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Created June 30, 2013 04:22
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let internal unorderedOptList (ps : Parser<'a, 'u> list) =
fun (stream : CharStream<'u>) ->
let keys = [ 0 .. (ps |> List.length) - 1 ]
let parsers = ref (ps |> keys |> Map.ofList)
let results = keys |> (fun key -> (key, ref (Reply(None)))) |> Map.ofList
let mutable continueLooping = true
let runParser (key : int) (value : Parser<'a, 'u>) =
let state = stream.State
let result : Reply<'a> = (value stream)
if result.Status = Ok then
//NOTE: The below line, if uncommented, allows only one occurence of each parser.
//parsers := !parsers |> Map.remove key
Some(key, result)
if stream.State <> state then
while continueLooping do
match !parsers |> Map.tryPick runParser with
| None -> continueLooping <- false
| Some(key, value) -> results.[key] := Reply(Some(value.Result))
results |> Seq.sortBy (fun kvp -> kvp.Key) |> (fun kvp -> !kvp.Value) |> List.ofSeq
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