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Created April 19, 2012 20:49
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Save Moketronics/2424086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quickly displays appropriate prices w/ tax for various publications
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<title>Quick Price Finder | TSI Network</title>
<script src="./jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background-color: #eee;
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width: 800px;
margin: 10px auto;
background-color: #fff;
height: 100%;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
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border-radius: 15px;
padding: 1px;
width: 700px;
margin: 1em auto;
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margin:1em auto;
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text-align: center;
td, th {
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table {
.right_align {
#first_col {
width: 300px;
#sec_col {
width: 80px;
#third_col {
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#fourth_col {
width: 100px;
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<div id="container">
<div id="mainbox">
<h1 class="center_text">TSI Network Quick Price Finder</h1>
<div id="controlform">
<table class="center center_text">
<td><b>Select a province:</b></td>
<td><b>Select a publication:</b></td>
<td><b>Select an order type:</b></td>
<select name="province" id="province" class="m_input">
<option value="none">Please choose province</option>
<option value="on">Ontario</option>
<option value="qc">Quebec</option>
<option value="bc">British Columbia</option>
<option value="ab">Alberta</option>
<option value="mb">Manitoba</option>
<option value="sk">Saskatchewan</option>
<option value="ns">Nova Scotia</option>
<option value="nb">New Brunswick</option>
<option value="nl">Newfoundland and Labrador</option>
<option value="pe">Prince Edward Island</option>
<option value="nt">Northwest Territories</option>
<option value="yt">Yukon</option>
<option value="nu">Nunavut</option>
<select name="publication" id="publication" class="m_input">
<option value="all">All publications</option>
<option value="tsi">The Successful Investor</option>
<option value="spd">Stock Pickers Digest</option>
<option value="wssf">Wall Street Stock Forecaster</option>
<option value="cwa">Canadian Wealth Advisor</option>
<option value="ic">Inner Circle</option>
<select name="type" id="type" class="m_input">
<option value="all">All types</option>
<option value="new">New Order</option>
<option value="ren-a">Renewal Order</option>
<option value="ren-c"> &nbsp; &nbsp; <b>C</b>onversion</option>
<option value="ren-r"> &nbsp; &nbsp; <b>R</b>egular</option>
<div id="result">
<!-- stuff goes here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Array of publication data.
var publications = {
{ "s_type" : "fullprice", "price" : 139, "savings": '-' },
{ "s_type" : "welcome", "price" : 89, "savings": '$50' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_c", "price" : 99, "savings": '$40' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_r", "price" : 123, "savings": '$16' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_c", "price" : 24.75, "savings": '$40'},
{ "s_type" : "auto_r", "price" : 30.75, "savings": "Over 10%" },
{ "s_type" : "twoyear_r", "price" : 246, "savings": '$32' },
{ "s_type" : "webrate", "price" : 89, "savings": '$50' }
{ "s_type" : "fullprice", "price" : 168, "savings": '-' },
{ "s_type" : "welcome", "price" : 118, "savings": '$50' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_c", "price" : 134, "savings": '$34' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_r", "price" : 147, "savings": '$21'},
{ "s_type" : "auto_c", "price" : 33.5, "savings": '$40' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_r", "price" : 36.75, "savings": "Over 10%" },
{ "s_type" : "twoyear_r", "price" : 294, "savings": '$42' },
{ "s_type" : "webrate", "price" : 118, "savings": '$50' }
{ "s_type" : "fullprice", "price" : 144, "savings": '-' },
{ "s_type" : "welcome", "price" : 89, "savings": '$55' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_c", "price" : 99, "savings": '$45' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_r", "price" : 127, "savings": '$17' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_c", "price" : 24.75, "savings": '$40' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_r", "price" : 31.75, "savings": "Over 10%" },
{ "s_type" : "twoyear_r", "price" : 254, "savings": '$34' },
{ "s_type" : "webrate", "price" : 94, "savings": '$50' }
{ "s_type" : "fullprice", "price" : 119, "savings": '-' },
{ "s_type" : "welcome", "price" : 69, "savings": '$50' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_c", "price" : 89, "savings": '$30' },
{ "s_type" : "renewal_r", "price" : 107, "savings": '$12' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_c", "price" : 22.25, "savings": '$40' },
{ "s_type" : "auto_r", "price" : 26.75, "savings": "Over 10%" },
{ "s_type" : "twoyear_r", "price" : 214, "savings": '$24' },
{ "s_type" : "webrate", "price" : 69, "savings": '$50' }
{ "s_type" : "aren", "price" : 49, "savings": "-" },
{ "s_type" : "year", "price" : 625, "savings": "-" }
// Array of tax values for provinces.
var taxbrackets = {
"on": 13,
"nb": 13,
"nl": 13,
"ns": 14,
"bc": 12,
"qc": 5,
"ab": 5,
"sk": 5,
"mb": 5,
"pe": 5,
"yt": 5,
"nt": 5,
"nu": 5
function update_price_table(prov, pub, typ) {
// Start filling out output's HTML.
var html_output = "<div class=\"table_container\">\n<table class=\"center\">\n<thead>\n<tr><th id=\"first_col\">";
// Get full name for putting into table.
var pub_name = '';
switch(pub) {
case 'tsi':
pub_name = 'The Successful Investor';
case 'spd':
pub_name = 'Stock Pickers Digest';
case 'wssf':
pub_name = "Wall Street Stock Forecaster";
case 'cwa':
pub_name = "Canadian Wealth Advisor";
case 'ic':
pub_name = 'Inner Circle';
// Finish off table head.
html_output += pub_name + "</th>\n<th id=\"sec_col\">Price</th>\n<th id=\"third_col\">" + taxbrackets[prov] + "% Tax</th>\n<th id=\"fourth_col\">Savings</th></tr>\n<thead>\n<tbody>\n";
// Set the full names of rows - this a kind of lazy way to go about things. Could have put this into the arrays.
if (pub == 'ic') {
var value_order = new Array('Automatic Renewal (AREN)', '1 Year');
} else {
var value_order = new Array('Full Price', 'Early Bird/Welcome Price', 'Renewal Price - <b>C</b>onversion', 'Renewal Price - <b>R</b>egular', 'Automatic Renewal Quarterly - AREN <b>C</b>', 'Automatic Renewal Quarterly - AREN <b>R</b>', '2 Year Renewal Rate - <b>R</b> only', 'TSI WEBSITE RATE');
// Cycle through array. 'i' is a counter for outputting the right row names, the 'flipper' switches row style for readability.
$.each(publications, function(key, object) {
if (key == pub) {
var i = 0;
var flipper = 0
// Cycle through entries for this pub, adding to the output based on which "type" is chosen.
$.each(object, function() {
switch(typ) {
case 'new':
if (this.s_type == 'fullprice' || this.s_type == 'welcome' || this.s_type == 'webrate' || pub == 'ic') {
html_output += "<tr";
if (flipper == 0) {
html_output += ' class="alt_row"';
html_output += ">\n<td>" + value_order[i] + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + this.price.toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + (this.price + ((this.price / 100) * taxbrackets[prov])).toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">" + this.savings + "</td>\n</tr>\n";
(flipper == 0) ? flipper = 1 : flipper = 0;
case 'ren-a':
if (this.s_type == 'renewal_c' || this.s_type == 'renewal_r' || this.s_type == 'auto_c' || this.s_type == 'auto_r' || this.s_type == 'twoyear_r' || pub == 'ic') {
html_output += "<tr";
if (flipper == 0) {
html_output += ' class="alt_row"';
html_output += ">\n<td>" + value_order[i] + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + this.price.toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + (this.price + ((this.price / 100) * taxbrackets[prov])).toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">" + this.savings + "</td>\n</tr>\n";
(flipper == 0) ? flipper = 1 : flipper = 0;
case 'ren-c':
if (this.s_type == 'renewal_c' || this.s_type == 'auto_c' || pub == 'ic') {
html_output += "<tr";
if (flipper == 0) {
html_output += ' class="alt_row"';
html_output += ">\n<td>" + value_order[i] + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + this.price.toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + (this.price + ((this.price / 100) * taxbrackets[prov])).toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">" + this.savings + "</td>\n</tr>\n";
(flipper == 0) ? flipper = 1 : flipper = 0;
case 'ren-r':
if (this.s_type == 'renewal_r' || this.s_type == 'auto_r' || this.s_type == 'twoyear_r' || pub == 'ic') {
html_output += "<tr";
if (flipper == 0) {
html_output += ' class="alt_row"';
html_output += ">\n<td>" + value_order[i] + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + this.price.toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + (this.price + ((this.price / 100) * taxbrackets[prov])).toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">" + this.savings + "</td>\n</tr>\n";
(flipper == 0) ? flipper = 1 : flipper = 0;
html_output += "<tr";
if (flipper == 0) {
html_output += ' class="alt_row"';
html_output += ">\n<td>" + value_order[i] + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + this.price.toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">$" + (this.price + ((this.price / 100) * taxbrackets[prov])).toFixed(2) + "</td>\n<td class=\"right_align\">" + this.savings + "</td>\n</tr>\n";
(flipper == 0) ? flipper = 1 : flipper = 0;
// Finish and output the fully formed table.
html_output += "</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>";
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.m_input').change(function() {
// Clear out currently shown table(s)
// Assign dropdown values to variables
var province = $('#province').val();
var publication = $('#publication').val();
var type = $('#type').val();
// Check if province is selected
if (province != 'none') {
// If all pubs selected, generate all tables, otherwise pass specific pub value.
if (publication == 'all') {
update_price_table(province, 'tsi', type);
update_price_table(province, 'spd', type);
update_price_table(province, 'wssf', type);
update_price_table(province, 'cwa', type);
update_price_table(province, 'ic', type);
} else {
update_price_table(province, publication, type);
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