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Created April 23, 2012 00:34
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component persistent="false" accessors="true" output="false" {
property name="fw" type="any";
property name="apiUsersDAO" type="any";
public any function authenticateReuqest(required string verb,required string cfc,required struct requestArguments,required struct requestHeaders) {
if(!checkRequiredArguments(arguments.requestArguments)) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Authentication Required: Missing Request Arguments.");
if(!havePrivateKey(arguments.requestArguments.publicKey)) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Authentication Required: No API User By the Key given.");
if(!timeInAcceptableBounds(arguments.requestArguments.timestamp)) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Authentication Required: Request Time Out");
// Since I already determined this timestamp was within acceptable bounds to be accepted,
// I still use it within my own hash calculation to make sure it was the same timestamp sent from the client originally in thier sign,
// and not a made-up timestamp from a man-in-the-middle attack.
if(!compareSignature(theirSign=arguments.requestArguments.signature,areSign=EncryptSignature(argValue=createSignString(arguments.requestArguments),publicKey=arguments.requestArguments.publicKey))) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Signature does not match!");
return true;
public any function timeInAcceptableBounds(required any timestamp) hint="I check request was send within acceptable bounds." {
if(local.dif gt 3) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public any function compareSignature(required any theirSign,required any areSign) hint="I compare the two signatures." {
if(arguments.theirSign eq arguments.areSign) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public any function EncryptSignature(required string argValue,required string publicKey) hint="I create my own signature that I will matching later." {
var jMsg=JavaCast("string",arguments.argValue).getBytes("iso-8859-1");
var jKey=JavaCast("string",getapiUsersDAO().getSecretKey(arguments.publicKey)).getBytes("iso-8859-1");
var key=createObject("java","javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec");
var mac=createObject("java","javax.crypto.Mac");
return lCase(binaryEncode(mac.doFinal(),'Hex'));
//return Encrypt(arguments.argValue,getapiUsersDAO().getSecretKey(arguments.publicKey),'HMAC-SHA1');
public string function createSignString(required struct requestArguments) hint="I create the string for my signature." {
var myMap=createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap").init(arguments.requestArguments);
for(key in myMap) {
local.returnString=local.returnString & myMap[key];
return local.returnString;
public any function havePrivateKey(required string publicKey) hint="I check API User exisits and has a key." {
return getapiUsersDAO().hasPrivateKey(arguments.publicKey);
public any function checkRequiredArguments(required requestArguments) hint="I check we have the required arguments to authenticate this request." {
if(structkeyexists(arguments.requestArguments,"publicKey") AND structkeyexists(arguments.requestArguments,"signature") AND structkeyexists(arguments.requestArguments,"timestamp")) {
return true;
return false;
public any function createAuthenticationRequiredMessage(string message) {
return reponseObject.setData(local.bodyContent).withStatus(200);
/*public any function authenticateReuqest(required string verb,required string cfc,required struct requestArguments,required struct requestHeaders) {
// Check for Authorisation headers
if(not structkeyexists(arguments.requestHeaders,"Authorization")) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Authentication Required");
// Check Authorization valid
if(not len(local.apiAccess)) {
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Invalid login credentials provided");
if(local.apiAccess eq true) {
return true;
return createAuthenticationRequiredMessage("Invalid login credentials provided");
public any function retrieveApiUserFromAuthorizationHeader(required string authorizationHeader) {
local.decodedAuthHeader=tostring(tobinary(listlast(arguments.authorizationHeader," ")));
return validateLoginCredentials(local.username,local.password);
public any function validateLoginCredentials(required string login,required string password) {
// If we have a match return true
if(!isNull(local.result)) {
return true;
// Default is always false.
return False;
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