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Last active July 14, 2022 05:31
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Use `cols_label` to relabel multiple columns with the `gt` package
# Read in data
# Using LA Budget data:
la_budget_raw = read_csv("")
# cleaner column names
la_budget = clean_names(la_budget_raw)
# Pivot data to a table-friendly(-ish) format
la_budget_table = la_budget %>%
# use all the id columns you care about
# select the column which is being pivoted to the column names (fiscal year in this case)
# select the values you care about
pivot_wider(id_cols = c(department_name, department, fund_name, fund, account_name, account, account_group_name),
names_from = budget_fiscal_year,
values_from = c(adopted_budget_amount, total_expenditures, budget_change_amount, budget_transfer_in_amount,
budget_transfer_out_amount, total_budget, encumbrance_amount, budget_uncommitted_amount)) %>%
# Arrange the data and column order
arrange(department, fund, account) %>%
select(department_name, department, fund_name, fund, account_name, account, account_group_name,
contains("2012"), contains("2013"), contains("2014"), contains("2015"), contains("2016"), contains("2017"),
contains("2018"), contains("2019"), contains("2020"))
# Create a named vector of column names and their associated labels
col_labs = head(la_budget_table, 1) %>% # Take the first row of a column
mutate_all(as.character) %>% # prevents errors in pivot_longer
# convert to column-value pair dataframe
pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "column", values_to = "value") %>%
# remove the value
select(-value) %>%
# Craft the desired label
# Below I remove the year, replace underscores with spaces, and convert to title case
mutate(label = str_to_title(str_replace_all(str_remove(column, "_20[0-9]{2}$"), "_", " "))) %>%
# Deframe to named vector
# Use the .list argument in cols_label
la_budget_table %>%
gt() %>%
cols_label(.list = col_labs)
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