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Created March 21, 2023 01:23
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p-norm animation using JuicyPixels
module Main (main) where
import Codec.Picture
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Text.Printf
main :: IO ()
main = gif $ frameList (-20) 100
width = 500
height = 500
scaleX = 200
scaleY = 200
fromInt = bimap fromIntegral fromIntegral
scale = bimap (/ scaleX) (/ scaleY)
shift (x, y) = (x - width `div` 2, y - height `div` 2)
pToImage genPixelFun p = generateImage (curry $ genPixelFun p . scale . fromInt . shift) width height
-- Generate PNGs
_pngs ps = for_ ps $ \p -> writePng (printf "%.2f-circle.png" p) $ pToImage genPixelGrey p
-- Generate a GIF
gif ps =
either putStrLn id $
[ (greyPaletteCompressed, 1, pToImage genPixelGrey p) | p <- ps
-- , let (img, palette) = palettize paletteOpts (pToImage genPixel p)
-- Color palette stuff, unused
_paletteOpts =
{ paletteCreationMethod = MedianMeanCut
, enableImageDithering = True
, paletteColorCount = 256
frameList :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> [a]
frameList lower upper = unfoldr (\acc -> if acc > upper then Nothing else Just (acc, acc + log ((abs acc + 2) ** (1 / 5)))) lower
pnorm :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a
pnorm p x y = (abs x ** p + abs y ** p) ** (1 / p)
sigmoid :: Floating a => a -> a
sigmoid x = 2 / (exp (-x) + 1) - 1
-- Tried doing color stuff, wasn't very interesting
_genPixel :: Double -> (Double, Double) -> PixelRGB8
_genPixel p (x, y) = PixelRGB8 red green blue
red = toWord8 $ strength 2 / 2
blue = toWord8 $ strength p
green = toWord8 $ strength 2 / 2
toWord8 z = floor $ 127 * z
strength p0 = sigmoid $ pnorm p0 x y
genPixelGrey :: Double -> (Double, Double) -> Pixel8
genPixelGrey p (x, y) = floor $ 127 * strength
strength = sigmoid $ pnorm p x y
greyPaletteCompressed :: Palette
greyPaletteCompressed = generateImage toGrey 256 1
toGrey x _ = PixelRGB8 ix ix ix
ix = fromIntegral $ (x `div` 16) * 16
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