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Created August 11, 2013 17:19
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import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
type State = Int
data TransitionKey a = Epsilon | Key a | Other | Wildcard deriving (Eq, Show)
type Transition a = (State, (TransitionKey a, TransitionKey a))
type TransitionTable a = [(State, Transition a)]
data Transducer a = Transducer State [State] (TransitionTable a)
lookupM :: (Eq a, MonadPlus m) => a -> [(a, b)] -> m b
lookupM key [] = mzero
lookupM key ((a, b):xs)
| key == a = return b `mplus` lookupM key xs
| otherwise = lookupM key xs
keyToList :: TransitionKey a -> a -> [a]
keyToList Epsilon _ = []
keyToList (Key c) _ = [c]
keyToList Wildcard c = [c]
keyToList Other c = [c]
follow :: [a] -> a -> Transition a -> (State, [a])
follow outS c (s, (inp, Wildcard)) = (s, outS ++ keyToList inp c)
follow outS c (s, (inp, Other)) = (s, outS ++ keyToList inp c)
follow outS c (s, (_, Epsilon)) = (s, outS)
follow outS _ (s, (_, Key c)) = (s, outS ++ [c])
followEpsilon :: [a] -> Transition a -> (State, [a])
followEpsilon outS (s, (_, Wildcard)) = (s, outS)
followEpsilon outS (s, (_, Epsilon)) = (s, outS)
followEpsilon outS (s, (_, Key c)) = (s, outS ++ [c])
revFollow :: [a] -> a -> Transition a -> (State, [a])
revFollow outS c (s, (Wildcard, out)) = (s, outS ++ keyToList out c)
revFollow outS c (s, (Other, out)) = (s, outS ++ keyToList out c)
revFollow outS c (s, (Epsilon, _)) = (s, outS)
revFollow outS _ (s, (Key c, _)) = (s, outS ++ [c])
revFollowEpsilon :: [a] -> Transition a -> (State, [a])
revFollowEpsilon outS (s, (Wildcard, _)) = (s, outS)
revFollowEpsilon outS (s, (Epsilon, _)) = (s, outS)
revFollowEpsilon outS (s, (Key c, _)) = (s, outS ++ [c])
transitionInput :: Transition a -> TransitionKey a
transitionInput = fst . snd
transitionOutput :: Transition a -> TransitionKey a
transitionOutput = snd . snd
start :: Transducer a -> State
start (Transducer s _ _) = s
terminalIn :: State -> Transducer a -> Bool
state `terminalIn` (Transducer _ terminals _) = state `elem` terminals
transitionTable :: Transducer a -> TransitionTable a
transitionTable (Transducer _ _ t) = t
search :: Eq a =>
(Transition a -> TransitionKey a)
-> State
-> TransitionTable a
-> TransitionKey a
-> [Transition a]
search f s table key = filter ((== key) . f) $ lookupM s table
findTransitions :: Eq a => (Transition a -> TransitionKey a) -> Transducer a -> State -> a -> [Transition a]
findTransitions f fst s char
| null normal = research Other
| otherwise = normal
where normal = concatMap research [Key char, Wildcard]
research = search f s (transitionTable fst)
transitions :: Eq a => Transducer a -> State -> a -> [Transition a]
transitions = findTransitions transitionInput
revTransitions :: Eq a => Transducer a -> State -> a -> [Transition a]
revTransitions = findTransitions transitionOutput
findEpsilonTransitions :: Eq a => (Transition a -> TransitionKey a) -> Transducer a -> State -> [Transition a]
findEpsilonTransitions f fst s = search f s (transitionTable fst) Epsilon
epsilonTransitions :: Eq a => Transducer a -> State -> [Transition a]
epsilonTransitions = findEpsilonTransitions transitionInput
revEpsilonTransitions :: Eq a => Transducer a -> State -> [Transition a]
revEpsilonTransitions = findEpsilonTransitions transitionOutput
runFST :: Eq a =>
([a] -> a -> Transition a -> (State, [a])) -> -- follow
([a] -> Transition a -> (State, [a])) -> -- followEpsilon
(Transducer a -> State -> a -> [Transition a]) -> -- transitions
(Transducer a -> State -> [Transition a]) -> -- epsilonTransitions
Transducer a -> [a] -> [[a]]
runFST follow followEpsilon transitions epsilonTransitions f =
map snd . filter ((`terminalIn` f) . fst) . finalStates
where finalStates = foldM nextStates (start f, [])
nextStates (s, out) c = epsilon nexts
where nexts = map (follow out c) (transitions f s c)
epsilon [] = []
epsilon set = set ++ epsilon nexts
where nexts = concatMap (\(s, out) -> map (followEpsilon out) $ epsilonTransitions f s)
evalFST :: Eq a => Transducer a -> [a] -> [[a]]
evalFST = runFST follow followEpsilon transitions epsilonTransitions
revEvalFST :: Eq a => Transducer a -> [a] -> [[a]]
revEvalFST = runFST revFollow revFollowEpsilon revTransitions revEpsilonTransitions
defaultTr :: a -> State -> State -> (State, Transition a)
defaultTr c from to = (from, (to, (Key c, Key c)))
tr :: (a, a) -> State -> State -> (State, Transition a)
tr (inp, out) from to = (from, (to, (Key inp, Key out)))
epsTrans :: a -> State -> State -> (State, Transition a)
epsTrans out from to = (from, (to, (Epsilon, Key out)))
revEpsTrans :: a -> State -> State -> (State, Transition a)
revEpsTrans inp from to = (from, (to, (Key inp, Epsilon)))
data Test = C Char | Noun | Verb | Sg | Pl deriving (Show, Eq)
testFST :: Transducer Test
testFST = Transducer
[5, 6, 12, 14, 17, 18]
[defaultTr (C 'c') 0 1
,defaultTr (C 'a') 1 2
,defaultTr (C 't') 2 3
,epsTrans Noun 3 4
,tr (C 's', Pl) 4 5
,epsTrans Sg 4 6
,defaultTr (C 'w') 0 7
,defaultTr (C 'a') 7 8
,defaultTr (C 't') 8 9
,defaultTr (C 'c') 9 10
,defaultTr (C 'h') 10 11
,epsTrans Verb 11 12
,revEpsTrans (C 'e') 12 13
,tr (C 's', Sg) 13 14
,epsTrans Noun 11 15
,epsTrans Sg 15 18
,revEpsTrans (C 'e') 15 16
,tr (C 's', Pl) 16 17
doubleAs :: Transducer Char
doubleAs = Transducer
[defaultTr 'a' 0 1
,epsTrans 'a' 1 0]
doubleAs' :: Transducer Char
doubleAs' = Transducer
[defaultTr 'a' 0 1
,epsTrans 'a' 1 0
,(0, (0, (Other, Other)))]
rem6s :: Transducer Char
rem6s = Transducer
[0, 1]
[defaultTr '6' 0 1
,revEpsTrans '6' 1 1
,(0, (0, (Other, Other)))
,(1, (0, (Other, Other)))]
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