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Last active April 7, 2019 22:06
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Binomial theorem in Lean
import algebra.module
open list
-- The binomial coefficient, defined recursively on the natural numbers
def B : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
| _ 0 := 1
| 0 _ := 0
| (n+1) (k+1) := B n (k+1) + B n k
-- This _almost_ holds definitionally, but requires cases on n
@[simp] lemma : Π {n : ℕ}, B n 0 = 1
| 0 := rfl
| (n+1) := rfl
@[simp] lemma : Π {n k : ℕ}, k > n → B n k = 0
| 0 0 h := absurd h (lt_irrefl 0)
| 0 (m+1) h := rfl
| (n+1) (m+1) h :=
unfold B,
rw [ (nat.lt_of_succ_lt h), (nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h)],
@[simp] lemma B.self : Π {n : ℕ}, B n n = 1
| 0 := rfl
| (n+1) :=
unfold B,
rw [@B.self n, (le_refl (nat.succ n))],
lemma B.symm : Π {n k : ℕ}, k ≤ n → B n k = B n (n-k)
| 0 0 h := rfl
| (n+1) 0 h := by unfold B; simp
| (n+1) (k+1) h :=
unfold B, simp,
by_cases honk : n = k,
{ rw honk, simp [nat.sub_self], rw [ (le_refl (nat.succ k))] },
have : k < n,
cases lt_or_eq_of_le (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h),
exact h_1, exfalso, cc,
rw [B.symm (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h), B.symm this],
cases heckin : (n-k),
exfalso, have := nat.sub_pos_of_lt this, exact ne_of_gt this heckin,
unfold B,
congr, rw [nat.sub_succ, heckin], refl,
lemma list.range_core.concat : Π {n : ℕ} {l : list ℕ},
range_core n l = range_core n [] ++ l
| 0 l := rfl
| (n+1) [] := by simp
| (n+1) (hd :: tl) :=
unfold1 range_core,
rw [@list.range_core.concat n [n]],
rw [@list.range_core.concat n (n :: hd :: tl)],
-- Split apart a range into lower and upper parts, where the upper part
-- is a range that is mapped using addition.
lemma list.range_core.split {n m : ℕ} :
range (n+m) = range n ++ map (λ i, i+n) (range m) :=
induction m with m, simp [range, range_core],
unfold1 range, unfold1 range_core,
rw [@list.range_core.concat (n+m), @list.range_core.concat m],
rw [map_append, ← list.append_assoc],
unfold map, tactic.congr_core, exact m_ih, rw add_comm,
lemma range_core.step {n : ℕ} :
range (nat.succ n) = range n ++ [n] :=
have this : map (λ (i : ℕ), i + n) (range 1) = [n]
:= by simp [range, range_core],
eq.subst this (@list.range_core.split n 1)
-- A product distributes across each term of the sum.
lemma list.sum.distrib {α : Type} [semiring α] {a : α} {l : list α} :
a * sum l = sum (map (λ b, a*b) l) :=
induction l, simp,
rw [sum_cons, left_distrib, map_cons, sum_cons, l_ih],
-- Sums mapped over the same list can be combined pairwise,
-- when commutativity holds.
lemma list.sum.combine {α β : Type} [add_comm_monoid β] {f g : α → β} {l : list α} :
sum (map f l) + sum (map g l) = sum (map (λ a, f a+g a) l) :=
induction l, { simp },
unfold map, rw [sum_cons, sum_cons, sum_cons],
show f l_hd + sum (map f l_tl) + (g l_hd + sum (map g l_tl))
= f l_hd + g l_hd + (sum (map f l_tl) + sum (map g l_tl)), ac_refl,
rw l_ih,
-- This is the formula for the expansion of the power `n` of a binomial `(a+b)`,
-- where `a` and `b` are in some commutative semiring
def binomial.expansion {α : Type} [comm_semiring α] (a b : α) (n : ℕ) : α
:= sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^i * b^(n-i)) (range (n+1)))
-- The theorem that the expansion is correct
theorem binomial_theorem {α : Type} [comm_semiring α] (a b : α) (n : ℕ) :
(a+b)^n = binomial.expansion a b n :=
-- Classic induction on ℕ, of course!
induction n with n ih,
-- Base case is trivial, after unfolding some definitions
{ simp [range, range_core, binomial.expansion] },
-- unfold the definition
unfold binomial.expansion,
-- split off the first binomial
transitivity, apply pow_succ, transitivity,
calc (a+b)*(a+b)^n
-- start by expanding using induction hypothesis
= (a+b) * binomial.expansion a b n : by rw ih
... = a * binomial.expansion a b n
+ b * binomial.expansion a b n : by rw right_distrib
-- we will need to work with the sums separately
... = a*sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^i * b^(n-i)) (range (n+1)))
+ b*sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^i * b^(n-i)) (range (n+1))) : rfl
-- distribute the `a` and `b` factors towards the inside
... = sum (map (λ i, a * (B n i * a^i * b^(n-i))) (range (n+1)))
+ sum (map (λ i, b * (B n i * a^i * b^(n-i))) (range (n+1))) :
by rw [list.sum.distrib, list.sum.distrib, map_map, map_map]
-- and add them to the exponents
... = sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range (n+1)))
+ sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^i * b^(n-i+1)) (range (n+1))) :
have : ∀ (c : α) (i : ℕ), c^(i+1) = c*c^i, intros, refl,
-- simp reduces inside lambdas
simp only [this a, this b],
-- just focus on those lambdas
-- funny rearrangement of terms
apply funext, intro i, simp [mul_comm, mul_assoc],
apply funext, intro i, simp [mul_comm],
rw [← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc]
-- split off the `a` term
... = a^(n+1)
+ sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))
+ sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^i * b^(n-i+1)) (range (n+1))) :
rw [@range_core.step n, map_append, sum_append],
simp [nat.sub_self],
-- split off the `b` term
... = a^(n+1)
+ sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))
+ b^(n+1)
+ sum (map (λ i, B n (i+1) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-(i+1)+1)) (range n)) :
rw [add_comm n 1, @list.range_core.split 1 n, map_append, sum_append],
unfold1 range, unfold1 range_core, unfold1 range_core,
unfold map, simp,
-- move them to the front, group the sums
... = a^(n+1) + b^(n+1)
+ (sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))
+ sum (map (λ i, B n (i+1) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-(i+1)+1)) (range n))) :
by ac_refl
-- simplify the exponent: `n-(i+1)+1 = n-i` for `i ∈ range n`
... = a^(n+1) + b^(n+1)
+ (sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))
+ sum (map (λ i, B n (i+1) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))) :
-- `n-(i+1)+1 = nat.pred (n - i) + 1`
simp only [nat.sub_succ, nat.pred_succ],
-- focus on this term
: map (λ i, ↑(B n (i + 1)) * a^(i+1) * b^(nat.pred (n-i) + 1)) (range n)
= map (λ i, ↑(B n (i + 1)) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n),
by rw this,
-- which we can apply the special_map lemma to
apply map_congr, intro i, intro ismem,
-- and now we focus on this part
suffices : nat.pred (n - i) + 1 = n - i, by rw this,
-- `i ∈ range n ↔ i < n`
rw list.mem_range at ismem,
apply nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos,
exact nat.sub_pos_of_lt ismem,
-- okay, now we can combine the sums, since they range over the same list
... = a^(n+1) + b^(n+1)
+ sum (map (λ i, B n i * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)
+ B n (i+1) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n)) :
by rw list.sum.combine
-- and they simplify nicely using the inductive definition of B
... = a^(n+1) + b^(n+1)
+ (sum (map (λ i, B (n+1) (i+1) * a^(i+1) * b^(n-i)) (range n))) :
simp [mul_assoc, right_distrib, B.equations._eqn_4]
-- split off the term a^(n+1) on the RHS to match the LHS
rw [@range_core.step (n+1), map_append, sum_append],
simp [nat.sub_self],
-- and prove that the rest should be equal
tactic.congr_core, refl,
-- split off the first term on the RHS now
rw [add_comm n 1],
rw [@list.range_core.split 1 n, map_append, sum_append],
unfold range range_core,
simp, congr,
-- prove that the mapping functions are equal
-- simp helps with `(n+1)-(i+1) = n-i` in particular, yay!
apply funext, intro i, simp,
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