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Last active April 21, 2022 12:57
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<div class="ph4 pv3 bg-washed-red vh-100">
<header class="tc pv3 pv3-ns">
<h1 class="mt2 mb0 baskerville fw1 f2-ns f3">Contact Card Barcode Generator</h1>
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between">
<form class="tc w-50-ns w-100 mt4 ph5-ns">
<label for="contact-name" class="db tl">Contact name</label>
<input id="contact-name" v-model="contactName" type="text" name="contact-name" class="db pa2 w-40-l w-80-m w-100 mt2 br2 ba b--black-50">
<label for="contact-number" class="db tl mt4">Contact number</label>
<input id="contact-number" v-model="contactNumber" type="number" number="contact-number" class="db pa2 w-40-l w-80-m w-100 mt2 br2 ba b--black-50">
<button class="f6 link dim br2 ph3 pv2 db white bg-dark-green ba b--green pointer tl mv3" type="submit">Generate Barcode</button>
<section class="w-50-ns w-100 tl pa3">
<!-- generated barcode goes here -->
export default {
return {
contactName: '',
contactNumber: 0,
/* chrome: removes the number type inner anchor */
input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
/* Firefox: removes the number type inner anchor */
input[type="number"] {
-moz-appearance: textfield;
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