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Created April 6, 2021 09:49
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import os
import pyttsx3 as psy
import speech_recognition as sr
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCommands Available:\n
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t1. Linux Commands Menu
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2. Setup Hadoop cluster
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t3. Docker Commands Menu
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t4. AWS configuration Menu
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t5. LVM automation commands Menu
psy.speak("Welcome to Python Automation program")
psy.speak("Choose option from above menu")
def commands():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1)
print("Start Speaking!")
psy.speak("Star Speaking.")
audio = r.record(source, duration=6)
print("Working on it")
psy.speak("Ok Working on it Please Wait!")
text = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in")
print("You said {}".format(text))
p = text.lower()
return p
while True:
p = commands()
# p = "aws"
if ("show linux command menu" in p) or ("linux" in p) or ("linux Command menu" in p) or ("first option" in p):
psy.speak("Here is you Linux Commands Menu")
os.system("python linux_menu/")
# os.system("python3 linux_menu/")
elif("setup hadoop cluster" in p) or ("hadoop cluster" in p) or ("hadoop" in p) or ("second option" in p):
psy.speak("Setting hadoop cluster for you")
os.system("python hadoop_menu/")
# os.system("python3 hadoop_menu/")
elif("docker" in p) or ("docker command menu" in p) or ("third option" in p):
psy.speak("Showing docker commands menu")
os.system("python docker_menu/")
# os.system("python3 docker_menu/")
elif("aws" in p) or ("aws commands" in p) or ("aws configuration" in p) or ("cloud menu" in p) or ("fourth option" in p):
psy.speak("Showing AWS configuration Menu")
os.system("python aws_menu/")
# os.system("python3 aws_menu/")
elif("lvm" in p) or ("lvm command menu" in p) or ("logical volume" in p) or ("fifth option" in p):
psy.speak("Showing LVM commands Menu")
os.system("python lvm_menu/")
# os.system("python3 lvm_menu/")
elif("close" in p) or ("stop" in p) or ("exit" in p):
psy.speak("Bye Have a Great Day")
elif("hi" in p) or ("hello" in p) or ("hey"in p) or ("Whats Up" in p):
psy.speak("Hello how can i help you")
elif (" "):
psy.speak("Sorry I can't understand it Please Try again")
psy.speak("Unable to run your command please try again")
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