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Created March 25, 2022 20:09
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Use Serverless to deploy AWS Lambdas (Node/Typescript)

Serverless + AWS Lambda + Node/Typescript

Here's the step-by-step guide on how to build & deploy AWS Lambda functions using Serverless library.

This guide was inspired by this tutorial.

I prefer to use Node.js & ideally develop using Typescript. In addition, this has support for running locally, using environment variables through Secrets Manager, etc.

Build Serverless functions

  1. Install serverless globally

    npm install -g serverless
  2. Create a IAM User in your AWS Console.

    • Create a new user w/ programattic access
    • Give the user only the required permissions (Admin by default). More info here
    • Save the Access key ID & Secret access key for that user
  3. Enter IAM keys in the Serverless configuration

    serverless config credentials --provider aws --key xxxxxxxxxxxxxx --secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Initialize Serverless project

    mkdir dear-earth-serverless
    serverless create --template aws-nodejs
  5. Check serverless.yml file and ensure it has events for httpApi & schedule.

    More info on Node Scheduled Cron here.

        handler: handler.hello
        - httpApi:
            path: /hello
            method: get
        - schedule: rate(2 minutes)
        variable2: value2
  6. Commit your code w/ init serverless project

Running Locally

  1. Add the Serverless Offline npm package

    npm init
    npm install serverless-offline --save-dev
  2. Add the Serverless Offline plugin to serverless.yml file

    # emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project
      - serverless-offline
  3. Run the serverless functions locally

    serverless offline start
  4. Commit your code w/ setup serverless-offline

Deploy to AWS

  1. Deploy the serverless functions to AWS

    # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are now available for serverless to use
    serverless deploy --verbose
  2. Run the deployed function on AWS with logs

    serverless invoke -f hello --log

Adding Typescript

  1. Add the Serverless Plugin Typescript npm package

    npm install -D serverless-plugin-typescript typescript
  2. Add the Serverless Typescript plugin to serverless.yml file and make sure to include it before the offline plugin

    # Add typescript support to local development & deployed files
    - serverless-plugin-typescript
    # emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project
    - serverless-offline

Use dotenv variables

  1. Environment variables w/ dotenv are natively supported in Serverless.

    More info on Referencing Environment Variables

    # Serverless will load all env vars in `.env` in 3.0.0+
    useDotenv: true
  2. Add a .env file with environment variables. Make sure to add it to .gitignore as well

  3. Once you update the .env file with real values make sure to mark that file as unchanged so that it doesn't show up in diffs

    git update-index --assume-unchanged .env
  4. Include the environment variables in the serverless.yml file

        handler: handler.hello
        NODE_ENV: ${env:NODE_ENV}
  5. Import dotenv config at the root of each serverless function

    import 'dotenv/config';

Use Secrets Manager

  1. The store sensitive secrets on AWS, you can use the Secrets Manager.

    More info on Tutorial: Create and retrieve a secret

  2. Then update the serverless.yml with a custom handler

    Notice below, the dear-earth-serverless is the name of the secrets folder you create.

      secrets: ${ssm:/aws/reference/secretsmanager/dear-earth-serverless}
  3. Lastly update the environment section in serverless.yml to get the value from the custom handler

        handler: handler.hello
        NODE_ENV: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV}
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