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Created August 22, 2023 15:26
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Find the day of week for any date given after 1751 in Kotlin
package sample
import java.time.DayOfWeek.*
import java.time.LocalDate
class DayOfWeekCalculator
fun main() {
val date =
println("The day of week is ${calculateDayOfWeek(date)} for $date")
fun calculateDayOfWeek(date: LocalDate): String {
// 1. Take the last two digits of the year.
val step1: Int = date.year.toString().substring(2).toInt()
// 2. Divide it by 4 and discard any remainder.
val step2: Int = step1 / 4
//3. Add the day of the month to the value obtained in the previous step.
val step3: Int = step2 + date.dayOfMonth
// 4. Add the month code to the value obtained in the previous step.
val step4: Int = step3 + MonthCode.codeFor(date.month.value)
// 5. If the date is in Jan or Feb of a leap year; subtract 1 from the previous step.
val step5: Int = if (date.isLeapYear && listOf(1, 2).contains(date.month.value)) step4 - 1 else step4
// 6. Add the century code to the value from the previous step.
val step6: Int = step5 + CenturyCode.codeFor(date.year.toString().substring(0, 2).toInt())
// 7. Add the last two digits of the year to the value from the previous step.
val step7: Int = step6 + date.year.toString().substring(2).toInt()
// 8. Divide the value by 7 and take the remainder.
val step8: Int = step7 % 7
// 9. Find the day of the week that corresponds to the remainder obtained in the previous step.
return DayOfWeek.dayFor(step8)
enum class MonthCode(
val month: Int,
val code: Int,
) {
JAN(1, 1),
FEB(2, 4),
MAR(3, 4),
APR(4, 0),
MAY(5, 2),
JUN(6, 5),
JULY(7, 0),
AUG(8, 3),
SEPT(9, 6),
OCT(10, 1),
NOV(11, 4),
DEC(12, 6);
companion object {
fun codeFor(mo: Int): Int {
values().find { it.month == mo }.also { return it?.code ?: -1 }
enum class CenturyCode(
val century: Int,
val code: Int,
) {
companion object {
fun codeFor(cent: Int): Int {
CenturyCode.values().find { it.century == cent }.also { return it?.code ?: -1 }
enum class DayOfWeek(
val day: String,
val code: Int,
) {
SAT(, 0),
SUN(, 1),
MON(, 2),
TUE(, 3),
WED(, 4),
THUR(, 5),
FRI(, 6);
companion object {
fun dayFor(cd: Int): String {
DayOfWeek.values().find { it.code == cd }.also { return it?.day ?: "Funday" }
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