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Last active January 26, 2022 04:34
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Easy Easing

Easy Easing

easy to use smooth transition function with requestAnimationFrame

import { transition, easeInOutCubic } from './transitioner.ts'
const t = transition({
from: 0,
to: 20,
easing: easeInOutCubic,
duration: 10000,
let animFrameID: number
const render = (timestamp) =>{
// blahblahblah
if(!t.started) t.start(timestamp)
if(!t.done) t.step(timestamp)
animFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(render)
animFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(render)
setTimeout(()=>clearInterval(animFrameID), 15000)
* 0 < x < 1
* 0 < output < 1
type EasingFunction = (x: number) => number
// see for more easing functions
export const easeInOutCubic: EasingFunction = x => {
return x < 0.5 ? 4 * x * x * x : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 3) / 2;
export const transition = ({ from, to, easing, duration, listener }: {
from: number
to: number
easing: EasingFunction
duration: number
listener: (value: number) => void
}) => {
const dValue = to - from
let beginTime: number
const result = {
done: false,
started: false,
start: (timestamp: number) => {
if(result.started) return null
beginTime = timestamp
result.started = true
step: (timestamp: number) => {
if(!result.started) return null
const progress = (timestamp - beginTime) / duration
if (progress > 1) {
result.done = true
return null
listener(from + dValue * easing(progress))
return result
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