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Created December 16, 2010 15:40
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Red Black Tree for Common Lisp.
;; The following implementation of rb-tree is based on
(defun change-to-black (tree)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (_ . rest) :variable rest :ignore _) `(:B . ,rest))
(:otherwise nil)))
(defun rb-insert (tree obj cmp)
(change-to-black (rb-insert% tree obj cmp)))
(defun rb-insert% (tree obj cmp)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (color left x right) :guard (funcall cmp obj x) :variable (color left x right))
(balance `(,color ,(rb-insert% left obj cmp) ,x ,right)))
((:pattern (color left x right) :guard :otherwise :variable (color left x right))
(balance `(,color ,left ,x ,(rb-insert% right obj cmp))))
((:pattern nil)
`(:R nil ,obj nil))
(error "The first argument is not a proper rb-tree."))))
(defun rb-remove (tree obj cmp)
(change-to-black (rb-remove% tree obj cmp)))
(defun rb-remove% (tree obj cmp)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (color left x right) :variable (color left x right))
(let ((less (funcall cmp obj x))
(greater (funcall cmp x obj)))
(cond ((and less greater) (balance (rb-remove-root tree cmp)))
(less (balance `(,color ,(rb-remove% left obj cmp) ,x ,right)))
(greater (balance `(,color ,left ,x ,(rb-remove% right obj cmp))))
(:otherwise (balance (rb-remove-root tree cmp))))))
((:pattern nil)
(error "The first argument is not a proper rb-tree."))))
(defun rb-remove-root (tree cmp)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (:B a _ Nil) :variable a :ignore _)
(mark a))
((:pattern (:B Nil _ a) :variable a :ignore _)
(mark a))
((:pattern (:R Nil _ Nil) :ignore _)
((:pattern (color a _ b) :variable (color a b) :ignore _)
(let ((min (rb-minimum b cmp)))
`(,color ,a ,min ,(rb-remove% b min cmp))))))
(defun markedp (x)
(pattern-match x
((:pattern :X) t)
((:pattern (:X . _) :ignore _) t)
(:otherwise nil)))
(defun mark (x)
(pattern-match x
((:pattern Nil) :X)
((:pattern (:B . rest) :variable rest) `(:X . ,rest))
((:pattern (:R . rest) :variable rest) `(:B . ,rest))))
(defun unmark (x)
(pattern-match x
((:pattern :X) `Nil)
((:pattern (:X . rest) :variable rest) `(:B . ,rest))
((:pattern (:B . rest) :variable rest) `(:R . ,rest))))
(defun balance (tree)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (:B (:R a x b) y (:R c z d)) :variable (a x b y c z d))
`(:R (:B ,a ,x ,b) ,y (:B ,c ,z ,d)))
((:pattern (:B (:R (:R a x b) y c) z d) :variable (a x b y c z d))
`(:R (:B ,a ,x ,b) ,y (:B ,c ,z ,d)))
((:pattern (:B (:R a x (:R b y c)) z d) :variable (a x b y c z d))
`(:R (:B ,a ,x ,b) ,y (:B ,c ,z ,d)))
((:pattern (:B a x (:R (:R b y c) z d)) :variable (a x b y c z d))
`(:R (:B ,a ,x ,b) ,y (:B ,c ,z ,d)))
((:pattern (:B a x (:R b y (:R c z d))) :variable (a x b y c z d))
`(:R (:B ,a ,x ,b) ,y (:B ,c ,z ,d)))
((:pattern (:B a x (:R b y c)) :guard (markedp a) :variable (a x b y c))
(balance `(:B ,(balance `(:R ,a ,x ,b)) ,y ,c)))
((:pattern (:B (:R a x b) y c) :guard (markedp c) :variable (a x b y c))
(balance `(:B ,a ,x ,(balance `(:R ,b ,y ,c)))))
((:pattern (:B a x (:B . b)) :guard (markedp a) :variable (a x b))
(mark (balance `(:B ,(unmark a) ,x (:R . ,b)))))
((:pattern (:R a x (:B . b)) :guard (markedp a) :variable (a x b))
(balance `(:B ,(unmark a) ,x (:R . ,b))))
((:pattern (:B (:B . a) x b) :guard (markedp b) :variable (a x b))
(mark (balance `(:B (:R . ,a) ,x ,(unmark b)))))
((:pattern (:R (:B . a) x b) :guard (markedp b) :variable (a x b))
(balance `(:B (:R . ,a) ,x ,(unmark b))))
(defun rb-minimum (tree cmp)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (_ Nil x _) :variable x :ignore _)
(values x t))
((:pattern (_ left _ _) :variable left :ignore _)
(rb-minimum left cmp))
((:pattern nil)
(values nil nil))
(error "The first argument is not a proper rb-tree."))))
(defun rb-find (tree obj cmp)
(pattern-match tree
((:pattern (_ left x right) :variable (left x right) :ignore _)
(let ((less (funcall cmp obj x))
(greater (funcall cmp x obj)))
(cond ((and less greater) (values x t))
(less (rb-find left obj cmp))
(greater (rb-find right obj cmp))
(:otherwise (values x t)))))
((:pattern nil)
(values nil nil))
(error "The first argument is not a proper rb-tree."))))
;; The implementation of rb-tree ends here.
(defmacro with-gensyms (gensym-variables &body body)
`(let ,(loop for gensym-variable in gensym-variables
collect `(,gensym-variable (gensym (symbol-name ',gensym-variable))))
(defun matcher (target pattern variables values ignores)
(labels ((matcher% (target pattern)
(cond ((consp pattern)
(with-gensyms (cartarget cdrtarget)
`(and (consp ,target)
(let ((,cartarget (car ,target))
(,cdrtarget (cdr ,target)))
(and ,(matcher% cartarget (car pattern))
,(matcher% cdrtarget (cdr pattern)))))))
((symbolp pattern)
(cond ((member pattern ignores)
((member pattern variables)
(setf variables (remove pattern variables))
(setf values (cons pattern values))
`(progn (setf ,pattern ,target) t))
((member pattern values)
`(equal ,target ,pattern))
`(eq ,target ',pattern))))
`(equal ,target ,pattern)))))
(matcher% target pattern)))
(defmacro if-matches (target-expr (&key (variable nil) (value nil) (guard t) (pattern nil pattern-bound-p) (ignore nil)) then else)
(let ((variable (if (listp variable) variable (list variable)))
(value (if (listp value) value (list value)))
(ignore (if (listp ignore) ignore (list ignore))))
(with-gensyms (target)
`(let ,variable
(let ((,target ,target-expr))
(if (and ,(if pattern-bound-p
(matcher target pattern variable value ignore)
(defmacro pattern-match (target-expr &body match-clauses)
(with-gensyms (target block-name)
`(block ,block-name
(let ((,target ,target-expr))
,@(loop for match-clause in match-clauses
collect (if (eq (first match-clause) :otherwise)
`(return-from ,block-name (progn ,@(rest match-clause)))
`(if-matches ,target ,(first match-clause)
(return-from ,block-name (progn ,@(rest match-clause)))
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