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Better logo for dark mode on the Haskell Discourse instance
// ==UserScript==
// @name Haskell Discourse Dark Mode Logo
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Better dark mode logo for Haskell Discourse instance.
// @author Morrow
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
function waitForElm(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
let svg = '<svg xmlns="" alt="Haskell Community" id="site-logo" class="logo-big" width="512" height="80" viewBox="0 0 512.00001 80"><g fill-opacity=".937" fill="#ddd"><path d="M188.778 3.424v74.198h-20.39V48.57h-24.89v29.05h-20.39V3.424h20.39v27.38h24.89V3.424h20.39zm26.79 75.243q-4.078 0-7.634-1.36-3.555-1.357-6.17-3.657-2.51-2.403-3.973-5.643-1.46-3.24-1.46-7.002 0-4.18 1.78-7.628 1.78-3.45 4.92-5.957 3.14-2.508 7.43-3.867 4.39-1.358 9.62-1.358 6.7 0 11.09 2.09v-1.672q0-3.867-2.3-5.748-2.19-1.88-7.21-1.88-4.7 0-8.68 1.566-3.97 1.47-8.36 4.39l-5.75-12.33q10.876-7 24.78-7 13.177 0 20.288 5.86 7.11 5.86 7.11 17.56v10.66q0 2.82 1.05 3.97 1.05 1.05 3.77 1.26v16.72q-2.72.52-5.126.73-2.407.32-4.29.32-5.332 0-8.156-1.88-2.72-1.98-3.56-5.75l-.42-1.98q-3.66 4.71-8.47 7.21-4.81 2.41-10.25 2.41zm5.96-14.213q1.778 0 3.66-.522 1.882-.628 3.346-1.568 1.15-.836 1.883-1.777.732-1.045.732-2.09v-4.075q-1.78-.627-3.87-1.045-2.1-.418-3.77-.418-3.66 0-6.07 1.77t-2.41 4.49q0 2.3 1.78 3.76 1.88 1.46 4.7 1.46zm65.41 14.213q-3.45 0-7.424-.523-3.974-.522-7.843-1.358-3.76-.836-7.32-1.986-3.55-1.254-6.16-2.717l7.64-13.48q5.75 3.03 10.98 4.597 5.23 1.568 9.73 1.568 5.23 0 5.23-2.613 0-1.36-2.09-2.404-2.09-1.04-7.94-2.5-5.85-1.56-9.83-3.13-3.97-1.56-6.37-3.45-2.41-1.98-3.45-4.28-1.05-2.4-1.05-5.54 0-4.18 1.674-7.73 1.777-3.55 4.914-6.16 3.136-2.61 7.423-3.97 4.39-1.46 9.515-1.46 5.544 0 11.82 1.57 6.38 1.57 12.965 4.6l-7.64 12.63q-5.86-2.72-9.728-3.87-3.87-1.25-7.43-1.25-2.3 0-3.763.73-1.36.63-1.36 2.09 0 .84.42 1.47 1.044 1.05.523 2.83 1.15 1.88.523 4.6 1.15 6.275 1.567 10.56 3.344 4.29 1.68 6.8 3.77 2.613 1.99 3.66 4.6 1.15 2.51 1.15 5.85 0 8.47-6.484 13.38-6.38 4.92-17.465 4.92zm66.962-1.045l-12.445-20.065-3.973 4.39V77.62h-19.87V1.332h19.87v41.7l14.64-20.38h20.914l-18.928 24.036 20.81 30.934h-21.02z"/><path d="M402.905 78.667q-7.215 0-12.862-2.195-5.647-2.3-9.516-6.166-3.764-3.866-5.75-8.883-1.988-5.016-1.988-10.555 0-5.956 1.88-11.286 1.98-5.33 5.75-9.3 3.87-3.972 9.41-6.27 5.64-2.405 13.07-2.405 7.32 0 12.97 2.404 5.64 2.3 9.41 6.27 3.87 3.87 5.75 9.1 1.98 5.12 1.98 10.77 0 1.57-.21 3.24-.11 1.57-.32 2.82H393.9q.315 4.39 3.243 6.38 2.927 1.88 6.377 1.88 3.25 0 6.07-1.46 2.93-1.46 3.87-4.07l16.84 4.81q-3.344 6.59-10.35 10.77-6.902 4.18-17.045 4.18zm8.784-34.382q-.53-3.97-2.93-6.27-2.41-2.3-6.17-2.3-3.77 0-6.17 2.3t-2.93 6.27h18.19zm27.54-42.952h19.86v53.09q0 6.27 5.12 6.27 1.25 0 2.72-.42 1.46-.417 2.72-1.15l2.51 15.99q-3.56 1.673-8.06 2.613-4.39.94-8.37.94-7.95 0-12.24-4.075-4.29-4.07-4.29-11.8V1.34zm37.98 0h19.87v53.09q0 6.27 5.12 6.27 1.25 0 2.72-.42 1.46-.417 2.72-1.15l2.51 15.99q-3.56 1.673-8.06 2.613-4.39.94-8.37.94-7.95 0-12.23-4.075-4.29-4.07-4.29-11.8V1.34z"/></g><path d="M1.842 77.722L26.586 40.63 1.842 3.537H20.4L45.144 40.63 20.4 77.722H1.842zm0 0" fill="#453a62"/><path d="M86.384 56.085L78.136 43.72h28.868v12.366h-20.62zM74.012 37.54l-8.248-12.365h41.24V37.54H74.012zm0 0" fill="#8f4e8b"/><path d="M26.586 77.722L51.33 40.63 26.586 3.537h18.558L94.63 77.722H76.074L60.61 54.54 45.143 77.722H26.586zm0 0" fill="#5e5086"/></svg>';
waitForElm('#site-logo').then((logo) => {
logo.parentNode.innerHTML = svg;
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