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Last active October 22, 2017 20:35
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WP - StandAlone script to change wordpress url in db - Search & Replace
if( ! empty( $_GET[ 'done' ] ) ) {
if( unlink( __FILE__ ) ) {
die( 'הקובץ נמחק והאתר שלך מוכן עם הכתובת החדשה!' );
} else {
die( 'עקב בעיית הרשאות לא ניתן למחוק את הקובץ אוטומטית, אנא מחק את הקובץ ידנית.' );
include_once 'wp-load.php';
* Form action attribute.
* @return null
function icit_srdb_form_action() {
global $step;
echo basename( __FILE__ ) . '?step=' . intval( $step + 1 );
* Used to check the $_post tables array and remove any that don't exist.
* @param array $table The list of tables from the $_post var to be checked.
* @return array Same array as passed in but with any tables that don'e exist removed.
function check_table_array( $table = '' ) {
global $all_tables;
return in_array( $table, $all_tables );
* Simply create a submit button with a JS confirm popup if there is need.
* @param string $text Button string.
* @param string $warning Submit warning pop up text.
* @return null
function icit_srdb_submit( $text = 'Submit', $warning = '' ) {
$warning = str_replace( "'", "\'", $warning ); ?>
<input type="submit" class="button"
value="<?php echo htmlentities( $text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); ?>" <?php echo ! empty( $warning ) ? 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . htmlentities( $warning, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) . '\')){return true;}return false;"' : ''; ?>/> <?php
* Simple html esc
* @param string $string Thing that needs escaping
* @param bool $echo Do we echo or return?
* @return string Escaped string.
function esc_html_attr( $string = '', $echo = false ) {
$output = htmlentities( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
if( $echo ) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
* Walk and array replacing one element for another. ( NOT USED ANY MORE )
* @param string $find The string we want to replace.
* @param string $replace What we'll be replacing it with.
* @param array $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to the
* function for searching.
* @return array The original array with the replacements made.
function recursive_array_replace( $find, $replace, $data ) {
if( is_array( $data ) ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if( is_array( $value ) ) {
recursive_array_replace( $find, $replace, $data[ $key ] );
} else {
// have to check if it's string to ensure no switching to string for booleans/numbers/nulls - don't need any nasty conversions
if( is_string( $value ) ) {
$data[ $key ] = str_replace( $find, $replace, $value );
} else {
if( is_string( $data ) ) {
$data = str_replace( $find, $replace, $data );
* Take a serialised array and unserialise it replacing elements as needed and
* unserialising any subordinate arrays and performing the replace on those too.
* @param string $from String we're looking to replace.
* @param string $to What we want it to be replaced with
* @param array $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to in.
* @param bool $serialised Does the array passed via $data need serialising.
* @return array The original array with all elements replaced as needed.
function recursive_unserialize_replace( $from = '', $to = '', $data = '', $serialised = false ) {
// some unseriliased data cannot be re-serialised eg. SimpleXMLElements
try {
if( is_string( $data ) && ( $unserialized = @unserialize( $data ) ) !== false ) {
$data = recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $unserialized, true );
} elseif( is_array( $data ) ) {
$_tmp = array();
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$_tmp[ $key ] = recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $value, false );
$data = $_tmp;
unset( $_tmp );
} else {
if( is_string( $data ) ) {
$data = str_replace( $from, $to, $data );
if( $serialised ) {
return serialize( $data );
} catch ( Exception $error ) {
return $data;
* The main loop triggered in step 5. Up here to keep it out of the way of the
* HTML. This walks every table in the db that was selected in step 3 and then
* walks every row and column replacing all occurences of a string with another.
* We split large tables into 50,000 row blocks when dealing with them to save
* on memmory consumption.
* @param mysql $connection The db connection object
* @param string $search What we want to replace
* @param string $replace What we want to replace it with.
* @param array $tables The tables we want to look at.
* @return array Collection of information gathered during the run.
function icit_srdb_replacer( $connection, $search = '', $replace = '', $tables = array() ) {
global $guid, $exclude_cols;
$report = array(
'tables' => 0,
'rows' => 0,
'change' => 0,
'updates' => 0,
'start' => microtime(),
'end' => microtime(),
'errors' => array(),
if( is_array( $tables ) && ! empty( $tables ) ) {
foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
$report[ 'tables' ] ++;
$columns = array();
// Get a list of columns in this table
$fields = $connection -> query( 'DESCRIBE ' . $table );
while ( $column = $fields -> fetch_array() ) {
$columns[ $column[ 'Field' ] ] = $column[ 'Key' ] == 'PRI' ? true : false;
// Count the number of rows we have in the table if large we'll split into blocks, This is a mod from Simon Wheatley
$row_count = $connection -> query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table );
$rows_result = $row_count -> fetch_array();
$row_count = $rows_result[ 0 ];
if( $row_count == 0 ) {
$page_size = 50000;
$pages = ceil( $row_count / $page_size );
for ( $page = 0 ; $page < $pages ; $page ++ ) {
$current_row = 0;
$start = $page * $page_size;
$end = $start + $page_size;
// Grab the content of the table
$data = $connection -> query( sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %d, %d', $table, $start, $end ) );
if( ! $data ) {
$report[ 'errors' ][] = $connection -> error;
while ( $row = $data -> fetch_array() ) {
$report[ 'rows' ] ++; // Increment the row counter
$current_row ++;
$update_sql = array();
$where_sql = array();
$upd = false;
foreach ( $columns as $column => $primary_key ) {
if( $guid == 1 && in_array( $column, $exclude_cols ) ) {
$edited_data = $data_to_fix = $row[ $column ];
// Run a search replace on the data that'll respect the serialisation.
$edited_data = recursive_unserialize_replace( $search, $replace, $data_to_fix );
// Something was changed
if( $edited_data != $data_to_fix ) {
$report[ 'change' ] ++;
$update_sql[] = $column . ' = "' . $connection -> real_escape_string( $edited_data ) . '"';
$upd = true;
if( $primary_key ) {
$where_sql[] = $column . ' = "' . $connection -> real_escape_string( $data_to_fix ) . '"';
if( $upd && ! empty( $where_sql ) ) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode( ', ', $update_sql ) . ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', array_filter( $where_sql ) );
$result = $connection -> query( $sql );
if( ! $result ) {
$report[ 'errors' ][] = $connection -> error;
} else {
$report[ 'updates' ] ++;
} elseif( $upd ) {
$report[ 'errors' ][] = sprintf( '"%s" has no primary key, manual change needed on row %s.', $table, $current_row );
$report[ 'end' ] = microtime();
return $report;
* Take an array and turn it into an English formatted list. Like so:
* array( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ); = a, b, c, or d.
* @param array $input_arr The source array
* @return string English formatted string
function eng_list( $input_arr = array(), $sep = ', ', $before = '"', $after = '"' ) {
if( ! is_array( $input_arr ) ) {
return false;
$_tmp = $input_arr;
if( count( $_tmp ) >= 2 ) {
$end2 = array_pop( $_tmp );
$end1 = array_pop( $_tmp );
array_push( $_tmp, $end1 . $after . ' or ' . $before . $end2 );
return $before . implode( $before . $sep . $after, $_tmp ) . $after;
* Search through the file name passed for a set of defines used to set up
* WordPress db access.
* @param string $filename The file name we need to scan for the defines.
* @return array List of db connection details.
function icit_srdb_define_find( $filename = 'wp-config.php' ) {
if( defined( 'DB_NAME' ) ) {
return array(
$filename = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' . basename( $filename );
if( file_exists( $filename ) && is_file( $filename ) && is_readable( $filename ) ) {
$file = @fopen( $filename, 'r' );
$file_content = fread( $file, filesize( $filename ) );
@fclose( $file );
preg_match_all( '/define\s*?\(\s*?([\'"])(DB_NAME|DB_USER|DB_PASSWORD|DB_HOST|DB_CHARSET)\1\s*?,\s*?([\'"])([^\3]*?)\3\s*?\)\s*?;/si', $file_content, $defines );
if( ( isset( $defines[ 2 ] ) && ! empty( $defines[ 2 ] ) ) && ( isset( $defines[ 4 ] ) && ! empty( $defines[ 4 ] ) ) ) {
foreach ( $defines[ 2 ] as $key => $define ) {
switch ( $define ) {
case 'DB_NAME':
$name = $defines[ 4 ][ $key ];
case 'DB_USER':
$user = $defines[ 4 ][ $key ];
$pass = $defines[ 4 ][ $key ];
case 'DB_HOST':
$host = $defines[ 4 ][ $key ];
case 'DB_CHARSET':
$char = $defines[ 4 ][ $key ];
return array(
* Get Current url from WordPress
* @return string Old site url.
function icit_get_old_url() {
return get_option( 'siteurl', get_site_url() );
* Get new url from current address
* @return string New site url.
function icit_get_new_url() {
return ( $_SERVER[ 'HTTPS' ] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http' ) . '://' . $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ];
Check and clean all vars, change the step we're at depending on the quality of
the vars.
$errors = array();
$step = isset( $_REQUEST[ 'step' ] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST[ 'step' ] ) : 0; // Set the step to the request, we'll change it as we need to.
// Check that we need to scan wp-config.
$loadwp = isset( $_POST[ 'loadwp' ] ) ? true : false;
// DB details
$host = isset( $_POST[ 'host' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'host' ] ) : 'localhost'; // normally localhost, but not necessarily.
$data = isset( $_POST[ 'data' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'data' ] ) : ''; // your database
$user = isset( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'user' ] ) : ''; // your db userid
$pass = isset( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'pass' ] ) : ''; // your db password
$char = isset( $_POST[ 'char' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'char' ] ) : ''; // your db charset
// Search replace details
$srch = isset( $_POST[ 'srch' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'srch' ] ) : icit_get_old_url();
$rplc = isset( $_POST[ 'rplc' ] ) ? stripcslashes( $_POST[ 'rplc' ] ) : icit_get_new_url();
// Tables to scanned
$tables = isset( $_POST[ 'tables' ] ) && is_array( $_POST[ 'tables' ] ) ? array_map( 'stripcslashes', $_POST[ 'tables' ] ) : array();
// Do we want to skip changing the guid column
$guid = isset( $_POST[ 'guid' ] ) && $_POST[ 'guid' ] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$exclude_cols = array( 'guid' ); // Add columns to be excluded from changes to this array. If the GUID checkbox is ticked they'll be skipped.
// If we're at the start we'll check to see if wp is about so we can get the details from the wp-config.
if( $step == 0 || $step == 1 ) {
$step = file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-config.php' ) ? 1 : 2;
// Scan wp-config for the defines. We can't just include it as it will try and load the whole of wordpress.
if( $loadwp && file_exists( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-config.php' ) ) {
list( $host, $data, $user, $pass, $char ) = icit_srdb_define_find( 'wp-config.php' );
// Check the db connection else go back to step two.
if( $step >= 3 ) {
$connection = new mysqli( $host, $user, $pass, $data );
if( mysqli_connect_errno() ) {
$errors[] = sprintf( "Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error() );
$step = 2;
if( ! empty( $char ) ) {
if( method_exists( $connection, 'set_charset' ) ) {
$connection -> set_charset( $char );
} else {
$connection -> query( 'SET NAMES ' . $char );
} // Shouldn't really use this, but there for backwards compatibility
// Do we have any tables and if so build the all tables array
$all_tables = array();
$all_tables_mysql = $connection -> query( 'SHOW TABLES' );
if( ! $all_tables_mysql ) {
$errors[] = sprintf( "Error: %s\n", $connection -> error );
$step = 2;
} else {
$table = $all_tables_mysql -> fetch_all();
$all_tables = array_map( 'implode', $table );
// Check and clean the tables array
$tables = array_filter( $tables, 'check_table_array' );
if( $step >= 4 && empty( $tables ) ) {
$errors[] = 'לא נבחרו טבלאות.';
$step = 3;
// Make sure we're searching for something.
if( $step >= 5 ) {
if( empty( $srch ) ) {
$errors[] = 'מחרוזת החיפוש שגויה.';
$step = 4;
if( empty( $rplc ) ) {
$errors[] = 'מחרוזת ההחלפה ריקה.';
$step = 4;
if( ! ( empty( $rplc ) && empty( $srch ) ) && $rplc == $srch ) {
$errors[] = 'מחרוזת החיפוש ומחרוזת ההחלפה זהות. בדוק את הערכים שוב.';
$step = 4;
Send the HTML to the screen.
@header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' ); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" lang="en-US" dir="rtl">
<head profile="">
<title> \ Search and replace DB.</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #E5E5E5;
color: #353231;
font: 14px/18px "Gill Sans MT", "Gill Sans", Calibri, sans-serif;
p {
line-height: 18px;
margin: 18px 0;
max-width: 520px;
p.byline {
margin: 0 0 18px 0;
padding-bottom: 9px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #999999;
max-width: 100%;
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font-weight: normal;
line-height: 36px;
font-size: 24px;
margin: 9px 0;
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h2 {
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line-height: 24px;
font-size: 21px;
margin: 9px 0;
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margin: 9px 0;
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border: solid 10px 0px 0px 0px #ccc;
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fieldset {
border: 0 none;
.error {
border: solid 1px #c00;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #FFEBE8;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 10px;
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line-height: 18px;
cursor: pointer;
input.text {
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display: block;
width: 90%;
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input.button {
} {
border-top: 1px dashed #999999;
margin-top: 9px;
<div id="container"><?php
if( ! empty( $errors ) && is_array( $errors ) ) {
echo '<div class="error">';
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
echo '<p>' . $error . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
} ?>
<h1>חיפוש והחלפה - מסד נתונים</h1>
<p class="byline">ניתן כשירות על ידי</p>
The bit that does all the work.
switch ( $step ) {
case 1:
// Prompt for the loading of WordPress or not.
<h2>האם לטעון את ההתחברות מקובץ ההגדרות של Wordpress?</h2>
<form action="<?php icit_srdb_form_action(); ?>" method="post">
<p><label for="loadwp"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1" name="loadwp" id="loadwp"/> האם
לטעון את ההגדרות דרך הקובץ wp-config?</label></p> <?php
icit_srdb_submit( 'Submit' ); ?>
</form> <?php
case 2:
// Ask for db username password.
<h2>הגדרות שרת</h2>
<form action="<?php icit_srdb_form_action(); ?>" method="post">
<label for="host">כתובת שרת:</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="host" id="host" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $host, true ) ?>"/>
<label for="data">שם מסד נתונים:</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="data" id="data" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $data, true ) ?>"/>
<label for="user">שם משתמש לסמד נתונים:</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="user" id="user" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $user, true ) ?>"/>
<label for="pass">סיסמה:</label>
<input class="text" type="password" name="pass" id="pass" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $pass, true ) ?>"/>
<label for="pass">קידוד (אמור להיות UTF8):</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="char" id="char" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $char, true ) ?>"/>
<?php icit_srdb_submit( 'שלב הבא' ); ?>
</form> <?php
case 3:
// Ask which tables to deal with
<h2>אילו טבלאות תרצו לסרוק?</h2>
<form action="<?php icit_srdb_form_action(); ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="host" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $host, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $data, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $user, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $pass, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="char" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $char, true ) ?>"/>
<label for="tables">טבלאות:</label>
<select id="tables" name="tables[]" multiple="multiple" class="multi"><?php
foreach ( $all_tables as $table ) {
echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . esc_html_attr( $table ) . '">' . $table . '</option>';
} ?>
<em>בחירת גורפת מתבצעת בעזרת ( CTRL/CMD + לחיצה ).</em>
<label for="guid">
<input type="checkbox" name="guid" id="guid" value="1" <?php echo $guid == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?>/> Leave GUID column unchanged? </label>
<em>If the values in the GUID column from the WordPress posts table change RSS readers and other tools will be under the impression that the posts are new and may show them in feeds again. <br />
All columns titled <?php echo eng_list( $exclude_cols ) ?> will be skipped if this it ticked.</em>
<?php icit_srdb_submit( 'הבא', 'האם הינך בטוח שברצונך לבצע את הפעולה?' ); ?>
</form> <?php
case 4:
// Ask for the search replace strings.
<h2>מה להחליף?</h2>
<form action="<?php icit_srdb_form_action(); ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="host" id="host" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $host, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="data" id="data" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $data, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="user" id="user" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $user, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="pass" id="pass" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $pass, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="char" id="char" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $char, true ) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="guid" id="guid" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $guid, true ) ?>"/> <?php
foreach ( $tables as $i => $tab ) {
printf( '<input type="hidden" name="tables[%s]" value="%s" />', esc_html_attr( $i, false ), esc_html_attr( $tab, false ) );
} ?>
<label for="srch">חפש את (יש הבדל בין אותיות קטנות לגדולות):</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="srch" id="srch" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $srch, true ) ?>"
<label for="rplc">החלף עם:</label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="rplc" id="rplc" value="<?php esc_html_attr( $rplc, true ) ?>"
<?php icit_srdb_submit( 'בצע!', 'האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבצע את הפעולה?' ); ?>
</form> <?php
case 5:
@ set_time_limit( 60 * 10 );
// Try to push the allowed memory up, while we're at it
@ ini_set( 'memory_limit', '1024M' );
// Process the tables
if( isset( $connection ) ) {
$report = icit_srdb_replacer( $connection, $srch, $rplc, $tables );
// Output any errors encountered during the db work.
if( ! empty( $report[ 'errors' ] ) && is_array( $report[ 'errors' ] ) ) {
echo '<div class="error">';
foreach ( $report[ 'errors' ] as $error ) {
echo '<p>' . $error . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
// Calc the time taken.
$time = array_sum( explode( ' ', $report[ 'end' ] ) ) - array_sum( explode( ' ', $report[ 'start' ] ) ); ?>
<p><?php printf(
'בתהליך בוצע חיפוש על הביטוי
<strong>"%s"</strong> שהוחלף עם <strong>"%s"</strong> נסרקו <strong>%d</strong> טבלאות, עם סך הכל <strong>%d</strong> שורות <!--strong>%d</strong> cells were changed and <strong>%d</strong>--> העידכון נמשך <strong>%f</strong> שניות.', $srch, $rplc, $report[ 'tables' ], $report[ 'rows' ], $report[ 'change' ], $report[ 'updates' ], $time
); ?></p> <?php
default: ?>
<h2>No idea how we got here.</h2>
<p>Something strange has happened.</p> <?php
if( ! empty( $connection ) ) {
$connection -> close();
// Warn if we're running in safe mode as we'll probably time out.
if( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ) {
echo '<h4>Warning</h4>';
printf( '<p style="color:red;">Safe mode is on so you may run into problems if it takes longer than %s seconds to process your request.</p>', ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) );
Close out the html and exit.
*/ ?>
<div class="help">
<p style="color:red">אזהרה!</p> לפני הפעולה יש לבצע גיבוי למסד הנתונים, הסקריפט יכול לעשות נזק בלתי הפיך במידה
והשימוש בו לא היה נכון.
<h2>אל תשכח למחוק את הקובץ!</h3>
<p style="color:red">יש לבצע מחיקה של הקובץ לאחר שהורץ פעם אחת</p>
<a href="?done=1">מחק את הקובץ כעת!</a>
<h2>השימוש בסקריפט זה על אחריות המשתמש בלבד, ברגע שמריצים אותו אין אפשרות לבצע Undo.</h2>
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This script "Forked" from:

I was change deprecated "mysql" functions to mysqli.

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