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Created April 14, 2022 12:18
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extension View {
func flexible(width: Bool, height: Bool) -> some View {
self.modifier(MatchingParentModifier(width: width, height: height))
struct MatchingParentModifier: ViewModifier {
@State private var intrinsicSize: CGSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
private let intrinsicWidth: Bool
private let intrinsicHeight: Bool
init(width: Bool, height: Bool) {
intrinsicWidth = !width
intrinsicHeight = !height
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
GeometryReader { _ in
content.modifier(intrinsicSizeModifier(intrinsicSize: $intrinsicSize))
maxWidth: intrinsicWidth ? intrinsicSize.width : nil,
maxHeight: intrinsicHeight ? intrinsicSize.height : nil
struct intrinsicSizeModifier: ViewModifier {
@Binding var intrinsicSize: CGSize
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
content.readIntrinsicContentSize(to: $intrinsicSize)
struct IntrinsicContentSizePreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static let defaultValue: CGSize = .zero
static func reduce(value: inout CGSize, nextValue: () -> CGSize) {
value = nextValue()
extension View {
func readIntrinsicContentSize(to size: Binding<CGSize>) -> some View {
GeometryReader {
key: IntrinsicContentSizePreferenceKey.self,
value: $0.size
.onPreferenceChange(IntrinsicContentSizePreferenceKey.self) {
size.wrappedValue = $0
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