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Created March 14, 2017 23:00
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Installing panamax 0.6.5 using local rb file (official installer broken due to explicit calling for sha1)
require "formula"
class Panamax < Formula
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "b59f21e5a821a3886eab0e62f85fc89d8fedea6099b79d3447906dfc36d163d7"
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--var=#{var}/panamax"
system "make", "install"
resource("additional_files").stage { bin.install "panamaxcli-darwin" }
mv bin/"panamaxcli-darwin",bin/"pmxcli"
def caveats
"If upgrading the Panamax Installer, be sure to run 'panamax reinstall' to ensure compatibility with other Panamax components."
resource "additional_files" do
url ""
sha256 "58bd24d40260e269105f21f58369a002b6ebb2d6877f7ac3ffa29e280ecc6007"
test do
assert File.exist?("#{prefix}/.panamax")
assert File.exist?("#{var}/panamax")
assert_match "#{version}", shell_output("#{prefix}/.panamax/panamax -v").strip
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