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Created September 15, 2013 16:38
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Save Mpdreamz/6572344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get all of elasticsearch's REST endpoints, come up with method names for them and dedup them, Used in newer versions of NEST to generate the raw client (if you only need to pass and receive strings from the client. Scroll down for example output
# This scripts scans the elasticsearch source code for all the registered REST endpoints
# It will put the formatted output in $DEFINITIONOUTPUTFILE
# [MethodName] [HttpVerb] [Route]
# Find all the lines that registerHandlers
grep -r "controller.registerHandler" ${ESFOLDER}/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/rest/ |
# Nodestats has some dynamic route registration going on
sed -e 's/" + flag.getRestName() + "/{flags}/g' |
sed -e 's/" + flag.getRestName()/{flags}"/g' | #can also happen at the end
# Rip out the interesting parts of those lines
sed -e 's/^.*\/Rest\(.*\)\:.*controller.registerHandler(\([a-zA-Z.]*\), "\([^"]*\)".*$/\1 \2 \3/p' |
# Some registrations use the fully qualified enum name, lets get rid of those
sed -e 's/RestRequest.Method.//g'|
sed -e 's/(?! )\/$//g' | #remove any trailing slashes unless its the root
sed -e 's/ _stats\/docs/ \/_stats\/docs/g' | #the only route not beginning with a /
sort | #sort all the registrations
uniq | #remove duplicate lines
# Give IndicesStats a more descriptive method name
sed -e 's/IndicesStats GET \/_stats\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/IndicesStat\U\1\E\2 GET \/_stats\/\1\2/g' |
sed -e 's/IndicesStats GET \/{index}\/_stats\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/IndexFilteredStats\U\1\E\2 GET \/{index}\/_stats\/\1\2/g' |
# Nodestats duplicate urls for the same handlers see:
# So we remove the ones we dont need
sed -e 's/NodesStats GET \/_nodes\/.*\/stats$//g' |
sed -e 's/NodesStats GET \/_nodes\/stats$//g' |
# Alter the _cluster/nodes/stats routes into the /_nodes/stats
sed -e 's/NodesStats GET \/_cluster\/nodes\(.*\)$/NodesStats GET \/_nodes\1/g' |
# Give the now dedup'ed notestats routes a more descriptive method names based on their url
sed -e 's/NodesStats GET \/_nodes\/stats\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/NodesStats\U\1\E\2 GET \/_nodes\/stats\/\1\2/g' |
sed -e 's/NodesStats GET \/_nodes\/{nodeId}\/stats\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/NodeStats\U\1\E\2 GET \/_nodes\/{nodeId}\/stats\/\1\2/g' |
# Remove the route duplicates for NodesInfo and NodesHotThreads
sed -e 's/NodesHotThreads GET \/_cluster.*$//g' |
sed -e 's/NodesHotThreads GET .*hotthreads$//g' |
sed -e 's/NodesInfo GET \/_cluster.*$//g' |
# Remove the duplicate for delete mapping
sed -e 's/DeleteMapping DELETE \/{index}\/{type}$//g' |
# Remove the duplicate cluster shutdown
sed -e 's/^.*\/_cluster\/nodes\/_shutdown$//g' |
# HEAD on Source need a unique method name
sed -e 's/^Head HEAD \/{index}\/{type}\/{id}\/_source$/HeadSource HEAD \/{index}\/{type}\/{id}\/_source/g' |
# _create Urls need to be renamed from Index to Create
sed -e 's/^\w* \(.*\)\/_create$/Create \1\/_create/g' |
# Alias methods are slightly ambiguous too
sed -e 's/^IndexPutAlias PUT \/_alias\/{name}$/IndexPutAliasByName PUT \/_alias\/{name}/g' |
sed -e 's/^IndexPutAlias PUT \/_alias\/{name}$/IndexPutAliasByName PUT \/_alias\/{name}/g' |
# Give the NodesInfo routes a better method name based on their url
sed -e 's/NodesInfo GET \/_nodes\/{nodeId}\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/NodeInfo\U\1\E\2 GET \/_nodes\/{nodeId}\/\1\2/g' |
sed -e 's/NodesInfo GET \/_nodes\/\(.\)\([^\/]*\)/NodesInfo\U\1\E\2 GET \/_nodes\/\1\2/g' |
sed -e 's/NodesInfo{nodeId} GET/NodesInfo GET/g' |
# Percolate count endpoint needs a unique method name
sed -e 's/Percolate \(.*\)\/count/PercolateCount \1\/count/g' |
# Remove blank lines
sed -e '/^$/d' |
# Sort and make sure all the lines are unique again
AliasesExist HEAD /_alias/{name}
AliasesExist HEAD /{index}/_alias/{name}
Analyze GET /_analyze
Analyze GET /{index}/_analyze
Analyze POST /_analyze
Analyze POST /{index}/_analyze
Bulk POST /_bulk
Bulk POST /{index}/_bulk
Bulk POST /{index}/{type}/_bulk
Bulk PUT /_bulk
Bulk PUT /{index}/_bulk
Bulk PUT /{index}/{type}/_bulk
ClearIndicesCache GET /_cache/clear
ClearIndicesCache GET /{index}/_cache/clear
ClearIndicesCache POST /_cache/clear
ClearIndicesCache POST /{index}/_cache/clear
ClearScroll DELETE /_search/scroll
ClearScroll DELETE /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
CloseIndex POST /_close
CloseIndex POST /{index}/_close
ClusterGetSettings GET /_cluster/settings
ClusterHealth GET /_cluster/health
ClusterHealth GET /_cluster/health/{index}
ClusterReroute POST /_cluster/reroute
ClusterSearchShards GET /_search_shards
ClusterSearchShards GET /{index}/_search_shards
ClusterSearchShards GET /{index}/{type}/_search_shards
ClusterSearchShards POST /_search_shards
ClusterSearchShards POST /{index}/_search_shards
ClusterSearchShards POST /{index}/{type}/_search_shards
ClusterState GET /_cluster/state
ClusterUpdateSettings PUT /_cluster/settings
Count GET /_count
Count GET /{index}/_count
Count GET /{index}/{type}/_count
Count POST /_count
Count POST /{index}/_count
Count POST /{index}/{type}/_count
Create POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_create
Create PUT /{index}/{type}/{id}/_create
CreateIndex POST /{index}
CreateIndex PUT /{index}
Delete DELETE /{index}/{type}/{id}
DeleteByQuery DELETE /{index}/_query
DeleteByQuery DELETE /{index}/{type}/_query
DeleteIndex DELETE /
DeleteIndex DELETE /{index}
DeleteIndexTemplate DELETE /_template/{name}
DeleteMapping DELETE /{index}/{type}/_mapping
DeleteWarmer DELETE /{index}/_warmer
DeleteWarmer DELETE /{index}/_warmer/{name}
DeleteWarmer DELETE /{index}/{type}/_warmer/{name}
Explain GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain
Explain POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_explain
Flush GET /_flush
Flush GET /{index}/_flush
Flush POST /_flush
Flush POST /{index}/_flush
GatewaySnapshot POST /_gateway/snapshot
GatewaySnapshot POST /{index}/_gateway/snapshot
Get GET /{index}/{type}/{id}
GetAliases GET /_alias/{name}
GetAliases GET /{index}/_alias/{name}
GetIndexTemplate GET /_template
GetIndexTemplate GET /_template/{name}
GetIndicesAliases GET /_aliases
GetIndicesAliases GET /{index}/_aliases
GetMapping GET /_mapping
GetMapping GET /{index}/_mapping
GetMapping GET /{index}/{type}/_mapping
GetSettings GET /_settings
GetSettings GET /{index}/_settings
GetSource GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source
GetWarmer GET /{index}/_warmer
GetWarmer GET /{index}/_warmer/{name}
GetWarmer GET /{index}/{type}/_warmer/{name}
Head HEAD /{index}/{type}/{id}
HeadIndexTemplate HEAD /_template/{name}
HeadSource HEAD /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source
Index POST /{index}/{type}
Index POST /{index}/{type}/{id}
Index PUT /{index}/{type}/{id}
IndexDeleteAliases DELETE /{index}/_alias/{name}
IndexFilteredStatsCompletion GET /{index}/_stats/completion
IndexFilteredStatsCompletion GET /{index}/_stats/completion/{fields}
IndexFilteredStatsDocs GET /{index}/_stats/docs
IndexFilteredStatsFielddata GET /{index}/_stats/fielddata
IndexFilteredStatsFielddata GET /{index}/_stats/fielddata/{fields}
IndexFilteredStatsFilter_cache GET /{index}/_stats/filter_cache
IndexFilteredStatsFlush GET /{index}/_stats/flush
IndexFilteredStatsGet GET /{index}/_stats/get
IndexFilteredStatsId_cache GET /{index}/_stats/id_cache
IndexFilteredStatsIndexing GET /{index}/_stats/indexing
IndexFilteredStatsIndexing GET /{index}/_stats/indexing/{indexingTypes2}
IndexFilteredStatsMerge GET /{index}/_stats/merge
IndexFilteredStatsPercolate GET /{index}/_stats/percolate
IndexFilteredStatsRefresh GET /{index}/_stats/refresh
IndexFilteredStatsSearch GET /{index}/_stats/search
IndexFilteredStatsSearch GET /{index}/_stats/search/{searchGroupsStats2}
IndexFilteredStatsStore GET /{index}/_stats/store
IndexFilteredStatsWarmer GET /{index}/_stats/warmer
IndexPutAlias PUT /_alias
IndexPutAlias PUT /{index}/_alias
IndexPutAlias PUT /{index}/_alias/{name}
IndexPutAliasByName PUT /_alias/{name}
Indices GET /_cat/indices
Indices GET /_cat/indices/{index}
IndicesAliases POST /_aliases
IndicesExists HEAD /{index}
IndicesSegments GET /_segments
IndicesSegments GET /{index}/_segments
IndicesStatCompletion GET /_stats/completion
IndicesStatCompletion GET /_stats/completion/{fields}
IndicesStatDocs GET /_stats/docs
IndicesStatFielddata GET /_stats/fielddata
IndicesStatFielddata GET /_stats/fielddata/{fields}
IndicesStatFilter_cache GET /_stats/filter_cache
IndicesStatFlush GET /_stats/flush
IndicesStatGet GET /_stats/get
IndicesStatId_cache GET /_stats/id_cache
IndicesStatIndexing GET /_stats/indexing
IndicesStatIndexing GET /_stats/indexing/{indexingTypes1}
IndicesStatMerge GET /_stats/merge
IndicesStatPercolate GET /_stats/percolate
IndicesStatRefresh GET /_stats/refresh
IndicesStatSearch GET /_stats/search
IndicesStatSearch GET /_stats/search/{searchGroupsStats1}
IndicesStatStore GET /_stats/store
IndicesStatWarmer GET /_stats/warmer
IndicesStats GET /_stats
IndicesStats GET /{index}/_stats
IndicesStatus GET /_status
IndicesStatus GET /{index}/_status
Main GET /
Main HEAD /
Master GET /_cat/master
MoreLikeThis GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_mlt
MoreLikeThis POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_mlt
MultiGet GET /_mget
MultiGet GET /{index}/_mget
MultiGet GET /{index}/{type}/_mget
MultiGet POST /_mget
MultiGet POST /{index}/_mget
MultiGet POST /{index}/{type}/_mget
MultiPercolate POST /_mpercolate
MultiPercolate POST /{index}/_mpercolate
MultiPercolate POST /{index}/{type}/_mpercolate
MultiSearch GET /_msearch
MultiSearch GET /{index}/_msearch
MultiSearch GET /{index}/{type}/_msearch
MultiSearch POST /_msearch
MultiSearch POST /{index}/_msearch
MultiSearch POST /{index}/{type}/_msearch
MultiTermVectors GET /_mtermvectors
MultiTermVectors GET /{index}/_mtermvectors
MultiTermVectors GET /{index}/{type}/_mtermvectors
MultiTermVectors POST /_mtermvectors
MultiTermVectors POST /{index}/_mtermvectors
MultiTermVectors POST /{index}/{type}/_mtermvectors
NodeInfoHttp GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/http
NodeInfoJvm GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/jvm
NodeInfoNetwork GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/network
NodeInfoOs GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/os
NodeInfoPlugin GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/plugin
NodeInfoProcess GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/process
NodeInfoSettings GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/settings
NodeInfoThread_pool GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/thread_pool
NodeInfoTransport GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/transport
NodeStatsFs GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/fs
NodeStatsHttp GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/http
NodeStatsIndices GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/indices
NodeStatsIndices GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/indices/{flags}
NodeStatsIndices GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/indices/{flags}/{fields}
NodeStatsJvm GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/jvm
NodeStatsNetwork GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/network
NodeStatsOs GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/os
NodeStatsProcess GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/process
NodeStatsThread_pool GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/thread_pool
NodeStatsTransport GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats/transport
Nodes GET /_cat/nodes
NodesHotThreads GET /_nodes/hot_threads
NodesHotThreads GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/hot_threads
NodesInfo GET /_nodes
NodesInfo GET /_nodes/{nodeId}
NodesInfoHttp GET /_nodes/http
NodesInfoJvm GET /_nodes/jvm
NodesInfoNetwork GET /_nodes/network
NodesInfoOs GET /_nodes/os
NodesInfoPlugin GET /_nodes/plugin
NodesInfoProcess GET /_nodes/process
NodesInfoSettings GET /_nodes/settings
NodesInfoThread_pool GET /_nodes/thread_pool
NodesInfoTransport GET /_nodes/transport
NodesRestart POST /_cluster/nodes/_restart
NodesRestart POST /_cluster/nodes/{nodeId}/_restart
NodesShutdown POST /_cluster/nodes/{nodeId}/_shutdown
NodesShutdown POST /_shutdown
NodesStats GET /_nodes/stats
NodesStats GET /_nodes/{nodeId}/stats
NodesStatsFs GET /_nodes/stats/fs
NodesStatsHttp GET /_nodes/stats/http
NodesStatsIndices GET /_nodes/stats/indices
NodesStatsIndices GET /_nodes/stats/indices/{flags}
NodesStatsIndices GET /_nodes/stats/indices/{flags}/{fields}
NodesStatsJvm GET /_nodes/stats/jvm
NodesStatsNetwork GET /_nodes/stats/network
NodesStatsOs GET /_nodes/stats/os
NodesStatsProcess GET /_nodes/stats/process
NodesStatsThread_pool GET /_nodes/stats/thread_pool
NodesStatsTransport GET /_nodes/stats/transport
OpenIndex POST /_open
OpenIndex POST /{index}/_open
Optimize GET /_optimize
Optimize GET /{index}/_optimize
Optimize POST /_optimize
Optimize POST /{index}/_optimize
PendingClusterTasks GET /_cluster/pending_tasks
Percolate GET /{index}/{type}/_percolate
Percolate GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_percolate
Percolate POST /{index}/{type}/_percolate
Percolate POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_percolate
PercolateCount GET /{index}/{type}/_percolate/count
PercolateCount GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_percolate/count
PercolateCount POST /{index}/{type}/_percolate/count
PercolateCount POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_percolate/count
PutIndexTemplate POST /_template/{name}
PutIndexTemplate PUT /_template/{name}
PutMapping POST /{index}/_mapping
PutMapping POST /{index}/{type}/_mapping
PutMapping PUT /{index}/_mapping
PutMapping PUT /{index}/{type}/_mapping
PutWarmer PUT /{index}/_warmer/{name}
PutWarmer PUT /{index}/{type}/_warmer/{name}
Refresh GET /_refresh
Refresh GET /{index}/_refresh
Refresh POST /_refresh
Refresh POST /{index}/_refresh
Search GET /_search
Search GET /{index}/_search
Search GET /{index}/{type}/_search
Search POST /_search
Search POST /{index}/_search
Search POST /{index}/{type}/_search
SearchScroll GET /_search/scroll
SearchScroll GET /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
SearchScroll POST /_search/scroll
SearchScroll POST /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
Shards GET /_cat/shards
Suggest GET /_suggest
Suggest GET /{index}/_suggest
Suggest POST /_suggest
Suggest POST /{index}/_suggest
TermVector GET /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvector
TermVector POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_termvector
TypesExists HEAD /{index}/{type}
Update POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_update
UpdateSettings PUT /_settings
UpdateSettings PUT /{index}/_settings
ValidateQuery GET /_validate/query
ValidateQuery GET /{index}/_validate/query
ValidateQuery GET /{index}/{type}/_validate/query
ValidateQuery POST /_validate/query
ValidateQuery POST /{index}/_validate/query
ValidateQuery POST /{index}/{type}/_validate/query
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