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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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=begin pod
=TITLE Things Rakudo Should Be Able to Do or Ought to Have
My personal TODO list, things that other people haven't already picked up to work on
=begin item
Ecosystem stuff
=item Slang::Indent
=item Finish TOML parser when C<%h{"a";"b"}> autovivifies
=item Grammar::Expression
=item Lingua::EN::Inflect
=item Image::GIF
=item No YAML parser?? sounds like a fun project in the first place
=item Pod::To::Markdown
=item "use Snake"
=end item
=begin item
Multidim stuff:
=item E<check> Create candidate for C<@a[LoL]>
=item E<check> Let C<@a[1;2;*]> work
=item E<check> Create candidate for C<%h{LoL}>
=item E<check> Let C<%h{"a";"b";*}> work
=item E<check> Make C<(1;2)>, C<[6;2]> work (TimToady++)
=item Have C<@a[1;2] = 42> autovivify C<@a[1]>
=item Have C<%h{"a";"b"} = 42> autovivify C«%h<a>»
=item Write more comprehensive tests for C<@a[1;2]>
=item Write I<any> tests for C<%h{"a";"b"}>
=item E<check> Create HyperWhatever in core.setting
and make the basic functionality work
=item Create working C<@a[**]> candidate
=item Implement sized array syntax
=end item
=begin item
Improve B<C<Setty>>, B<C<Baggy>>, and B<C<Mixy>> objects, the Collection types, and make them
follow spec:
=item C<QuantHash> is nowhere close to spec
=item C<infix:<eqv>> needs to exist for these objects
=item C<Mixy> infix operators? These could probably just be generalized from
the C<Baggy> cases
=item Improved documentation + demonstrations of how to use these very
useful things
=end item
=begin item
Various improvements to Pod6-related things:
=item Allowing formatting codes in C<=table>s
=item Getting C<=item # Numbered item> to work
=item (any!) documentation/tutorial
=item Better errors and more forgiveness instead of inexplicably
parse-failing and sometimes even trying to parse the bad Pod6 as bad
=item C<L<defn:abcd>>, C<L<syn:S03>>, etc. (test: L<defn:abcd>, L<syn:S03>)
=begin item
E<check> Added C<@.meta> to C<Pod::FormattingCode>, and now the
C<"efg"> of C<L<abcd|efg>> goes in C<@.meta>. Now need to make
sure all the formatting codes that do more than formatting
do this correctly and consistently, e.g.:
=item E<check> C<E<>> should have separate parsing and actions (and should we know HTML escapes?)
=item E<check> C<X<>> needs to be multi-dimensional (needs better Pod::To::HTML support)
=end item
=item Make C<=config> do something. Either have the front-ends support
it, or build support directly into Rakudo's Action/Pod methods
(the latter seems more likely)
=item Vim syntax highlighter thinks indented things in Pod are always code
=end item
=begin item
=item E<check> Block case of quantifier, e.g., C<[stuff] ** {how-many-stuff()}> (Done, FROGGS++!)
=end item
=begin item
=item E<check> Make L<supa awesome pretty|>!
=item E<check> improve space for operators?
=item non-literal search?
=begin item
=item Operators
=item Flesh out IO::Handle
=item IO::Path?
=end item
=item E<check> Setty, Set, SetHash
=item E<check> Baggy, Bag, BagHash
=item E<check> Mixy, Mix, MixHash
=item Merge applicable things into QuantHash
=end item
=comment vim: ft=perl6 tw=72
=end pod
say $=pod.perl
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