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Last active May 28, 2024 23:46
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spec - Quick-n-dirty spectrogram display for audio files
# spec - Copyright (c) 2024 Matthias C. Hormann
# 2024-03-26
# Show spectrogram for an audio file, using ffmpeg's showspectrumpic
# Add this to the "Open with…" context menu of your file manager!
# define me
me=`basename "$0"`
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
exit 1;
# Create temporary file names to use.
# kludge for MacOS: Mac variant first, then Linux:
TEMP=`mktemp -u -t ${me} 2>/dev/null || mktemp -u -t ${me}-XXXXXXXXXX`
# Shell + ffmpeg quoting rules are a mess, and inconsistent,
# so better use a temporary text file for the info.
# Save the original file name to show in the spectrogram.
basename "$1" > "${TEMPTXT}"
# Note: showspectrumpic height MUST be a power of 2!
ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i "$1" -filter_complex showspectrumpic=s=1024x512:stop=22000,drawtext="expansion=none:textfile='${TEMPTXT}':x=(w-tw)/2:y=16:fontcolor='white':fontsize=20" "$TEMPIMG"
if [ $exitcode -ne 0 ] ; then
exit $exitcode
# Open in your default PNG image file viewer.
# Using a subshell here so we can wait until closed, before removing the temp file
# Macs don’t have `xdg-open`, so use `open` instead. Requires correct file extension.
dummy=$(open "$TEMPIMG")
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I rewrote the quoting and filename part, so spec can now correctly display the craziest filenames and won’t break:

spec-7N0OTacMak png_001

A spectrogram is normally used to diagnose audio properties and quality problems, but sometimes, just sometimes, you can find hidden treasures… ;-)

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