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Created March 28, 2024 12:30
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noVNC display.js changed to use createImageBitmap for the img and blit operations. This will speedup image drawing to the canvas significantly
* noVNC: HTML5 VNC client
* Copyright (C) 2019 The noVNC Authors
* Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt)
* See for usage and integration instructions.
* Modified by Mr-Shibari (Peter Hebels) to use createImageBitmap for the img and blit operations,
* which will speedup image drawing to the canvas significantly. Also put the final drawimage (triggerd by flip operation)
* in a promise and added hints to the canvas to disable alpha and antialias functions.
* Also added a simple FPS (flips per second) counter for testing the performance.
* If you want to test this you can simply replace the contents of the current version display.js file with this.
* In Firefox there seems to be a problem with createImageBitmap not releasing resources the right way,
* even after calling bitmap.close() on the generated bitmap. This will cause the GC to kick in and cause a
* short jank which can be annoying. Not found a solution for this and there is a possiblility that it's a
* bug in the browser itself.
import * as Log from './util/logging.js';
import { toSigned32bit } from './util/int.js';
export default class Display {
constructor(target) {
this._drawCtx = null;
this._renderQ = []; // queue drawing actions for in-oder rendering
this._flushPromise = null;
// the full frame buffer (logical canvas) size
this._fbWidth = 0;
this._fbHeight = 0;
this._prevDrawStyle = "";
Log.Debug(">> Display.constructor");
// The visible canvas
this._target = target;
if (!this._target) {
throw new Error("Target must be set");
if (typeof this._target === 'string') {
throw new Error('target must be a DOM element');
if (!this._target.getContext) {
throw new Error("no getContext method");
this._viewportLoc = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'w': this._target.width, 'h': this._target.height };
// the visible canvas viewport (i.e. what actually gets seen)
this._targetCtx = this._target.getContext('2d', {
alpha: false,
antialias: false
// The hidden canvas, where we do the actual rendering
this._backbuffer = new OffscreenCanvas(this._target.width, this._target.height); //document.createElement('canvas');
this._drawCtx = this._backbuffer.getContext('2d', {
alpha: false,
antialias: false
this._damageBounds = { left: 0, top: 0,
right: this._backbuffer.width,
bottom: this._backbuffer.height };
Log.Debug("User Agent: " + navigator.userAgent);
Log.Debug("<< Display.constructor");
// ===== PROPERTIES =====
this._scale = 1.0;
this._clipViewport = false;
this._frame_drawn = true;
this._bitmap_ready = true;
this._targetCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
this._drawCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
this.times = [];
this.fps = 0;
// ===== PROPERTIES =====
get scale() { return this._scale; }
set scale(scale) {
get clipViewport() { return this._clipViewport; }
set clipViewport(viewport) {
this._clipViewport = viewport;
// May need to readjust the viewport dimensions
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
this.viewportChangeSize(vp.w, vp.h);
this.viewportChangePos(0, 0);
get width() {
return this._fbWidth;
get height() {
return this._fbHeight;
// ===== PUBLIC METHODS =====
viewportChangePos(deltaX, deltaY) {
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
deltaX = Math.floor(deltaX);
deltaY = Math.floor(deltaY);
if (!this._clipViewport) {
deltaX = -vp.w; // clamped later of out of bounds
deltaY = -vp.h;
const vx2 = vp.x + vp.w - 1;
const vy2 = vp.y + vp.h - 1;
// Position change
if (deltaX < 0 && vp.x + deltaX < 0) {
deltaX = -vp.x;
if (vx2 + deltaX >= this._fbWidth) {
deltaX -= vx2 + deltaX - this._fbWidth + 1;
if (vp.y + deltaY < 0) {
deltaY = -vp.y;
if (vy2 + deltaY >= this._fbHeight) {
deltaY -= (vy2 + deltaY - this._fbHeight + 1);
if (deltaX === 0 && deltaY === 0) {
Log.Debug("viewportChange deltaX: " + deltaX + ", deltaY: " + deltaY);
vp.x += deltaX;
vp.y += deltaY;
this._damage(vp.x, vp.y, vp.w, vp.h);
viewportChangeSize(width, height) {
if (!this._clipViewport ||
typeof(width) === "undefined" ||
typeof(height) === "undefined") {
Log.Debug("Setting viewport to full display region");
width = this._fbWidth;
height = this._fbHeight;
width = Math.floor(width);
height = Math.floor(height);
if (width > this._fbWidth) {
width = this._fbWidth;
if (height > this._fbHeight) {
height = this._fbHeight;
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
if (vp.w !== width || vp.h !== height) {
vp.w = width;
vp.h = height;
const canvas = this._target;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// The position might need to be updated if we've grown
this.viewportChangePos(0, 0);
this._damage(vp.x, vp.y, vp.w, vp.h);
// Update the visible size of the target canvas
this._targetCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
this._drawCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
absX(x) {
if (this._scale === 0) {
return 0;
return toSigned32bit(x / this._scale + this._viewportLoc.x);
absY(y) {
if (this._scale === 0) {
return 0;
return toSigned32bit(y / this._scale + this._viewportLoc.y);
resize(width, height) {
this._prevDrawStyle = "";
this._fbWidth = width;
this._fbHeight = height;
const canvas = this._backbuffer;
if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {
// We have to save the canvas data since changing the size will clear it
let saveImg = null;
if (canvas.width > 0 && canvas.height > 0) {
saveImg = this._drawCtx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if (canvas.width !== width) {
canvas.width = width;
if (canvas.height !== height) {
canvas.height = height;
if (saveImg) {
this._drawCtx.putImageData(saveImg, 0, 0);
// Readjust the viewport as it may be incorrectly sized
// and positioned
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
this.viewportChangeSize(vp.w, vp.h);
this.viewportChangePos(0, 0);
getImageData() {
return this._drawCtx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
toDataURL(type, encoderOptions) {
return this._backbuffer.toDataURL(type, encoderOptions);
toBlob(callback, type, quality) {
return this._backbuffer.toBlob(callback, type, quality);
// Track what parts of the visible canvas that need updating
_damage(x, y, w, h) {
if (x < this._damageBounds.left) {
this._damageBounds.left = x;
if (y < { = y;
if ((x + w) > this._damageBounds.right) {
this._damageBounds.right = x + w;
if ((y + h) > this._damageBounds.bottom) {
this._damageBounds.bottom = y + h;
// Update the visible canvas with the contents of the
// rendering canvas
flip(fromQueue) {
if (this._renderQ.length !== 0 && !fromQueue) {
'type': 'flip'
} else {
let x = this._damageBounds.left;
let y =;
let w = this._damageBounds.right - x;
let h = this._damageBounds.bottom - y;
let vx = x - this._viewportLoc.x;
let vy = y - this._viewportLoc.y;
if (vx < 0) {
w += vx;
x -= vx;
vx = 0;
if (vy < 0) {
h += vy;
y -= vy;
vy = 0;
if ((vx + w) > this._viewportLoc.w) {
w = this._viewportLoc.w - vx;
if ((vy + h) > this._viewportLoc.h) {
h = this._viewportLoc.h - vy;
if((w > 0) && (h > 0)) {
if(this._frame_drawn == true) {
this._frame_drawn = false;
const drawPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._targetCtx.drawImage(this._backbuffer, x, y, w, h, vx, vy, w, h);
const now =;
while (this.times.length > 0 && this.times[0] <= now - 1000) {
this.fps = this.times.length;
this._targetCtx.clearRect(10, 30, 100, 40);
this._targetCtx.font = "30px Arial";
this._targetCtx.fillStyle = "red";
this._targetCtx.fillText(this.fps+" fps", 10, 60);
this._frame_drawn = true;
this._damageBounds.left = = 65535;
this._damageBounds.right = this._damageBounds.bottom = 0;
pending() {
return this._renderQ.length > 0;
flush() {
if (this._renderQ.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
if (this._flushPromise === null) {
this._flushPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._flushResolve = resolve;
return this._flushPromise;
fillRect(x, y, width, height, color, fromQueue) {
if (this._renderQ.length !== 0 && !fromQueue) {
'type': 'fill',
'x': x,
'y': y,
'width': width,
'height': height,
'color': color
} else {
this._drawCtx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
this._damage(x, y, width, height);
copyImage(oldX, oldY, newX, newY, w, h, fromQueue) {
if (this._renderQ.length !== 0 && !fromQueue) {
'type': 'copy',
'oldX': oldX,
'oldY': oldY,
'x': newX,
'y': newY,
'width': w,
'height': h,
} else {
oldX, oldY, w, h,
newX, newY, w, h);
this._damage(newX, newY, w, h);
imageRect(x, y, width, height, mime, arr) {
/* The internal logic cannot handle empty images, so bail early */
if ((width === 0) || (height === 0)) {
'type': 'img',
'img': new Blob([arr], { type: mime }),
'x': x,
'y': y
blitImage(x, y, width, height, arr, offset, fromQueue) {
// NB(directxman12): it's technically more performant here to use preallocated arrays,
// but it's a lot of extra work for not a lot of payoff -- if we're using the render queue,
// this probably isn't getting called *nearly* as much
let newArr = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
newArr.set(new Uint8Array(arr.buffer, 0, newArr.length));
let data = new Uint8ClampedArray(
newArr.byteOffset + newArr.offset,
width * height * 4
let img = new ImageData(data, width, height);
'type': 'img',
'img': img,
'x': x,
'y': y
data = null;
newArr = null;
img = null;
drawImage(img, x, y) {
this._drawCtx.drawImage(img, x, y);
this._damage(x, y, img.width, img.height);
autoscale(containerWidth, containerHeight) {
let scaleRatio;
if (containerWidth === 0 || containerHeight === 0) {
scaleRatio = 0;
} else {
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
const targetAspectRatio = containerWidth / containerHeight;
const fbAspectRatio = vp.w / vp.h;
if (fbAspectRatio >= targetAspectRatio) {
scaleRatio = containerWidth / vp.w;
} else {
scaleRatio = containerHeight / vp.h;
// ===== PRIVATE METHODS =====
_rescale(factor) {
this._scale = factor;
const vp = this._viewportLoc;
// NB(directxman12): If you set the width directly, or set the
// style width to a number, the canvas is cleared.
// However, if you set the style width to a string
// ('NNNpx'), the canvas is scaled without clearing.
const width = factor * vp.w + 'px';
const height = factor * vp.h + 'px';
if (( !== width) ||
( !== height)) { = width; = height;
_setFillColor(color) {
const newStyle = 'rgb(' + color[0] + ',' + color[1] + ',' + color[2] + ')';
if (newStyle !== this._prevDrawStyle) {
this._drawCtx.fillStyle = newStyle;
this._prevDrawStyle = newStyle;
_renderQPush(action) {
if (this._renderQ.length === 1) {
// If this can be rendered immediately it will be, otherwise
// the scanner will wait for the relevant event
_resumeRenderQ() {
// "this" is the object that is ready, not the
// display object
this.removeEventListener('load', this._noVNCDisplay._resumeRenderQ);
_scanRenderQ() {
let ready = true;
while (ready && this._renderQ.length > 0) {
let a = this._renderQ[0];
switch (a.type) {
case 'flip':
case 'copy':
this.copyImage(a.oldX, a.oldY, a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height, true);
case 'fill':
this.fillRect(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height, a.color, true);
case 'img':
if(this._bitmap_ready) {
this._bitmap_ready = false;
createImageBitmap(a.img, {premultiplyAlpha: "none", colorSpaceConversion: "none"}).then((bitmap_data) => {
this.drawImage(bitmap_data, a.x, a.y);
this._bitmap_ready = true;
bitmap_data = null;
delete a.img;
delete this._renderQ[0];
ready = false;
if (ready) {
delete this._renderQ[0];
if (this._renderQ.length === 0 &&
this._flushPromise !== null) {
this._flushPromise = null;
this._flushResolve = null;
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