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Moving-Electrons /
Last active September 15, 2017 08:04
Evernote Template Note - Pythonista
# This script uses Evernote's API to create a new template note to be used in meetings.
# The template includes the following fields: Date, Time, Attendance, Objective, Remarks and
# Action Items. The fields are shown using Evernote Markup Language. It also automatically
# adds the the date when the note was created at the end of the note's title.
# When run, it lists all notebooks in a user's account (just as reference), then
# asks for the title of the new note (automatically adding the current date at the
# end in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD), then asks for the tags to be assigned to the note and
# creates it in a pre-defined notebook (hard coded in the ntbkName variable below).
Moving-Electrons / gist:7762481
Created December 3, 2013 01:41
This script reads an Abstractspoon ToDoList file, searches for tasks overdue, due today and due within the next 7 days and puts the results in a text file in Markdown format. It includes Due Dates, Categories and Priorities per task. More information in
import sys
import csv
import operator
import time
from datetime import date
This script reads the .csv file generated by TodoList (from abstractspoon) using csvreader (csv library) and puts the contents in a list of lists that is later iterated over to separate tasks in 4 buckets (lists of lists): Overdue, Today, Tomorrow and Next 7 days. Each of these lists has the priority column converted to integer so that they can be sorted by the column. The results are then written to a .txt file'''
# Contants definition
file = sys.argv[1] # .csv file from Abstractspoon TodoList
Moving-Electrons /
Last active June 19, 2021 10:11
This Python script checks stock prices in Google Finance pages and send notifications (email and instant) if predetermined conditions in a csv file (passed as argument) are met. More info:
import string, re, os, time, smtplib, sys
from urllib import urlopen
import httplib, urllib #used in the Pushover code
def quote_grab(symbol):
baseurl = ''
Moving-Electrons /
Last active February 19, 2022 21:01
This script connects through SSH to the Computer/Server using the Username & Password defined in the header. It then runs a command/script that is passed as an argument by long pressing the Run icon in Pythonista or by calling the script through Pythonista's URL scheme with an argument. More information in , scripting sec…
import paramiko
import console
import sys
import keychain
'''This script connects through SSH to the Computer/Server using the Username & Password defined in the header.
It then runs a command/script that is passed as an argument by long pressing the Run icon in Pythonista or by
calling the script through Pythonista's URL scheme with an argument.
General Notes:
Moving-Electrons /
Created August 31, 2014 01:49
This python script parses all feeds and searches for predefined words in each item title. If it finds a match, it sends an instant message through Pushover ( It also logs all the posted items in text files per category. More information in
import feedparser #need manual installation. Doesn't come with Python.
import os
import httplib #used by pushover
import urllib #used by pushover
# Linux:
folderPath = '/home/YOUR_USERNAME/Scripts/Support_Files/Woot/'
# Just items:
Moving-Electrons /
Created December 15, 2014 02:37
This script reads pre-formatted tweets from a text file and posts them at defined intervals. It uses the Twython library (wrapper for Twitter API). More information at
import datetime
import time
import re
import os
from twython import Twython
import sys
import traceback
import httplib, urllib #used in the Pushover code
Moving-Electrons / MarkdownEditor-Cobaltish.tmTheme
Created December 19, 2014 19:50
This is a Color Scheme for the MarkdownEditing plugin/package for Sublime Text. It was built based on the Dark Color Scheme included in the package and the Cobalt 2 Theme. More information in
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Moving-Electrons /
Created May 3, 2015 22:34
This script takes the taskpaper file passed as an argument and reschedules completed recurring tasks based on their due date, done date and recurring frequency. The task is put in the project it was completed on, even if it has been archived at the end of the file. The script looks for the following tags: - @Due(YYYY-MM-DD) e.g. @Due(2015-04-17) -
import re
import shutil
import os
import sys
from datetime import date, timedelta
''' This script takes the taskpaper file passed as an argument and reschedules completed recurring tasks based on their
due date, done date and recurring frequency. The task is put in the project it was completed on, even if it has been
Moving-Electrons /
Created December 21, 2015 22:15
This script generates a text/markdown file with the tasks from a taskpaper file sorted by due date in three groups: Overdue, Today and Tomorrow. Check out for more information.
import sys
import re
import operator
import datetime
This script generates a text/markdown file with the tasks from a taskpaper file sorted by due date in three groups:
Overdue, Today and Tomorrow. Also, all tasks with the @today tag are placed in the Today group.
The following parameters should be passed when running the script:
Moving-Electrons /
Created January 1, 2016 22:13
This script takes two arguments (Taskpaper filename and Output image filename) and returns a graph showing the number of tasks due per day. More information on
import sys
import re
import datetime as dt
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
This script takes the following arguments and returns a graph showing the number of tasks due per day.