-if="showConcertTicket" class="mt-10">
// import ticket images
export default {
data() {
return {
showConcertTicket: false,
methods: {
selectImage(imageId, publicId) {
//method code goes here
//add the method below
handleSubmit() {
if (!this.imageId || (this.formData.concertName === ''|| this.formData.artist === '')) {
this.formData.error = true
} else {
this.showConcertTicket = true
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