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Last active July 16, 2016 15:14
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Some basic examples of how to use XhrIo. Server is at:
(ns xhrio-examples.examples
(:require [ :as xhrio]
[goog.structs :as structs]
[goog.Uri.QueryData :as query]))
(def get-text-url "http://localhost:3000/get-text")
(def get-json-url "http://localhost:3000/get-json")
(def post-url "http://localhost:3000")
(def post-form-url "http://localhost:3000/post-form")
(def post-json-url "http://localhost:3000/post-json")
;;;; The simplest possible request:
;;; Signature: (send url callback)
;;; * url = target URL of the request, either a string or goog.Uri instance.
;;; * callback = the function to be called when the request completes.
;;; Note that it will default to Http GET if no method is specified.
get-text-url ; url
#(js/alert ; callback
(str "From " get-text-url " /w GET received: "
(.getResponseText (.-target %)))))
;;;; Requesting a JSON response:
;;; Instead of getResponseText, we use getResponseJson. However, if you have
;;; a need to get the raw text, you can still use getResponseText to get the
;;; contents as a string.
get-json-url ;url
#(js/alert ; callback
(str "From " get-json-url " /w GET received: "
(js->clj (.getResponseJson (.-target %))
:keywordize-keys true))))
;;;; POSTing form data:
;;; Signature (send url callback method contents)
;;; * method = Http method, as a string (so, "GET" or "POST" or "PUT" etc)
;;; * contents = The contents of the request, in string form. An easy way to
;;; convert a map into the appropriate form is to use a goog.Uri.QueryData
;;; object and convert it to a string. Form is the standard format for
;;; application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
;;; Note that POST requests default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If
;;; you want to make POST requests with other types, see below:
(def post-form-contents
(->> {:make "Mazda" :year 1998} ; contents
post-form-url ; url
#(js/alert ; callback
(str "From " post-form-url " /w POST:"
"\nPosted: " post-form-contents
"\nReceived: " (.getResponseText (.-target %))))
"POST" ; method
post-form-contents) ;contents
;;;; POSTing json (or other types)
;;; Signature: (send url callback method contents headers)
;;; * contents = the body of the request, formatted as appropriate
;;; * headers = headers, as a JavaScript Object or goog.structs.Map
(def post-json-contents
(JSON/stringify (clj->js {:title "A New Hope" :date "2014-05-17"})))
(def post-json-headers
(structs/Map. (clj->js {:Content-Type "application/json"})))
post-json-url ; url
#(js/alert ; callback
(str "From " post-json-url " /w POST:"
"\nPosted: " post-json-contents
"\nReceived: " (.getResponseText (.-target %))))
"POST" ; method
post-json-contents ;contents
post-json-headers) ; headers
;;;; Request /w Timeout
;;; Signature: (send url callback method contents headers timeout)
;;; * timeout = timeout interval, in milliseconds. 0 defers to browser.
post-json-url ; url
#(js/alert ; callback
(str "Timeout of 1ms, success? "
(.isSuccess (.-target %))))
"POST" ; method
post-json-contents ; contents
post-json-headers ; headers
1) ; timeout
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