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Created May 16, 2023 19:03
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# Intro To Node - Skills and concepts
Hey, can we just take a second to marvel at how much you've learned in only a few weeks? Staggering really. For your convenience, here are all the raw skills and concepts from each lecture. Use it to make sure you know all of these topics.
(CORE) denotes the more important concepts, but all of these are good!
# 1.0.0 - Intro To Node!
- (CORE) Understand we're using Node, not browser
- (CORE) Create and run js files
- Access the REPL
- (CORE) module.export and require
- (CORE) Using NPM to load dependencies
- Difference between a module and a package
- (CORE) npm init
- npm init -y
- (CORE) What is a package.json file
- (CORE) npm install
- npm i, npm i -D, npm i -g
- (CORE) npm package imports vs local modules
- (CORE) What are npm scripts, how to run them
- (CORE) How to run tests
- what a test runner like jest is
- (CORE) How to read basic tests
- jest options
- jest watch mode
- (CORE) Semantic versioning
# 1.0.1 - Vars, Functions, and Strings
- (CORE) const vs let vs var
- (CORE) variable hoisting
- (CORE) The primitive data types
- NaN
- (CORE) Function declarations vs expressions
- (CORE) old function declarations get hoisted
- (CORE) arrow expressions do not
- (CORE) params/args and return values
- (CORE) Rough intro to concept of scope
- scope can see up, not down
- (CORE) Why hoisting + scope is why we avoid `function` for now
- (CORE) String indexes and .length
- (CORE) How to make string templates
- backticks vs quote behavior
- special \t \n chars
- when templates vs concatenation
- (CORE) Know these str methods
- .includes, .indexOf, .toUpper/LowerCase, .slice
- Familiar with these:
- .lastIndexOf, .replace, .replaceAll
# 1.0.2 - Flow Control and Operators
- (CORE) How conditions work
- (CORE) if/else statements
- specific => general statements
- (CORE) Comparison and logical operators
- (CORE) truthy/falsy values
- guard clauses
- ternarys
- (CORE) scope to lift up variables
- +,-,/,*
- **, %
- .ceil(), .round(), .floor()
- (CORE) typeof operator
- typeof quirks: arrays, null, NaN
# 1.1.0 - Loops
- (CORE) `for` loop
- (CORE) initialization, condition, incrementor
- (CORE) string iteration
- `continue`
- `break`
- (CORE) `return`
- (CORE) `while` loop
- `while` loop unknown length
- know existence of `do while` loop
- nested loops
- (CORE) When to use a `while` vs a `for` loop
# 1.1.1 - Arrays
- (CORE) string like properties
- indexes
- .length
- get value a index
- iterate through with a for loop
- (CORE) Advanced mechanics
- replace value at index
- delete array
- destructuring
- nesting arrays (matrix)
- (CORE) basic copy
- .slice() review
- [...] spread operator
- (CORE) basic mutations
- push, pop, shift, unshift
- splice
- (CORE) pass by reference vs pass by value
- simple intro
# 1.1.2 - Objects
- (CORE) Base mechanics
- add keys,
- access values,
- update values,
- delete keys,
- (CORE) Dynamic keys
- (CORE) Object Shorthand Notation
- (CORE) Destructuring
- (CORE) Pass by reference
- (CORE) Cloning
- (CORE) Accessing nested objects
- Iteration methods
- `.keys()`, `.values()`, `.entries()`
- (CORE) pass by reference vs pass by value
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