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Created March 16, 2014 22:48
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Extremely Primitive Markov Chain
;;; Extremely Primitve Markov Chain
;;; Doesn't try to handle punctuation, capitalization, or anything; just
;;; generates text as-is from the corpus.
;;; Corpus I used was:
;;; Considering how important capitalization, plurals, and punctuation is to
;;; sonnets, I think it might work a little better this way...I should check
;;; that out, later.
;; This is so you can create the same chain multiple times.
;; Basically, it fixes the seed.
(def ^:dynamic ^java.util.Random *rnd* (java.util.Random. 1))
(defn get-rand [x]
(.nextInt *rnd* x))
(def delimiters #{\space \newline})
(defn not-delimiter? [char]
(not (delimiters char)))
(defn snip-delimiters [coll]
(drop-while delimiters coll))
;; Returns a map of maps of counts:
;; {"He" {"is" 2},
;; "is" {"a" 2, "sad", 2}}
(defn parse-counts [coll]
(loop [counts {} corpus coll]
(let [[word rest-corpus] (split-with not-delimiter? (snip-delimiters corpus))
follows (take-while not-delimiter? (snip-delimiters rest-corpus))]
(if (seq rest-corpus)
(recur (update-in counts [word follows] (fnil inc 0)) rest-corpus)
(defn pick-word [words]
(if-let [word-seq (seq words)]
(let [keys (vec (map first word-seq))
counts (vec (map second word-seq))
total-counts (reduce + counts)
r (get-rand total-counts)]
(loop [i 0 sum 0]
(if (< r (+ (counts i) sum))
(nth keys i)
(recur (inc i) (+ (counts i) sum)))))))
;; That's a little convoluted. But basically, it generates a random from zero
;; to total. Then, if it's less than the magnitude of the first connection, it
;; chooses the first word. If it's not it adds that, then proceeds to the next
;; connection and sums that.
;; So if you have 10, 15, and 5, what it does is:
;; Is random < 10? If so, return first word.
;; Is random < 10+15=25? If so, return second word.
;; Is random < 25+5=30? If so, return third word.
;; You know, this should really take in a count, because currently? It goes
;; until it hits an end node.
(defn chain [start-word counts]
(loop [out [] word start-word]
(if-let [next-word (pick-word (counts word))]
(recur (conj out next-word) next-word)
(defn lazy-chain [start-word counts]
(if-let [next-word (pick-word (counts start-word))]
(cons start-word (lazy-seq (lazy-chain next-word counts)))))
(defn from-word [word n counts]
(take n (map #(apply str %)
(lazy-chain (seq word) counts)))))
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