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Created February 2, 2017 02:16
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  • Save Mohitsharma44/0cbd7fb14484a1e6ecf1f26d0d52ad2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Mohitsharma44/0cbd7fb14484a1e6ecf1f26d0d52ad2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
move issues from one repo to another
# Rename to `config.ini`, and keep it in the same folder as ``
# For a full list of options, see <>
server =
repository = mohitsharma44/myrepo
username =
password = <my_fancy_password>
server =
repository = mohitsharma44/myotherrepo
username =
password = <my_fancy_password>
[format] # These can be adjusted based on your group's region and language.
date = '%c'
# If unsure, just using '%c' will default to the locale’s appropriate date and time representation.
#date = %A %b %d, %Y at %H:%M GMT # Sample: Friday Sep 13, 2013 at 22:58 GMT
#!/usr/bin/env python3
to add following functionalitites:
- Close the issues that are closed in source repo
- Load all the labels that are present in source repo
- Dry run to print output without making any changes
- Add 'all' Milestones
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import json
import base64
import sys, os
import datetime
import argparse, configparser
import query
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
default_config_file = os.path.join(__location__, 'config.ini')
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
class state:
current = ""
INITIALIZING = "script-initializing"
LOADING_CONFIG = "loading-config"
FETCHING_ISSUES = "fetching-issues"
GENERATING = "generating"
IMPORT_CONFIRMATION = "import-confirmation"
IMPORTING = "importing"
IMPORT_COMPLETE = "import-complete"
COMPLETE = "script-complete"
state.current = state.INITIALIZING
http_error_messages = {}
http_error_messages[401] = "ERROR: There was a problem during authentication.\nDouble check that your username and password are correct, and that you have permission to read from or write to the specified repositories."
http_error_messages[403] = http_error_messages[401]; # Basically the same problem. GitHub returns 403 instead to prevent abuse.
http_error_messages[404] = "ERROR: Unable to find the specified repository.\nDouble check the spelling for the source and target repositories. If either repository is private, make sure the specified user is allowed access to it."
def init_config():
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import issues from one GitHub repository into another.")
config_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
config_group.add_argument('--config', help="The location of the config file (either absolute, or relative to the current working directory). Defaults to `config.ini` found in the same folder as this script.")
config_group.add_argument('--no-config', dest='no_config', action='store_true', help="No config file will be used, and the default `config.ini` will be ignored. Instead, all settings are either passed as arguments, or (where possible) requested from the user as a prompt.")
# adding dry run
arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help="Dry Run. Will only print what it will actually do")
arg_parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help="The username of the account that will create the new issues. The username will not be stored anywhere if passed in as an argument.")
arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help="The password (in plaintext) of the account that will create the new issues. The password will not be stored anywhere if passed in as an argument.")
arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', help="The source repository which the issues should be copied from. Should be in the format `user/repository`.")
arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', help="The destination repository which the issues should be copied to. Should be in the format `user/repository`.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--ignore-comments', dest='ignore_comments', action='store_true', help="Do not import comments in the issue.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--ignore-milestone', dest='ignore_milestone', action='store_true', help="Do not import the milestone attached to the issue.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--ignore-labels', dest='ignore_labels', action='store_true', help="Do not import labels attached to the issue.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--issue-template', help="Specify a template file for use with issues.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--comment-template', help="Specify a template file for use with comments.")
arg_parser.add_argument('--pull-request-template', help="Specify a template file for use with pull requests.")
include_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
include_group.add_argument("--all", dest='import_all', action='store_true', help="Import all issues, regardless of state.")
include_group.add_argument("--open", dest='import_open', action='store_true', help="Import only open issues.")
include_group.add_argument("--closed", dest='import_closed', action='store_true', help="Import only closed issues.")
include_group.add_argument("-i", "--issues", type=int, nargs='+', help="The list of issues to import.");
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
def load_config_file(config_file_name):
config_file = open(config_file_name)
return True
except (FileNotFoundError, IOError):
return False
if args.no_config:
print("Ignoring default config file. You may be prompted for some missing settings.")
elif args.config:
config_file_name = args.config
if load_config_file(config_file_name):
print("Loaded config options from '%s'" % config_file_name)
sys.exit("ERROR: Unable to find or open config file '%s'" % config_file_name)
config_file_name = default_config_file
if load_config_file(config_file_name):
print("Loaded options from default config file in '%s'" % config_file_name)
print("Default config file not found in '%s'" % config_file_name)
print("You may be prompted for some missing settings.")
if args.username: config.set('login', 'username', args.username)
if args.password: config.set('login', 'password', args.password)
if args.source: config.set('source', 'repository', args.source)
if config.set('target', 'repository',
if args.issue_template: config.set('format', 'issue_template', args.issue_template)
if args.comment_template: config.set('format', 'comment_template', args.comment_template)
if args.pull_request_template: config.set('format', 'pull_request_template', args.pull_request_template)
config.set('settings', 'import-comments', str(not args.ignore_comments))
config.set('settings', 'import-milestone', str(not args.ignore_milestone))
config.set('settings', 'import-labels', str(not args.ignore_labels))
config.set('settings', 'import-open-issues', str(args.import_all or args.import_open));
config.set('settings', 'import-closed-issues', str(args.import_all or args.import_closed));
# dry run config
config.set('settings', 'dry-run', str(args.dry_run))
# Make sure no required config values are missing
if not config.has_option('source', 'repository') :
sys.exit("ERROR: There is no source repository specified either in the config file, or as an argument.")
if not config.has_option('target', 'repository') :
sys.exit("ERROR: There is no target repository specified either in the config file, or as an argument.")
def get_server_for(which):
# Default to '' if no server is specified
if (not config.has_option(which, 'server')):
config.set(which, 'server', "")
# if SOURCE server is not, then assume ENTERPRISE github (
if (config.get(which, 'server') == "") :
api_url = ""
api_url = "https://%s/api/v3" % config.get(which, 'server')
config.set(which, 'url', "%s/repos/%s" % (api_url, config.get(which, 'repository')))
# Prompt for username/password if none is provided in either the config or an argument
def get_credentials_for(which):
if not config.has_option(which, 'username'):
if config.has_option('login', 'username'):
config.set(which, 'username', config.get('login', 'username'))
elif ( (which == 'target') and query.yes_no("Do you wish to use the same credentials for the target repository?") ):
config.set('target', 'username', config.get('source', 'username'))
query_str = "Enter your username for '%s' at '%s': " % (config.get(which, 'repository'), config.get(which, 'server'))
config.set(which, 'username', query.username(query_str))
if not config.has_option(which, 'password'):
if config.has_option('login', 'password'):
config.set(which, 'password', config.get('login', 'password'))
elif ( (which == 'target') and config.get('source', 'username') == config.get('target', 'username') and config.get('source', 'server') == config.get('target', 'server') ):
config.set('target', 'password', config.get('source', 'password'))
query_str = "Enter your password for '%s' at '%s': " % (config.get(which, 'repository'), config.get(which, 'server'))
config.set(which, 'password', query.password(query_str))
# Everything is here! Continue on our merry way...
return args.issues or []
def format_date(datestring):
# The date comes from the API in ISO-8601 format
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
date_format = config.get('format', 'date', fallback='%A %b %d, %Y at %H:%M GMT', raw=True);
return date.strftime(date_format)
def format_from_template(template_filename, template_data):
from string import Template
template_file = open(template_filename, 'r')
template = Template(
return template.substitute(template_data)
def format_issue(template_data):
default_template = os.path.join(__location__, 'templates', '')
template = config.get('format', 'issue_template', fallback=default_template)
return format_from_template(template, template_data)
def format_pull_request(template_data):
default_template = os.path.join(__location__, 'templates', '')
template = config.get('format', 'pull_request_template', fallback=default_template)
return format_from_template(template, template_data)
def format_comment(template_data):
default_template = os.path.join(__location__, 'templates', '')
template = config.get('format', 'comment_template', fallback=default_template)
return format_from_template(template, template_data)
def send_request(which, url, post_data=None):
if post_data is None:
json_data = None
json_data = json.dumps(post_data).encode("utf-8")
#if post_data is not None:
# post_data = json.dumps(post_data).encode("utf-8")
full_url = "%s/%s" % (config.get(which, 'url'), url)
req = urllib.request.Request(full_url, json_data)
username = config.get(which, 'username')
password = config.get(which, 'password')
req.add_header("Authorization", b"Basic " + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(username.encode("utf-8") + b":" + password.encode("utf-8")))
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
req.add_header("User-Agent", "IQAndreas/github-issues-import")
# for dry run
if post_data is not None and config.getboolean('settings', 'dry-run'):
post_data['number'] = post_data.get('number', 0)
print("dry-run:", full_url)
return post_data
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
json_data =
except urllib.error.HTTPError as error:
error_details =;
error_details = json.loads(error_details.decode("utf-8"))
if error.code in http_error_messages:
error_message = "ERROR: There was a problem importing the issues.\n%s %s" % (error.code, error.reason)
if 'message' in error_details:
error_message += "\nDETAILS: " + error_details['message']
return json.loads(json_data.decode("utf-8"))
def get_milestones(which):
return send_request(which, "milestones?state=all")
def get_labels(which):
#return send_request(which, "labels")
page = 1
labels = []
while True:
next_labels = send_request(which, "labels?page=%s" % page)
if next_labels:
page += 1
return labels
def get_issue_by_id(which, issue_id):
return send_request(which, "issues/%d" % issue_id)
def get_issues_by_id(which, issue_ids):
# Populate issues based on issue IDs
issues = []
for issue_id in issue_ids:
issues.append(get_issue_by_id(which, int(issue_id)))
return issues
# Allowed values for state are 'open' and 'closed'
def get_issues_by_state(which, state):
issues = []
page = 1
while True:
new_issues = send_request(which, "issues?state=%s&direction=asc&page=%d" % (state, page))
if not new_issues:
page += 1
return issues
def get_comments_on_issue(which, issue):
if issue['comments'] != 0:
return send_request(which, "issues/%s/comments" % issue['number'])
else :
return []
def import_milestone(source):
data = {
"title": source['title'],
"state": "open",
"description": source['description'],
"due_on": source['due_on']
result_milestone = send_request('target', "milestones", source)
print("Successfully created milestone '%s'" % result_milestone['title'])
return result_milestone
def import_label(source):
data = {
"name": source['name'],
"color": source['color']
result_label = send_request('target', "labels", source)
print("Successfully created label '%s'" % result_label['name'])
return result_label
def import_comments(comments, issue_number):
result_comments = []
for comment in comments:
template_data = {}
template_data['user_name'] = comment['user']['login']
template_data['user_url'] = comment['user']['html_url']
template_data['user_avatar'] = comment['user']['avatar_url']
template_data['date'] = format_date(comment['created_at'])
template_data['url'] = comment['html_url']
template_data['body'] = comment['body']
comment['body'] = format_comment(template_data)
result_comment = send_request('target', "issues/%s/comments" % issue_number, comment)
return result_comments
# Will only import milestones and issues that are in use by the imported issues, and do not exist in the target repository
def import_issues(issues):
state.current = state.GENERATING
known_milestones = get_milestones('target')
def get_milestone_by_title(title):
for milestone in known_milestones:
if milestone['title'] == title : return milestone
return None
known_labels = get_labels('target')
def get_label_by_name(name):
for label in known_labels:
if label['name'] == name : return label
return None
new_issues = []
num_new_comments = 0
new_milestones = []
new_labels = []
for issue in issues:
new_issue = {}
new_issue['title'] = issue['title']
# Temporary fix for marking closed issues
if issue['closed_at']:
new_issue['title'] = "[CLOSED] " + new_issue['title']
if config.getboolean('settings', 'import-comments') and 'comments' in issue and issue['comments'] != 0:
num_new_comments += int(issue['comments'])
new_issue['comments'] = get_comments_on_issue('source', issue)
if config.getboolean('settings', 'import-milestone') and 'milestone' in issue and issue['milestone'] is not None:
# Since the milestones' ids are going to differ, we will compare them by title instead
found_milestone = get_milestone_by_title(issue['milestone']['title'])
if found_milestone:
new_issue['milestone_object'] = found_milestone
new_milestone = issue['milestone']
new_issue['milestone_object'] = new_milestone
known_milestones.append(new_milestone) # Allow it to be found next time
new_milestones.append(new_milestone) # Put it in a queue to add it later
if config.getboolean('settings', 'import-labels') and 'labels' in issue and issue['labels'] is not None:
new_issue['label_objects'] = []
for issue_label in issue['labels']:
found_label = get_label_by_name(issue_label['name'])
if found_label:
known_labels.append(issue_label) # Allow it to be found next time
new_labels.append(issue_label) # Put it in a queue to add it later
template_data = {}
template_data['user_name'] = issue['user']['login']
template_data['user_url'] = issue['user']['html_url']
template_data['user_avatar'] = issue['user']['avatar_url']
template_data['date'] = format_date(issue['created_at'])
template_data['url'] = issue['html_url']
template_data['body'] = issue['body']
if "pull_request" in issue and issue['pull_request']['html_url'] is not None:
new_issue['body'] = format_pull_request(template_data)
new_issue['body'] = format_issue(template_data)
state.current = state.IMPORT_CONFIRMATION
print("You are about to add to '" + config.get('target', 'repository') + "':")
print(" *", len(new_issues), "new issues")
print(" *", num_new_comments, "new comments")
print(" *", len(new_milestones), "new milestones")
print(" *", len(new_labels), "new labels")
if not query.yes_no("Are you sure you wish to continue?"):
state.current = state.IMPORTING
for milestone in new_milestones:
result_milestone = import_milestone(milestone)
milestone['number'] = result_milestone['number']
milestone['url'] = result_milestone['url']
for label in new_labels:
result_label = import_label(label)
result_issues = []
for issue in new_issues:
if 'milestone_object' in issue:
issue['milestone'] = issue['milestone_object']['number']
del issue['milestone_object']
if 'label_objects' in issue:
issue_labels = []
for label in issue['label_objects']:
issue['labels'] = issue_labels
del issue['label_objects']
result_issue = send_request('target', "issues", issue)
print("Successfully created issue '%s'" % result_issue['title'])
if 'comments' in issue:
result_comments = import_comments(issue['comments'], result_issue['number'])
print(" > Successfully added", len(result_comments), "comments.")
state.current = state.IMPORT_COMPLETE
return result_issues
def close_issues(issues):
tag = '[CLOSED] '
for issue in issues:
if tag in issue['title']:
closed_issue = {}
closed_issue['state'] = 'closed'
closed_issue['title'] = issue['title'][len(tag):]
result_issue = send_request('target', "issues/%d" % issue['number'], closed_issue)
print("Successfully closed issue '%s'" % result_issue['title'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
state.current = state.LOADING_CONFIG
issue_ids = init_config()
issues = []
state.current = state.FETCHING_ISSUES
# Argparser will prevent us from getting both issue ids and specifying issue state, so no duplicates will be added
if (len(issue_ids) > 0):
issues += get_issues_by_id('source', issue_ids)
if config.getboolean('settings', 'import-open-issues'):
issues += get_issues_by_state('source', 'open')
if config.getboolean('settings', 'import-closed-issues'):
issues += get_issues_by_state('source', 'closed')
# Sort issues based on their original `id` field
# Confusing, but taken from
issues.sort(key=lambda x:x['number'])
# Further states defined within the function
# Finally, add these issues to the target repository
state.current = state.COMPLETE
# Close the imported issues to the target repository with the closed tag, "[CLOSED]"
closed_issues = get_issues_by_state('target', 'open')
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