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Last active December 25, 2015 00:59
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calculate confidence interval (binomial distribution) - function in R
# the binomial distribuion approximates the Normal distribution
# read the data file
bin_data <- read.csv("bin_data.csv")
# the binomial confidence calculator function
BiNomConf <- function(P, n){
StanDev <- sqrt((P * (1-P)) / n) # where P is the proportion to be tested
ConfInt <- StanDev * 1.96 # where 1.96 is the Z value of the 95% confidence level (change to 1.645 for 90%; 2.58 for 99%)
return(ConfInt) # print the confidence interval
# set the parameters for the function
P <- bin_data$P # proportion (0 to 1)
n <- bin_data$n # number of respondents
# assign the ConfInt to the variable "ConfInt" in the data table
bin_data$ConfInt <- BiNomConf(P, n)
# calculate the upper and lower bounds of the confidence interval
# and assign the CIs to variables in the data table
bin_data$UpperCI <- (bin_data$P + bin_data$ConfInt)
bin_data$LowerCI <- (bin_data$P - bin_data$ConfInt)
# write the data table as a new csv file
write.csv(bin_data, file="bin_data_new.csv")
# -30-
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