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Created December 1, 2016 13:35
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sum = 0 # start sum at 0
count = 0 # start count at 0
number = float(input("Enter a number: ")) # get first number
while number != 0: # forever if number is not zero
sum += number # add number to the sum
count += 1 # count the number
number = float(input("Enter a number")) # get next number
print("Choose an option:");
print("[1] Count values")
print("[2] Sum values")
print("[3] Average")
print("[0] Exit")
while True: # forever
select = input(" Choose a value: ") # get option
if select == '1': # if count
print("Count ==", count)
elif select == '2': # if sum
print("Sum ==",sum)
elif select == '3': # if average
print("Avg ==",round(sum/count,3)) # calculate, round to 3 decimal places, and print the average
elif select == '0': # if exit
break # break out of the while True loop
else: # the user chose an option that is not valid
print("Invalid option, try again.")
inp = input("Enter a word/phrase:") # get word/phrase
accepted = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # only allow these characters
used = '' # no letter has been used yet
for char in inp.lower(): # make the word or phrase all lowercase, then get each character
if char in accepted and not char in used: # if the current character is allowed, and hasn't been used yet
used += str(char) # add the character to used string
if len(used) >= 26: # if 26 letters have been used, then it's a pangram
print(inp, "is a pangram")
else: # if less than 26, then not a pangram
print(inp, "is not a pangram")
word = input("Enter a word: ").lower() # get a lowercase word
if word == word[::-1]: # if the word is the same as it is backwards
# word[::-1] means get all of the string called word, but go from the end to the beginning)
print(word, "is a palindrome")
else: # if the word is different to itself backwards, it is not a palindrome
print(word, "is not a palindrome")
# same as above but this time we ignore all the characters that aren't letters
accepted = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # characters that are allowed
word = input("Enter a word: ").lower()
word2 = "" # we will store the users string here without any spaces or punctuation etc
for i in word: # look at every character
if i in accepted: # is it a letter?
word2 += i # if it is, add it to word2
if word2 == word2[::-1]: # is it a palindrome
print(word, "is a palindrome")
else: # if it's not a palindrome
print(word, "is not a palindrome")
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