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Created November 23, 2020 04:00
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ElasticPress modifications
//Search fields indexed by post type. Yes, I should do this in a tidier way.
global $search_index_fields;
$search_index_fields = array(
'still_image' => array('people','business','location','format_original','author','notes'),
'audio' => array('people','business','transcript','format_original','author','additional'),
'video' => array('people','business','format_original','transcript','author','additional'),
'person' => array('name','known_as','maiden_name','military_identification','birthplace','parents','partner','children','deathplace','biography'),
'text' => array('people','business','location','format_original','author','notes','publisher','transcript')
//This function returns our full list of meta fields
//It either returns a plain array of raw meta keys, or the same meta keys but formatted like meta.[key].value
function kb_get_search_fields($raw = false){
global $search_index_fields;
$all_fields = ['post_title'];
foreach($search_index_fields as $post_type => $fields){
foreach($fields as $field){
$key = "meta.$field.value";
if(!in_array($key,$all_fields)) $all_fields[] = ($raw ? $field : $key);
return $all_fields;
//Add fields to the plugin UI
function knowledgebank_add_custom_field_elasticpress_weighting( $fields, $post_type ) {
$fields['meta'] = array(
'label' => 'Custom Fields',
'children' => array(),
global $search_index_fields;
foreach($search_index_fields[$post_type] as $field){ //
// Change my_custom_field here to what you need.
$key = 'meta.' . $field;
$fields['meta']['children'][ $key ] = array(
'key' => $key,
'label' => ucwords($field),
return $fields;
add_filter('ep_weighting_fields_for_post_type','knowledgebank_add_custom_field_elasticpress_weighting', 10, 2);
//Prepare fancier meta
function knowledgebank_ep_prepare_meta_data($meta,$post){
global $search_index_fields;
$search_fields = kb_get_search_fields(true);
foreach($meta as $key => $value){
if(!in_array($key, $search_fields)) unset($meta[$key]);
//$transcript = get_field('transcript', $post->ID);
//$meta['transcript'] = array($transcript);
//name fields are repeaters, each row having first, middle, surname and (possibly) a reference field to a person record
foreach(['people','author','partner','children','parents'] as $name_field){
$people = get_field($name_field, $post->ID);
//get an array of names - we can easily do this by stripping the reference field on each row and imploding the remaining name fields
$names = array_map(function($person){
if(!empty($person['record'])) unset($person['record']);
return implode(' ',$person);
if(!empty($names)) $meta[$name_field] = implode(', ',$names); //eg John Smith, Rosie Jones, Derek Green
// print_r(array_keys($meta));
// global $wpdb;
// $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE "%wpcli_sync%"');
// exit;
return $meta;
add_filter( 'ep_prepare_meta_data', 'knowledgebank_ep_prepare_meta_data',1,2);
//Search everything we index
function knowledgebank_ep_search_fields($search_fields, $args){
return kb_get_search_fields();
add_filter( 'ep_search_fields', 'knowledgebank_ep_search_fields',10,2);
//Which post types you want to index - presumably overrides the UI options... not 100% sure if needed
function knowledgebank_ep_indexable_post_types($types){
global $search_index_fields;
return array_keys($search_index_fields);
//The one hook to rule them all - fully modify the query data which is to be posted to the server as JSON (still PHP at this stage)
function knowledgebank_ep_formatted_args( $formatted_args, $args ) {
if (
! empty( $formatted_args['query']['bool']['should'] ) &&
is_array( $formatted_args['query']['bool']['should'] )
) {
global $search_index_fields;
$all_fields = kb_get_search_fields();
$simple_query = array(
'simple_query_string' => array(
'query' => $formatted_args['query']['bool']['should'][0]['multi_match']['query'],
'fields' => $all_fields,
'default_operator' => 'AND',
'flags' => 'ALL'
$formatted_args['query']['bool']['should'] = array($simple_query);
return $formatted_args;
add_filter( 'ep_formatted_args', 'knowledgebank_ep_formatted_args', 10, 2 );
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