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Created July 3, 2022 12:50
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Terminal Style Portfolio in ReactJS
<div id="root"></div>
const App = () => {
const [ theme, setTheme ] = React.useState('dark')
const themeVars = theme === 'dark' ? {
app: {backgroundColor: '#333444'},
terminal: {boxShadow: '0 2px 5px #111'},
window: {backgroundColor: '#222345', color: '#F4F4F4'},
field: {backgroundColor: '#222333', color: '#F4F4F4', fontWeight: 'normal'},
cursor: {animation : '1.02s blink-dark step-end infinite'}
} : {
app: {backgroundColor: '#ACA9BB'},
terminal: {boxShadow: '0 2px 5px #33333375'},
window: {backgroundColor: '#5F5C6D', color: '#E3E3E3'},
field: {backgroundColor: '#E3E3E3', color: '#474554', fontWeight: 'bold'},
cursor: {animation : '1.02s blink-light step-end infinite'}
return <div id="app" style={}>
<Terminal theme={themeVars} setTheme={setTheme}/>
const Terminal = ({ theme, setTheme }) => {
const [ maximized, setMaximized ] = React.useState(false)
const [ title, setTitle ] = React.useState('React Terminal')
const handleClose = () => (window.location.href = '')
const handleMinMax = () => {
return <div id="terminal" style={maximized ? {height: '100vh', width: '100vw', maxWidth: '100vw'} : theme.terminal}>
<div id="window" style={theme.window}>
<button className="btn red" onClick={handleClose}/>
<button id="useless-btn" className="btn yellow"/>
<button className="btn green" onClick={handleMinMax}/>
<span id="title" style={{color: theme.window.color}}>{title}</span>
<Field theme={theme} setTheme={setTheme} setTitle={setTitle}/>
class Field extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
commandHistory: [],
commandHistoryIndex: 0,
fieldHistory: [{text: 'React Terminal'}, {text: 'Type HELP to see the full list of commands.', hasBuffer: true}],
userInput: '',
isMobile: false
this.recognizedCommands = [{
command: 'help',
purpose: 'Provides help information for React Terminal commands.'
}, {
command: 'date',
purpose: 'Displays the current date.'
}, {
command: 'start',
purpose: 'Launches a specified URL in a new tab or separate window.',
help: [
'Launches a specified URL in a new tab or separate window.',
'URL......................The website you want to open.'
}, {
command: 'cls',
purpose: 'Clears the screen.'
}, {
command: 'cmd',
purpose: 'Starts a new instance of the React Terminal.'
}, {
command: 'theme',
purpose: 'Sets the color scheme of the React Terminal.',
help: [
'THEME <L|LIGHT|D|DARK> [-s, -save]',
'Sets the color scheme of the React Terminal.',
'L, LIGHT.................Sets the color scheme to light mode.',
'D, DARK..................Sets the color scheme to dark mode.',
'-s, -save................Saves the setting to localStorage.'
}, {
command: 'exit',
purpose: 'Quits the React Terminal and returns to Jacob\'s portfolio page.'
}, {
command: 'time',
purpose: 'Displays the current time.'
}, {
command: 'about',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Displays basic information about Taseen.'
}, {
command: 'experience',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Displays information about Tassins's experience.'
}, {
command: 'skills',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Displays information about Tassins's skills as a developer.'
}, {
command: 'contact',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Displays contact information for Taseen.'
}, {
command: 'projects',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Displays information about what projects Jacob has done in the past.'
}, {
command: 'project',
isMain: true,
purpose: 'Launches a specified project in a new tab or separate window.',
help: [
'Launches a specified project in a new tab or separate window.',
'List of projects currently include:',
'TITLE....................The title of the project you want to view.'
}, {
command: 'title',
purpose: 'Sets the window title for the React Terminal.',
help: [
'Sets the window title for the React Terminal.',
'INPUT....................The title you want to use for the React Terminal window.'
}, ...['google', 'duckduckgo', 'bing'].map(cmd => {
const properCase = cmd === 'google' ? 'Google' : cmd === 'duckduckgo' ? 'DuckDuckGo' : 'Bing'
return {
command: cmd,
purpose: `Searches a given query using ${properCase}.`,
help: [
`${cmd.toUpperCase()} <QUERY>`,
`Searches a given query using ${properCase}. If no query is provided, simply launches ${properCase}.`,
`QUERY....................It\'s the same as if you were to type inside the ${properCase} search bar.`
this.handleTyping = this.handleTyping.bind(this)
this.handleInputEvaluation = this.handleInputEvaluation.bind(this)
this.handleInputExecution = this.handleInputExecution.bind(this)
this.handleContextMenuPaste = this.handleContextMenuPaste.bind(this)
componentDidMount() {
if (typeof window.orientation !== "undefined" || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') !== -1) {
this.setState(state => ({
isMobile: true,
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {isCommand: true}, {
text: `Unfortunately due to this application being an 'input-less' environment, mobile is not supported. I'm working on figuring out how to get around this, so please bear with me! In the meantime, come on back if you're ever on a desktop.`,
isError: true,
hasBuffer: true
} else {
const userElem = document.querySelector('#field')
const themePref = window.localStorage.getItem('reactTerminalThemePref')
// Disable this if you're working on a fork with auto run enabled... trust me.
document.querySelector('#useless-btn').addEventListener('click', () => this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {isCommand: true}, {text: 'SYS >> That button doesn\'t do anything.', hasBuffer: true}]
if (themePref) {
componentDidUpdate() {
const userElem = document.querySelector('#field')
userElem.scrollTop = userElem.scrollHeight
handleTyping(e) {
const { key, ctrlKey, altKey } = e
const forbidden = [
...Array.from({length: 12}, (x, y) => `F${y + 1}`),
'ContextMenu', 'Meta', 'NumLock', 'Shift', 'Control', 'Alt',
'CapsLock', 'Tab', 'ScrollLock', 'Pause', 'Insert', 'Home',
'PageUp', 'Delete', 'End', 'PageDown'
if (!forbidden.some(s => s === key) && !ctrlKey && !altKey) {
if (key === 'Backspace') {
this.setState(state => state.userInput = state.userInput.slice(0, -1))
} else if (key === 'Escape') {
this.setState({ userInput: '' })
} else if (key === 'ArrowUp' || key === 'ArrowLeft') {
const { commandHistory, commandHistoryIndex } = this.state
const upperLimit = commandHistoryIndex >= commandHistory.length
if (!upperLimit) {
this.setState(state => ({
commandHistoryIndex: state.commandHistoryIndex += 1,
userInput: state.commandHistory[state.commandHistoryIndex - 1]
} else if (key === 'ArrowDown' || key === 'ArrowRight') {
const { commandHistory, commandHistoryIndex } = this.state
const lowerLimit = commandHistoryIndex === 0
if (!lowerLimit) {
this.setState(state => ({
commandHistoryIndex: state.commandHistoryIndex -= 1,
userInput: state.commandHistory[state.commandHistoryIndex - 1] || ''
} else if (key === 'Enter') {
const { userInput } = this.state
if (userInput.length) {
this.setState(state => ({
commandHistory: userInput === '' ? state.commandHistory : [userInput, ...state.commandHistory],
commandHistoryIndex: 0,
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: userInput, isCommand: true}],
userInput: ''
}), () => this.handleInputEvaluation(userInput))
} else {
this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {isCommand: true}]
} else {
this.setState(state => ({
commandHistoryIndex: 0,
userInput: state.userInput += key
handleInputEvaluation(input) {
try {
const evaluatedForArithmetic = math.evaluate(input)
if (!isNaN(evaluatedForArithmetic)) {
return this.setState(state => ({fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: evaluatedForArithmetic}]}))
throw Error
} catch (err) {
const { recognizedCommands, giveError, handleInputExecution } = this
const cleanedInput = input.toLowerCase().trim()
const dividedInput = cleanedInput.split(' ')
const parsedCmd = dividedInput[0]
const parsedParams = dividedInput.slice(1).filter(s => s[0] !== '-')
const parsedFlags = dividedInput.slice(1).filter(s => s[0] === '-')
const isError = !recognizedCommands.some(s => s.command === parsedCmd)
if (isError) {
return this.setState(state => ({fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, giveError('nr', input)]}))
return handleInputExecution(parsedCmd, parsedParams, parsedFlags)
handleInputExecution(cmd, params = [], flags = []) {
if (cmd === 'help') {
if (params.length) {
if (params.length > 1) {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, this.giveError('bp', {cmd: 'HELP', noAccepted: 1})]
const cmdsWithHelp = this.recognizedCommands.filter(s =>
if (cmdsWithHelp.filter(s => s.command === params[0]).length) {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {
text: cmdsWithHelp.filter(s => s.command === params[0])[0].help,
hasBuffer: true
} else if (this.recognizedCommands.filter(s => s.command === params[0]).length) {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {
text: [
`No additional help needed for ${this.recognizedCommands.filter(s => s.command === params[0])[0].command.toUpperCase()}`,
this.recognizedCommands.filter(s => s.command === params[0])[0].purpose
hasBuffer: true
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, this.giveError('up', params[0].toUpperCase())]
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {
text: [
'Main commands:',
.sort((a, b) => a.command.localeCompare(b.command))
.filter(({ isMain }) => isMain)
.map(({ command, purpose }) => `${command.toUpperCase()}${Array.from({length: 15 - command.length}, x => '.').join('')}${purpose}`),
'All commands:',
.sort((a, b) => a.command.localeCompare(b.command))
.map(({ command, purpose }) => `${command.toUpperCase()}${Array.from({length: 15 - command.length}, x => '.').join('')}${purpose}`),
'For help about a specific command, type HELP <CMD>, e.g. HELP PROJECT.'
hasBuffer: true
} else if (cmd === 'cls') {
return this.setState({fieldHistory: []})
} else if (cmd === 'start') {
if (params.length === 1) {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: `Launching ${params[0]}...`, hasBuffer: true}]
}), () =>[0]) ? params[0] : `https://${params[0]}`))
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, this.giveError('bp', {cmd: 'START', noAccepted: 1})]
} else if (cmd === 'date') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: `The current date is: ${new Date(}`, hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'cmd') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: 'Launching new instance of the React Terminal...', hasBuffer: true}]
}), () =>''))
} else if (cmd === 'theme') {
const { setTheme } = this.props
const validParams = params.length === 1 && (['d', 'dark', 'l', 'light'].some(s => s === params[0]))
const validFlags = flags.length ? flags.length === 1 && (flags[0] === '-s' || flags[0] === '-save') ? true : false : true
if (validParams && validFlags) {
const themeToSet = params[0] === 'd' || params[0] === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light'
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: `Set the theme to ${themeToSet.toUpperCase()} mode`, hasBuffer: true}]
}), () => {
if (flags.length === 1 && (flags[0] === '-s' || flags[0] === '-save')) {
window.localStorage.setItem('reactTerminalThemePref', themeToSet)
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, this.giveError(!validParams ? 'bp' : 'bf', !validParams ? {cmd: 'THEME', noAccepted: 1} : 'THEME')]
} else if (cmd === 'exit') {
return window.location.href = ''
} else if (cmd === 'time') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: `The current time is: ${new Date(}`, hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'about') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: [
'Hey there!',
`My name is Jacob. I'm a software developer based around Washington, DC, specializing in the JavaScript ecosystem. I love programming and developing interesting things for both regular folks and developers alike!`,
`Type CONTACT if you'd like to get in touch - otherwise I hope you enjoy using the rest of the app!`
], hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'experience') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: [
'Front-end Development.................freeCodeCamp',
'JS Algorithms and Data Structures.....freeCodeCamp',
'Front-end Libraries...................freeCodeCamp',
'Responsive Web Design.................freeCodeCamp',
'Shugoll Research',
'Database Technician',
'June 2015 - Present'
], hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'skills') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: [
'React Native',
], hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'contact') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: [
'LinkedIn: @jacoblockett',
'GitHub: @huntinghawk1415',
'CodePen: @HuntingHawk'
], hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'projects') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: [
'To view any of these projects live or their source files, type PROJECT <TITLE>, e.g. PROJECT Minesweeper.',
'Built with React',
`Some time ago I became increasingly addicted to minesweeper, specifically the version offered by Google. In fact, I was so addicted that I decided to build the damn thing.`,
'Built with Express, Firebase',
'Ever heard of TinyUrl? Ever been to their website? Atrocious. So I made my own version of it.',
'Built with Node',
`I was building an MS Excel spreadsheet parser (haven't finished it, imagine my stove has 10 rows of backburners) and needed a way to generate non-opinionated XML files. There were projects out there that came close, but I decided it would be fun to build it on my own.`,
'Built with React, Redux, Bootstrap',
`This was a project I had to build for my final while taking Udacity's React Nanodegree certification course. It's an app that tracks posts and comments, likes, etc. Nothing too complicated, except for Redux... God I hate Redux.`,
'Built with vanilla ice cream',
'The classic Simon memory game. I originally built this for the freeCodeCamp legacy certification, but later came back to it because I hated how bad I was with JavaScript at the time. I also wanted to see how well I could build it during a speed-coding session. Just over an hour.',
], hasBuffer: true}]
} else if (cmd === 'project') {
if (params.length === 1) {
const projects = [{
title: 'minesweeper',
live: ''
}, {
title: 'puniurl',
live: ''
}, {
title: 'taggen',
live: ''
}, {
title: 'forum',
live: ''
}, {
title: 'simon',
live: ''
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {text: `Launching ${params[0]}...`, hasBuffer: true}]
}), () => => s.title === params[0])[0].live))
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, this.giveError('bp', {cmd: 'PROJECT', noAccepted: 1})]
} else if (cmd === 'title') {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {
text: `Set the React Terminal title to ${params.length > 0 ? params.join(' ') : '<BLANK>'}`,
hasBuffer: true
}), () => this.props.setTitle(params.length > 0 ? params.join(' ') : ''))
} else if (['google', 'duckduckgo', 'bing'].some(s => s === cmd)) {
return this.setState(state => ({
fieldHistory: [...state.fieldHistory, {
text: params.length ? `Searching ${cmd.toUpperCase()} for ${params.join(' ')}...` : `Launching ${cmd.toUpperCase()}...`,
hasBuffer: true
}), () => ? `https://www.${cmd}.com/${cmd === 'google' ? 'search' : ''}?q=${params.join('+')}` : `https://${cmd}.com/`, '_blank'))
handleContextMenuPaste(e) {
if ('clipboard' in navigator) {
navigator.clipboard.readText().then(clipboard => this.setState(state => ({
userInput: `${state.userInput}${clipboard}`
giveError(type, extra) {
const err = { text: '', isError: true, hasBuffer: true}
if (type === 'nr') {
err.text = `${extra} : The term or expression '${extra}' is not recognized. Check the spelling and try again. If you don't know what commands are recognized, type HELP.`
} else if (type === 'nf') {
err.text = `The ${extra} command requires the use of flags. If you don't know what flags can be used, type HELP ${extra}.`
} else if (type === 'bf') {
err.text = `The flags you provided for ${extra} are not valid. If you don't know what flags can be used, type HELP ${extra}.`
} else if (type === 'bp') {
err.text = `The ${extra.cmd} command requires ${extra.noAccepted} parameter(s). If you don't know what parameter(s) to use, type HELP ${extra.cmd}.`
} else if (type === 'up') {
err.text = `The command ${extra} is not supported by the HELP utility.`
return err
render() {
const { theme } = this.props
const { fieldHistory, userInput } = this.state
return <div
className={ === '#333444' ? 'dark' : 'light'}
onKeyDown={e => this.handleTyping(e)}
onContextMenu={e => this.handleContextMenuPaste(e)}
{{ text, isCommand, isError, hasBuffer }) => {
if (Array.isArray(text)) {
return <MultiText input={text} isError={isError} hasBuffer={hasBuffer}/>
return <Text input={text} isCommand={isCommand} isError={isError} hasBuffer={hasBuffer}/>
<UserText input={userInput} theme={theme.cursor}/>
const Text = ({ input, isCommand, isError, hasBuffer }) => <>
{isCommand && <div id="query">RT C:\Users\Guest></div>}
<span className={!isCommand && isError ? 'error' : ''}>{input}</span>
{hasBuffer && <div></div>}
const MultiText = ({ input, isError, hasBuffer }) => <>
{ => <Text input={s} isError={isError}/>)}
{hasBuffer && <div></div>}
const UserText = ({ input, theme }) => <div>
<div id="query">RT C:\Users\Guest></div>
<div id="cursor" style={theme}></div>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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border: none;
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width: 13px;
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but it won't for some reason. In the meantime,
overflow-wrap: break-word will have to do. */
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width: 10px;
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#field.light::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
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#cursor {
display: inline-block;
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white-space: pre-line;
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height: 3px;
@keyframes blink-dark {
0%, 100% {
background-color: #F4F4F4;
50% {
background-color: transparent;
@keyframes blink-light {
0%, 100% {
background-color: #474554;
50% {
background-color: transparent;
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px), (max-height: 600px) {
#terminal {
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
min-width: 100vw;
#field {
height: 100%;
#window {
display: none;
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