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Last active July 11, 2024 00:37
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  • Save Momijiichigo/d38c817b72611b5d1fb42840d9705b59 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Momijiichigo/d38c817b72611b5d1fb42840d9705b59 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Eww Wallpaper Clock Widget
(defwidget clock []
:class "clock"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:valign "center"
:halign "end"
:vexpand true
:hexpand true
:orientation "v"
:class "clock_wday_year"
:space-evenly false
:valign "center"
:class "date"
:text {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%m / %d")}
:text {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%a")}
:class "weekday"
:text {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%Y")}
:class "year"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:valign "center"
:halign "end"
:class "music_info"
:visible {song_status == "Playing" ? true : false}
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:valign "center"
:halign "start"
:vexpand true
:hexpand true
:class "song_cover_art"
:visible {cover_art == "" ? false : true}
:style "background-image: url('${cover_art}');"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:valign "center"
:class "title"
:xalign 0
:text song
:class "artist"
:xalign 0
:text song_artist
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:class "time"
:text {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%H")}
:class "time-progress"
:value {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%S")}
:max 60
:round-digits 0
:orientation "v"
:flipped true
:text {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%M")}
(include "./yuck/wallp_widgets/clock.yuck")
(defwidget wallp-widget []
:class "wallpaper_widget"
:space-evenly false
(include "./yuck/wallp_widgets/default.yuck")
(defwindow wallpaper_sys
:x "13%"
:y "33%"
:anchor "top right"
:width "700px"
:height "400px"
:namespace "wallpaper"
:focusable false
:stacking "bg"
:exclusive false
.wallpaper_widget {
&, * {
// for debuggin purpose
// border: 1px solid red;
font-size: 40px;
font-family: Source Sans Variable, Source Han Sans JP, Cantarell;
color: #dddddd;
.clock {
// margin-right: 40px;
.clock_wday_year {
.date {
font-size: 0.9em;
.weekday {
font-size: 1.8em;
font-weight: 300;
margin-top: -0.1em;
margin-bottom: -0.2em;
.year {
font-size: 0.7em;
margin-right: 0.4em;
box {
.time {
font-size: 5em;
font-weight: lighter;
margin-bottom: -0.3em;
.time-progress {
margin-bottom: 0.4em;
margin-top: 0.4em;
margin-left: 0.15em;
margin-right: 0.15em;
trough {
all: unset;
min-height: 2px;
min-width: 4px;
background-color: #444444;
highlight {
all: unset;
background-color: #dddddd;
border-radius: 24px;
.music_info {
margin-bottom: -1.2em;
.song_cover_art {
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
min-height: 1em;
min-width: 1.5em;
margin: 2px 0.3em 2px 0.5em;
.title {
font-size: 0.6em;
font-weight: 300;
.artist {
font-size: 0.4em;
(deflisten song
:initial ""
"playerctl metadata --format \"{{ xesam:title }}\" -F"
(deflisten song_artist
:initial ""
"playerctl metadata --format \"{{ xesam:artist }}\" -F"
(deflisten song_status
:initial "Stopped"
"playerctl -F status"
(deflisten cover_art
:initial "images/music.png"
"playerctl metadata --format \"{{ mpris:artUrl }}\" -F"
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