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Created August 16, 2018 20:11
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CD script for APIM deployment
# This script should be used into the build pipeline to update API changes
# to Azure API management Service.
# The steps that are scripted below:
# 1. Updates the Internal Git Repo with the published API documents in Azure
# 2. Retrieves the Git Credentails of internal Repo
# 3. Clones the repo in to a temporary folder
# 4. Merges changes from VSTS repo to the temporary cloned repository
# 5. Commit dirty changes
# 6. Push changes to Azure Internal Repo (master branch)
# 7. Publishes the API updates from internal Repo to Azure API management service.
# Example Usage:
# Parameters:
# - SubscriptionId: The subscription ID where the API management Service is provisioned
# - ResourceGroup: Resource group name
# - ServiceName: API management Service name
# - SourceDirectory: Directory where the API documents, policies etc. are located
# - TempDirectory: A temporary directory where the data will be downloaded
# - UserName: $ENV:RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL - The user name that will be used to commit to Git. You can use Relase triggerd here
# - UserEmailAddress: $ENV:RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_REQUESTEDFOR The email address of the user
# - CommitMessage: $ENV:RELEASE_RELEASEWEBURL The commit message
# Get-AzureRMApiManagementGitRepo `
# -SubscriptionId "-- Subscription ID -- " `
# -ResourceGroup " -- Resource group name -- " `
# -ServiceName " --- APIM name --- " `
# -SourceDirectory "..\src\api-management" `
# -TempDirectory 'C:\Temp\apim' `
# -UserName "Moim Hossain" `
# -CommitMessage "Commited from CI"
# -UserEmailAddress "moim.hossain"
Function ExecuteGitCommand {
$gitExePath = "C:\Program Files\git\bin\git.exe"
& $gitExePath $gitCommandArguments
Function Copy-DirectoryContents {
ROBOCOPY $SrcPath $destPath /MIR
Function Get-AzureRMApiManagementGitRepo {
Write-Output "Initializing context..."
$context = New-AzureRmApiManagementContext `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup `
-ServiceName $ServiceName
Write-Output "Initializing context...Completed"
Write-Output "Syncing Git Repo with current API management state..."
Save-AzureRmApiManagementTenantGitConfiguration `
-Context $context `
-Branch 'master' `
-PassThru -Force
Write-Output "Syncing Git Repo with current API management state...Completed"
$expiry = (Get-Date) + '1:00:00'
$parameters = @{
"keyType" = "primary"
"expiry" = ('{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000Z}' -f $expiry)
$resourceId = '/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{2}/users/git' -f $SubscriptionId, $ResourceGroup, $ServiceName
if ((Test-Path -Path $TempDirectory )) {
Remove-Item $TempDirectory -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction "Stop"
$gitRemoteSrcPath = Join-Path -Path $TempDirectory -ChildPath 'remote-api-src'
Write-Output "Retrieving Git Credentials..."
$gitUsername = 'apim'
$gitPassword = (Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction `
-Action 'token' `
-ResourceId $resourceId `
-Parameters $parameters `
-ApiVersion '2016-10-10' `
$escapedGitPassword = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($gitPassword)
Write-Output "Retrieving Git Credentials...Completed"
$gitRepositoryUrl = 'https://{0}:{1}@{2}' -f $gitUsername, $escapedGitPassword, $ServiceName
Write-Host "Performing Git clone... $gitRemoteSrcPath"
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("clone", "$gitRepositoryUrl", "$gitRemoteSrcPath")
Write-Host "Performing Git clone... Completed"
# Copy changes from Source Repository (VSTS) to Locally Cloned Repository
$apiSources = Join-Path -Path $gitRemoteSrcPath -ChildPath 'api-management'
Copy-DirectoryContents `
-SrcPath $SourceDirectory `
-destPath $apiSources
Set-Location $gitRemoteSrcPath
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("config", "", $UserEmailAddress)
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("config", "", $UserName)
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("add", "--all")
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("commit", "-m", $CommitMessage)
ExecuteGitCommand -gitCommandArguments @("push")
Publish-AzureRmApiManagementTenantGitConfiguration `
-Context $context `
-Branch 'master' `
-PassThru `
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