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Last active February 1, 2022 13:36
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Virtual DOM computing by Page Size
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { A } from '@ember/array';
import object, { action, set } from '@ember/object';
export default Controller.extend({
totalCount: 1000,
listItems: A(),
showList: false,
scrollBinded: false,
VDArgs: '',
virtualElementHeight: 0,
let self = this,
listItems = A();
for (let i=0; i<self.totalCount; i++){
listItems.pushObject(object.create({'name': i+1, 'canShowItem': true}));
set(self, 'listItems', listItems);
bindScroll(selector, namespace, scroll_function) {
let onScroll;
set(this, 'scrollBinded', true);
onScroll = function(event) {
return scroll_function(event);
let eventName = namespace ? 'scroll.' + namespace : 'scroll';
$(selector).on(eventName, onScroll)
unbindScroll(selector, namespace) {
set(this, 'scrollBinded', false);
let eventName = namespace ? 'scroll.' + namespace : 'scroll';
toggleItems: action(function(hiddenListIndices, status, itemHeight){
let self = this,
startIndex = hiddenListIndices,
endIndex = hiddenListIndices,
listItems = self.listItems,
tagClassName = self.VDArgs.itemClassName;
if (!status) {
startIndex = hiddenListIndices-30;
} else {
endIndex += 30;
if (startIndex >= 0) {
for(let i=startIndex; i<endIndex; i++){
set(listItems[i], 'canShowItem', status);
if (status) {
hiddenListIndices -= 30;
if (hiddenListIndices >=0 ){
set(self, 'virtualElementHeight', (itemHeight*hiddenListIndices)+'px');
let self = this;
self.bindScroll('.list-wrapper', null, function(scollListElement){
scollListElement = $([0];
set(self, 'VDArgs', {scrolledPos: scollListElement.scrollTop, itemClassName: 'vd-item'});
if (this.showList){
self.unbindScroll('.list-wrapper', null);
set(this, 'scrollBinded', false);
set(this, 'showList', !this.showList);
import Modifier from 'ember-modifier';
import { action, set } from '@ember/object';
export default class virtualDomElement extends Modifier {
virtualElementCount = 0;
prevScrolledPos = 0;
let self = this,
[handler] = self.args.positional,
virtualElementCount = self.virtualElementCount;
if (handler.scrolledPos < 10){
set(self, 'prevScrolledPos', 0);
set(self, 'virtualElementCount', 0);
let scrolledPos = handler.scrolledPos,
itemHeight = $('.'+handler.itemClassName+virtualElementCount)[0].offsetHeight;
if(scrolledPos < self.prevScrolledPos){
if (itemHeight*(virtualElementCount) >= scrolledPos){
console.log(virtualElementCount, 'Prev');
virtualElementCount = virtualElementCount - 30;
this.args.named.callback(virtualElementCount, true, itemHeight);
} else {
if (itemHeight*(virtualElementCount + 30) <= scrolledPos){
virtualElementCount = virtualElementCount + 30
this.args.named.callback(virtualElementCount, false, itemHeight);
set(self, 'prevScrolledPos', scrolledPos);
console.log(virtualElementCount, 'Reached');
set(self, 'virtualElementCount', virtualElementCount);
<h2><u>Virtual DOM - toggle 30 items</u></h2>
:: Total items : {{input value=totalCount}} &nbsp;
<button {{action 'toggleList' true}}>
{{#if showList}}
{{/if}} list
{{#if showList}}
<div class='list-wrapper' style='max-height:430px;overflow-y:auto;border:ridge 1px;background:aliceblue;'>
<ul style="list-style-type: none;margin:0;" {{virtual-dom-element VDArgs callback=toggleItems}}>
<li class='def-list-item' style="border: solid 0.1px lightgrey; height:{{virtualElementHeight}}"></li>
{{#each listItems as |item index|}}
{{#if item.canShowItem}}
<li class='list-item {{concat 'vd-item' index}}' style="border: solid 0.1px lightgrey;padding: 10px;">
<b> {{}} :: {{index}} </b>
"version": "0.17.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.18.1",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.18.1",
"ember-testing": "3.18.1"
"addons": {
"@glimmer/component": "1.0.0",
"ember-modifier": "1.0.5"
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