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Created March 10, 2016 23:13
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Module Module1
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim fmt1, fmt2, fmt3 As Int32
Dim str1, str2, oprs(), opr, answer As String
Dim Playing As Boolean = True
Dim Display As Boolean = True
Sub Main()
While Display
End While
End Sub
Sub DrawArray(ByVal ui() As String, ByVal writeLine As Boolean, ByVal ParamArray params() As String)
For i = 0 To ui.Count - 1
For p = 0 To params.Count - 1
ui(i) = Replace(ui(i), "{" & p & "}", params(p))
If writeLine Or i < ui.Count - 1 Then Console.WriteLine()
End Sub
Public topleft = "┌"
Public topright = "┐"
Public bottomleft = "└"
Public bottomright = "┘"
Public verticalbar = "│"
Public horizontalbar = "─"
Public horizontaldown = "┬"
Public horizontalup = "┴"
Public verticalright = "┤"
Public verticalleft = "├"
Public cross = "┼"
Sub DisplayMenu()
Dim MenuItems() As String = {"Play", "Options", "Leaderboards", "Quit"}
Dim MainMenu() As String = {
"┌───────────┐ ",
"│ Main Menu │",
Console.SetWindowSize(MainMenu(0).Count() + 2, MainMenu.Count() + MenuItems.Count + 2)
Console.SetBufferSize(MainMenu(0).Count() + 2, MainMenu.Count() + MenuItems.Count + 2)
DrawArray(MainMenu, True)
For i As Integer = 0 To MenuItems.Count - 1
Console.Write("│ {0} │ {1}", i + 1, MenuItems(i))
For j = 0 To 12 - MenuItems(i).Count
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Sub SelectMenu(ByVal MenuItems() As String)
Dim Screens As New ScreensClass
Dim Selection As Integer = 0
While (Selection > MenuItems.Count Or Selection <= 0)
Selection = Val(Console.ReadKey(True).KeyChar())
End While
CallByName(Screens, MenuItems(Selection - 1), CallType.Method)
End Sub
Public Class ScreensClass
Sub Play()
Playing = True
Dim GameUI() As String = {
"│ Type 'exit' to stop playing, or 'back' to go back │",
"│ Question: {0} (base {1}) {2} {3} (base {4})",
"│ Answer: (base {1}) "
While (Playing)
Console.SetWindowSize(GameUI(0).Count() + 2, GameUI.Count() + 3)
Console.SetBufferSize(GameUI(0).Count() + 2, GameUI.Count() + 3)
fmt1 = RandomFormat()
fmt2 = RandomFormat()
fmt3 = RandomFormat()
str1 = GetNumberOfFormat(fmt1)
str2 = GetNumberOfFormat(fmt2)
oprs = {"+", "-", "*", "/"}
opr = oprs(rnd.Next(0, oprs.Count))
answer = GetAnswer(str1, fmt1, opr, str2, fmt2, fmt3)
DrawArray(GameUI, False, str1, fmt1, opr, str2, fmt2, fmt3)
Console.WriteLine(str1 & fmt1 & opr & str2 & fmt2 & fmt3)
Dim guess As String = Console.ReadLine()
If guess = "exit" Or guess = "q" Then
Playing = False
Display = False
ElseIf guess = "back"
Playing = False
ElseIf answer.ToUpper().Equals(guess.ToUpper()) Then
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect, the answer was " + answer)
End If
End While
End Sub
Sub Options()
Console.WriteLine("THERE ARE NO OPTIONS")
End Sub
Sub Leaderboards()
End Sub
Sub Quit()
Playing = False
Display = False
End Sub
End Class
Function GetNumberOfFormat(ByVal format As Integer) As String
Dim num As Int32 = rnd.Next(255)
Select Case format
Case 10 'Dec
Return num.ToString()
Case 16 'Hex
Return Convert.ToString(num, 16).PadLeft(2, "0"c).ToUpper()
Case 2 'Bin
Return Convert.ToString(num, 2).PadLeft(8, "0"c).ToUpper()
End Select
End Function
Function RandomFormat() As Int32
Dim bases() As Integer = {2, 10, 16}
Dim num As Int32 = rnd.Next(bases.count())
Return bases(num)
End Function
Function GetAnswer(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal fmt1 As Int32, ByVal opr As String, ByVal str2 As String, ByVal fmt2 As Int32, ByVal fmt3 As Int32)
Dim num1 As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(str1, fmt1)
Dim num2 As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(str2, fmt2)
Select Case opr
Case "+"
Return Convert.ToString(CInt(num1 + num2), fmt3)
Case "-"
Return Convert.ToString(CInt(num1 - num2), fmt3)
Case "*"
Return Convert.ToString(CInt(num1 * num2), fmt3)
Case "/"
Return Convert.ToString(CInt(num1 / num2), fmt3)
End Select
End Function
End Module
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