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Notes on Coursera course "Functional Program Design in Scala" (

Week 1

lecture "Recap: Functions and Pattern Matching"

recursive function + case classes + pattern matching: example JSON printer (Scala -> JSON) pattern matching in Scala SDK: PartialFunction is a Trait with def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean

lecture "Recap: Collections"

  • Iterable (base class)
    • Seq
    • IndexedSeq concrete implems below :
      • Vector
      • etc.
    • LinearSeq concrete implems below :
      • List : concrete implem
      • etc.
  • Set
    • etc.
  • Map
    • etc.

All collections have map, flatMap, filter, foldLeft, foldRight Idealized implementation of these functions use pattern matching.

For expressions:

  • are interesting for simplifying combinations of map, flatMap and filter.
  • can use pattern matching in the left-hand side. Example:
val data: List[JSON] = ...
for {
  JObj(bindings) <- data // implicit filter
  JSeq(phones) = bindings("phoneNumbers")
  JObj(phone) <- phones
  JStr(digits) = phone("number")
  if digits starstWith "212"
} yield (bindings("lastname"))

lecture "Lecture 1.1 - Queries with For"

For expressions used as a DSL for database queries.

case classe Book(title: String, authors: List[String])

// mini database:
val book: List[Book] = List(
 Book(title="Effective Java", authors = List("Joshua Bloch"))

# queries:
// find books whose author's name is "Bird"
for (b <- books ; a <- b.authors if a startsWith "Bird")
yield b.title

// find names of all authors who have written at least 2 books
  for {
   b1 <- books
   b2 <- books
   // if b1 != b2 # would return dupes
   if b1.title < b2.title
   a1 <- b1.authors
   a2 <- b2.authors
   if a1 == a2
 } yield a1
} distinct // otherwise, would return dupes

// or better, fix our model so that we don't need to use distinct in queries:
val book: List[Book] = Set( # use a Set instead of a List
 Book(title="Effective Java", authors = List("Joshua Bloch"))

lecture "Translation of For"

map, flatMap and filter can be implemented with for expressions. But the compiler implement for expresions with higher-order functions map, flatMap and filter.

// case 1:
for (x <- e1) yield e2
// is translated to: => e2)

// case 2:
for (x <- e1 if f; s) yield e2
// is translated to: for (x <- e1.withFilter(x => f); s) yield e2
// withFilter is a lazy variant of filter that does not produce intermediate list

// case 3:
for (x <- e1; y <- e2; s) yield e3
// is translated to:
// e1.flatMap(x => for (y <- e2; s) yield e3)
// and the translation continues...

This translation is not onyly done for collections. It is useful for parsers, databases, etc. Examples :

  • ScalaQuery and Slick Scala libraries
  • Microsoft LINQ (C#) If you provide map, flatMap and filter in your own type, you can use for expressions.

Functional random generators

Another use of for expressions: random value generator (strings, numbers, etc.)

trait Generator[T+] {
  def generate: T

val integers = new Generator[Int] {
 val rand = new java.util.Random
 def generate = rand.nextInt()

val booleans = new Generator[Boolean] {
 def generate = integers.generate > 0

val pairs = new Generator[(Int, Int)] {
 def generate = (integers.generate, integers.generate)


How to reduce boiler-plate code?

trait Generator[T+] {
  self => // alias for 'this'
  def generate: T
  def map[S](f: T => S): Generator[S] {
   def generate = f(self.generate) // this.generate would lead to never-ending recursive call
   // other way : f(Generator.this.generate
  def flatMap[S](f: T => Generator[S]: Generator[S] = new Generator[S] {
   def generate = f(self.generate).generate

val booleans = for (x <- integers) yield x > 0

val pairs = for{
 x <- t
 y <- u
} yield (x, y)
def single ...

def oneOf[T](xs: T*) { //vararg

def lists: Generators[List[Int]] = for{
 isEmpty <- booleans
 list <- if (isEmpty) emptyLits else nonEmptyLists
} yield list

def emptyList = single(Nil)

def nonEmptyLists = for {
 head <- integers 
 tail <- lists
} yield head :: tail

example: tree generator application: random testing via property-based testing (cf. ScalaCheck library)


Monad is a design pattern A monad M is a parametric type M[T]:

  • with 2 operations: flatMap (or bind) and unit having both of them gives map operation
  • that statify laws

Examples: List is a monad with unit(x) = List(x) Set is a monad with unit(x) = Set(x) Option is a monad with unit(x) = Some(x) Generator is a monad with unit(x) = single(x)

3 laws:

  • associativity: the result of two bind calls does not depend of their order ; ex: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) (m flatMap f) flatMap g == m flatMap ((x => f(x) flatMap g))
  • left unit: unit(x) flatMap f == f(x)
  • right unit: m flatMap unit == m

Monoid is a simple form of monad that does not return anything

Examples: Option is a monad Try is not a monad (left unit law fails)

Additional law: "monads with zero" also define withFilter

Week 2

Structural Induction on Trees

Proving session on trees:

To prove a property P(t) for all trees t of a certain type, we'll need to:

  • show that P(l) holds for all leaves l
  • for each type of internal nodes t with subtrees s1, ..., sn, show that: P(s1) ^ ... ^ P(sn) implies P(t)

Example: IntSets


Streams are like lists with tail evaluated on demand (lazily) => short and elegant notation (/ recursive)

Example: find the second prime number between 1000 and 10000

((1000 to 10000) filter isPrime)(1)

see #:: that applies to streams (because :: produces a list, not a stream)


trait Stream[+A] extends Seq[A] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: A
  def tail: Stream[A]

object Stream {

 // note: the only difference with list is the type of the 2nd parameter:
 def cons[T] (hd: T, tl: => Stream[T]) = new Stream[T] {
  def isEmpty = false
  def head = hd
  def tail = tl
 val empty = new Stream[Nothing] {
  def isEmpty = true
  def head = throw new NoSuchElementException("empty head")
  def tail = throw new NoSuchElementException("empty tail")


class Stream[T+] {

 def filter(p: T => Boolean): Stream[T] {
  if (isEmpty) this
  elseif (p(head)) cons(head, tail.filter(p))
  else tail.filter(p)


lecture "Lazy evaluation"

Previous implem has an issue: if tail is called several times, stream will be recomputed. Solution: store th 1st tail evaluation

Haskell uses lazy evaluation, by default.


  • uses strict evaluation, by default.
  • allows lazy with `lazy val"
lazy val x = expr

Fix in our Stream implem:

 def cons[T] (hd: T, tl: => Stream[T]) = new Stream[T] {
  def head = hd
  lazy val tail = tl

lecture "Case study: infinite streams"


// all integers:
def from(n: Int): Stream[Int] = n #:: from(n+1)

val naturalNumbers = from()
val multiplesOf4 = nats maps (_ * 4)
// etc.

Usage #1 : Prime numbers via the Sieve of Eratosthenes

 def sieve(: Stream[Int]): Stream[Int}
  s.head #:: sieve(s.tail filter (_ % s.head != 0))

 val primes = sieves(from(2))

Usage #2 : square roots

 def srtStream(x: Double): Stream[Double] = {
  def improve(guess: Double) = (guess + x  / guess) / 2
  lazy val guesses: Stream[Double] = 1 #:: (guesses map improve)
 def isGoodEnough(guess: Double, x: Double) =
   math.abs((guess * guess - x) / x) < 0.0001

 sqrtStream(4) filter (isGoodEnough(_, 4))

lecture "Case study: Water pouring problem"

cf. "Design of computer programs" (more imperative solution in Python)

How to use:

  • a glass of 4 cl.
  • a glass of 9 cl.
  • a big jar to fill to mesure 6 cl ?

Our model: Glass: Int State: Vector[Int] Moves: Empty(glass) Fill(glass) Pour(from, to)

class Pouring(capacity: Vector[Int]) {

 type State = Vector[Int]
 val initialState = capacity map (x => 0)
 trait  {
  def change(state: State): State
 case class Empty(glass: Int) extends Move {
  def change(state: State) = state updated (glass, 0)
 case class Fill(glass: Int) extends Move {
  def change(state: State) = state updated (glass, capacity(glass))
 case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move {
  def change(state: State) = {
   val amount = state(from) min (capacityt(to) - state(to))
   state updated (from, state(from) - amount) updated (to, state(to) + amount)
 val glasses = 0 until capacity.length
 val moves =
  (for (g <- glasses) yield Empty(g)) ++
  (for (g <- glasses) yield Fill(g)) ++
  (for (from <- glasses; to <- glasses if from != to) yield Pour(from, to)

class Path(history: List[Move], val endState: State) {
 def extend(move: Move) = new Path(move :: history, move change endState)
 override def toString = (history.reverse mkString " ") + "--> " + endState

val initialPath = new Path(Nil, initialState)

def from(path: Set[Path], explored: Set[Path]): Stream[Set[Path]] =
 if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty
 else {
  val more = for {
   path <- paths
   next <- moves map path.extend
  } yield next
  if (!explored contains next.endState) 
  paths #:: from(more)

val pathSets = from(Set(initialPath), explored ++ (more map (_.endState)), Set(inialState)
def solution(target: Int) Stream[Path] =
 for {
  pathSet <- pathSets
  path <- pathSet
  if (path.endState contains targer)
 } yield path

object Test {}
 val problem = new Pouring(Vector(4, 7))


  • name everything you can (do not use "single-letter variables like mathematicians")
  • put operations into natural scopes i.e. change method inside Move class)
  • keep degrees of freedom for future refinements

Week 3: Functions and State

lecture Functions and State

Until now, we wrote pure functions with immutable data. => side-effet free But how to work with mutable state? When time is important?

Substitution model: programs can be evaluated by rewriting (function applications). All rewritings that terminate lead to the same result (cf. Church-Rosser theorem of lambda-calculus).

Stateful Objects: Changes over time => state An object has state if its behavior is influenced by its history. Ex : a bank transaction depends on the state of bank accounts.

State implementation: Via variables and assignments

class BankAccount {
 private var balance = 0
 def deposit(amount: Int): Unit =
  if (amount > 0) balance = balance + amount
 def withdraw(amount: Int): Int =
   if (0 < amount && amount <= balance) {
    balance = balance - amount
   } else throw new Error("insufficient funds")
  val account = new BankAccount
  account deposit 50
  account withdraw 20 # OK
  account deposit 40 # Error, different result

lecture "Identity and change"

When are objects the same?

On values, yes (cf. referential transparency:

 val a = E
 val b = E

But with variables and mutable state, no:

 val account1 = new BankAccount
 val account2 = new BankAccount

Being the same = operational equivalence. i.e. no possible (black box) test can distinguish between them.

test(account1, account2)

The substitution model cannot be used with assignments (or it becomes very complicated).

lecture "loops"

Loops: main feature in imperative programming. In FP:

  • while loops are modeled with recursive functions. (tail recursive)
  • classical for loops cannot be modeled via higher-order function (because of nested variable) Scala has for-expressions like for (i <- 1 until 3) ... (cf. Collections#foreach)

lecture "Extended Example: Discrete Event Simulation"

Use mutable variables to simulate changing quantities in real world. Also structure a system with layers, in particular with a Domain Specific Language.

Example: digital circuit simulator Use wires to combine base components that a have a reaction time (delay):

  • inverter
  • AND gate
  • OR gate

half-adder (HA)

 // components with side effects
 def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire): Unit
 def andGate(a1: Wire, a2: Wire, output: Wire): Unit
 def orGate(a1: Wire, a2: Wire, output: Wire): Unit

def halfAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, s: Wire, c: Wire): Unit = {
 val d, e = new Wire // internal wires
 orGate(a, b, d)
 andGate(a, b, c)
 inverter(c, e)
 andGate(d, e, s)

def fullAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, cin: Wire, sum: Wire):, cout: Wire): Unit = {
 val s, c1, c2 = new Wire // internal wires
 halfAdder(b, cin, s, c1)
 halfAdder(a, s, sum, c2)
 orGate(c1, c2, cout)

lecture "Discrete Event Simulation: API and Usage"

Implementation of class Wire and its functions.

A discrete event simulator performs actions at a given moment.

An action is a function:

 type Action = () => Unit

Time is simulated.

Layers: user -> circuits (higher-level components) -> gates (wires & base components)-> (abstract) simulation

trait Simulation {
 def currentTime: Int = ???
 def afterDelay(delay: Int)(block: => Unit): Unit ???
 def run(): Unit = ???
class Wire {

 private var sigVal = false; // current value
 private var actions: List[Action] = List()
 def getSignal: Boolean = sigVal
 def setSignal(s: Boolean): Unit = 
  if (s != sigVal) {
   sigVal = s
   actions foreach (_())
 def addAction(a: Action): Unit = {
  actions = a :: actions

def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire) : Unit = {
 def invertAction(): Unit = {
  val inputSig = input.getSignal
  afterDelay(InverterDelay) { output setSignal !inputSig }
 input addAction invertAction

def andGate(in1: Wire, in2: Wire, output: Wire) : Unit = {
 def andAction(): Unit = {
  val in1Sig = in1.getSignal
  val in2Sig = in2.getSignal
  afterDelay(AndGateDelay) { output setSignal (in1Sig && in2Sig) }
 in1 addAction andAction
 in2 addAction andAction

def orGate(in1: Wire, in2: Wire, output: Wire) : Unit = {
 def orAction(): Unit = {
  afterDelay(OrGateDelay) { output setSignal (in1.getSignal | in2.getSignal) }
 in1 addAction orAction
 in2 addAction orAction

lecture "Discrete Event Simulation: implement and test"

Simulation trait has an agenda of actions to perform.

trait Simulation {
 type Action = () => Unit
 case class Event(time: Int, action: Action) # case class => easy to pattern-match on
 private type Agenda = List[Event]
 private var agenda: Agenda = List()
 private var curtime = 0
 def currentTime: Int = curtime
 def afterDelay(delay: Int)(block => Unit) {
  val item = Event(curentTime + delay, () => block)
  agenda = inster(agenda, item)


State & assignments => more complicated (we lose referential transparency and substituion model) but programs are simpler and concise. => trade-off

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