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Munin plugin for Plex: Shows playing streams and transcoding sessions
#!/usr/bin/env python
# If the server needs authentication add file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/plex:
# [plex]
# env.plex_token yourplextoken
import urllib2, sys, os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Show Config
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
print 'graph_title Plex Streams'
print 'graph_vlabel Number of streams'
print 'graph_category plex'
print 'graph_scale no'
print 'playing.label Playing'
print 'playing.draw AREASTACK'
print 'transcoding.label Transcoding'
print 'transcoding.draw LINE2'
# Show values
# Make URL
url = 'http://localhost:32400/status/sessions/';
token = os.getenv('plex_token');
if token is not None:
url += '?X-Plex-Token=' + token
# Get playing streams
file = urllib2.urlopen(url)
root = ET.ElementTree(file=file).getroot()
playingNum = 0
for video in root.iter('Video'):
for player in video.iter('Player'):
if player.get('state') == 'playing':
playingNum += 1
print 'playing.value', playingNum
# Get transcoding sessions
procs = os.popen('pgrep -l "Plex Transcoder"').read()
lines = len(procs.split('\n')) - 1
print 'transcoding.value', lines
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thejohnlewis commented Mar 3, 2020

Hi, nice job on the munin plugin for plex. I have 3 plex server in my network and wanted to have one plugin that would work for all plex servers. I found a solution for remote Munin/Plex monitoring. Plex has a transcoder API that not only shows the transcoder but the type. I've only seen 2 types so far; Copy and Playback. Below is the complete code. I added the second transcoder type for Munin. The following graph shows the results - Munin produces a graph for each server.


The completed code for the Plex plugin below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# If the server needs authentication add file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/plex:
# 	[plex]
# 	env.plex_token yourplextoken

import urllib2, sys, os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
import re

name = sys.argv[0]
addr = name.partition("_")[2]
# Show Config
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
	print 'graph_title Plex Streams for ' + addr
	print 'graph_vlabel Number of streams'
	print 'graph_category plex'
	print 'graph_scale no'
	print 'playing.label Playing'
	print 'playing.draw AREASTACK'
	print 'transcoding.label Transcoding'
	print 'transcopy.label Transcopy'
	print 'transcoding.draw LINE2'

# Show values
# Make URL
url = 'http://' + addr + ':32400/status/sessions/';
urlt = 'http://' + addr + ':32400/transcode/sessions/';
token = os.getenv('plex_token');
if token is not None:
	url += '?X-Plex-Token=' + token

# Get playing streams
file = urllib2.urlopen(url)
root = ET.ElementTree(file=file).getroot()
playingNum = 0
for video in root.iter('Video'):
	for player in video.iter('Player'):
		if player.get('state') == 'playing':
			playingNum += 1
# Get transcoding sessiong for playback and copy
file = urllib2.urlopen(urlt)
root = ET.ElementTree(file=file).getroot()
# Get transcoding sessions
transcodeNum = 0
transcopyNum = 0
for video in root.iter('MediaContainer'):
	for TranscodeSession in video.iter('TranscodeSession'):
		if TranscodeSession.get('videoDecision') == 'transcode':
			transcodeNum += 1
		if TranscodeSession.get('videoDecision') == 'copy':
			transcopyNum += 1
print 'playing.value', playingNum
print 'transcoding.value', transcodeNum
print 'transcopy.value', transcopyNum

The plugin name should be like "plex_". When creating the link to the new plugin add the IP address after the underscore. For example on ubuntu the main program would go in /usr/share/munin/plugins/plex_ and the linked file(s) would go in /etc/munin/plugins/. Create the links as follows:

ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/plex_ /etc/munin/plugins/plex_192.168.1.20

Much thanks to Merten Peetz for the original code.

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phipac commented Feb 1, 2021

The following code prints the three values (including the transcopy.value) but only for one single server. However, it has been updated for Python3!

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Updated for Python3 by phipac 20210131
# If the server needs authentication add file /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/plex:
#       [plex]
#       env.plex_token yourplextoken

import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse, sys, os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Show Config
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
        print('graph_title Plex Streams')
        print('graph_vlabel Number of streams')
        print('graph_category plex')
        print('graph_scale no')
        print('playing.label Playing')
        print('playing.draw AREASTACK')
        print('transcoding.label Transcoding')
        print('transcopy.label Transcopy')
        print('transcoding.draw LINE2')

# Show values
# Make URL
url = 'http://localhost:32400/status/sessions/';
token = os.getenv('plex_token');
if token is not None:
        url += '?X-Plex-Token=' + token

# Get playing streams
file = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
root = ET.ElementTree(file=file).getroot()
playingNum = 0
for video in root.iter('Video'):
        for player in video.iter('Player'):
                if player.get('state') == 'playing':
                        playingNum += 1
print('playing.value', playingNum)

# Get transcoding sessiong for playback and copy
file = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
root = ET.ElementTree(file=file).getroot()
# Get transcoding sessions
transcodeNum = 0
transcopyNum = 0
for video in root.iter('MediaContainer'):
        for TranscodeSession in video.iter('TranscodeSession'):
                if TranscodeSession.get('videoDecision') == 'transcode':
                        transcodeNum += 1
                if TranscodeSession.get('videoDecision') == 'copy':
                        transcopyNum += 1
print('transcoding.value', transcodeNum)
print('transcopy.value', transcopyNum)

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