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Last active April 27, 2024 09:58
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using CounterStrikeSharp.API;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Modules.Timers;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Modules.Utils;
namespace DecoyPlugin
public class DecoyPlugin : BasePlugin
public override string ModuleName => "Decoy & Smoke Refill Plugin";
public override string ModuleVersion => "2.0";
private HashSet<string> ctWeapons = new HashSet<string> { "weapon_decoy", "weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_knife", "weapon_flashbang" };
private HashSet<string> tWeapons = new HashSet<string> { "weapon_knife", "weapon_molotov", "weapon_hegrenade" };
public override void Load(bool hotReload)
// Register EventHandlers for both MapStart and RoundStart events
RegisterListener<Listeners.OnMapStart>(name =>
// Set sv_cheats to false when the map starts
Server.ExecuteCommand("sv_cheats false");
// Check weapons for all players on map start
RegisterEventHandler<EventRoundStart>((@event, info) =>
// Prevent triggering cheat commands here
Server.ExecuteCommand("sv_cheats false");
// Check weapons for all players on round start
return HookResult.Continue;
// Start a timer that runs every 30 seconds
AddTimer(30.0f, () =>
// Give missing weapons to all players every 30 seconds
foreach (var player in Utilities.GetPlayers())
if (player.PawnIsAlive)
if (player.TeamNum == (byte)CsTeam.CounterTerrorist)
GiveMissingWeapons(player, ctWeapons);
else if (player.TeamNum == (byte)CsTeam.Terrorist)
GiveMissingWeapons(player, tWeapons);
}, TimerFlags.REPEAT);
// Start a timer that runs every 2 seconds and sets sv_cheats to false
AddTimer(2.0f, () =>
Server.ExecuteCommand("sv_cheats false");
}, TimerFlags.REPEAT);
// Check for missing weapons for all players
private void CheckMissingWeaponsForAllPlayers()
foreach (var player in Utilities.GetPlayers())
if (player.PawnIsAlive)
if (player.TeamNum == (byte)CsTeam.CounterTerrorist)
GiveMissingWeapons(player, ctWeapons);
else if (player.TeamNum == (byte)CsTeam.Terrorist)
GiveMissingWeapons(player, tWeapons);
// Give missing weapons to a specific player
private void GiveMissingWeapons(CCSPlayerController player, HashSet<string> expectedWeapons)
var playerPawn = player.PlayerPawn.Value;
if (playerPawn != null && playerPawn.WeaponServices != null)
foreach (var weapon in expectedWeapons)
if (!PlayerHasWeapon(player, weapon))
// Check if a player already has a specific weapon
private bool PlayerHasWeapon(CCSPlayerController player, string weaponName)
var playerPawn = player.PlayerPawn.Value;
if (playerPawn != null && playerPawn.WeaponServices != null)
foreach (var weapon in playerPawn.WeaponServices.MyWeapons)
if (weapon.Value.DesignerName.Contains(weaponName))
return true;
return false;
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