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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<ids xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<title>Cost planning</title>
<description>These requirements are designed to allow model-based quantity take-off and cost estimation, to increase the accuracy of cost planning and decrease the turnaround of cost planning to minimise the effects of value engineering.</description>
<purpose>Contractual requirements</purpose>


  • IFC is a relatively highly comprehensive specification. The presence of green ticks are not always a benefit. More ticks generally come at a cost of slower development, poor support by proprietary systems (who have to deal with complex translations), bureaucracy, etc.
  • Brickschema is based on linked data. This means that although you may see many red crosses, this is inherent in the strategy of linked data: the schema does not need to "do it all", it can reference other namespaced schemas that have other responsibilities. Brickschema's scope is to do with building operations, and does an exceptional job at those semantics (which is very hard to capture in broad scope tables like this).
  • Speckle has a different approach so the comparison here isn't fair. Its approach is to use adaptors / data streaming between platforms. As such, their "schema", semantics, or responsibilities may be minimal and this is by design, as the semantics are hosted in the original technology and Speckle ac

Revit IFC properties configuration

Two files are provided here:

  • IFC Shared Parameters-LendleaseIFC.txt - to be used when adding new parameters that are not part of the IFC standard, or modified to accommodate limitations in Revit
  • RevitUserDefinedPropertySets.txt - to be used when exporting IFCs, to ensure IFC properties are exported to the correct location.

To download:

  1. Click on "Raw" next to your desired file.
import bpy
import bmesh
import time
import mathutils
import ifcopenshell
import multiprocessing
from itertools import chain, accumulate
class MeshRacer:
def execute(self):
Moult /
Last active May 24, 2020 12:04
Phar bug test

Note: bar.php should be in subdir foo/

Moult / input
Last active June 17, 2018 08:53
Query LPI for address data
-33.77887533975928, 151.06648295849564
-33.77889317514952, 151.06632202595472
-33.77896451667338, 151.0661557289958
-33.778819604140814, 151.0659357878566
-33.77903139929803, 151.0659599277377
-33.77892438707354, 151.06576680868864
-33.778991269729524, 151.06563001602888
-33.77869921508115, 151.06573998659852
-33.77857882585231, 151.06628715723753
-33.77847627193128, 151.06701135367157
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import portage
import urllib2
url = ''
# Build a to remove set
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(