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Created April 23, 2016 02:57
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Learning Tic Tac Toe
import random
class QLearner:
def __init__(self, num_actions):
#play around with these parameters for different results
self.learning_rate = 0.03
self.discount_factor = 0.65
self.num_actions = num_actions
self.last_state = None
self.last_action = None
self.explore = 0.25
#the lookup table for q-func
self.q_table = {}
#evaluates an input given a state and whether or not that state is final
def evaluate(self, state, final, reward, should_learn):
max_q = -10000
best_action = 0
#have we seen this state before?
#if not add it to the q_table
if state not in self.q_table.keys():
self.q_table[state] = []
for action in xrange(self.num_actions):
#occasionally head of the beaten path
if random.random() < self.explore and should_learn:
best_action = random.randint(0,self.num_actions - 1)
self.last_state = state
self.last_action = best_action
return best_action
#search through the action space to find the best next action
for action in xrange(self.num_actions):
q = self.q_func(state, action)
if q >= max_q:
max_q = q
best_action = action
if self.last_state is not None and should_learn:
old_q = self.q_func(self.last_state,self.last_action)
new_q = (1-self.learning_rate) * old_q + self.learning_rate * (reward + self.discount_factor * self.q_func(state, best_action))
self.update_q_func(self.last_state, self.last_action, new_q)
self.last_state = state
self.last_action = best_action
return best_action
#in a basic q-learner, the q_func is a table lookup
def q_func(self, state, action):
if state in self.q_table.keys():
return self.q_table[state][action]
def update_q_func(self, state, action, new_val):
self.q_table[state][action] = new_val
def reset(self):
self.last_state = None
self.last_action = None
import numpy as np
import random
from q_learning import QLearner
#This program trains two q_learners to play tic tac toe.
#They play each other over and over and then play againt a random player to test how well they learned
class RandomPlayer(object):
def evaluate(self, state, final, reward, should_learn):
#random doesn't care about your reward
#random player only makes valid moves
valid_moves = []
for i in xrange(9):
j = int(i / 3)
k = i % 3
if state[j][k] == 0:
if len(valid_moves) > 0:
return valid_moves[0]
return -1
def reset(self):
def main():
#tic tac toe
#make the two computers play each other to learn the game
player1 = QLearner(9)
player2 = QLearner(9)
random_player = RandomPlayer()
for i in xrange(200000):
self_play(player1, player2, False, True)
#self_play(player2, player1, False, True)
if i%1000 == 0:
print i
#now test the program
print "Random plays random"
print "[Ties,Random Player 1 Wins, Random Player 2 Wins]"
results = [0,0,0]
for i in xrange(5000):
j = self_play(random_player,random_player,False,False)
print results
print "Player 2 plays random"
print "[Ties,Random Player 1 Wins, QLearner Player 2 Wins]"
results = [0,0,0]
for i in xrange(5000):
j = self_play(random_player,player2,False,False)
print results
print "Player 1 plays random"
print "[Ties, QLearner Player 1 Wins, Random Player 2 Wins]"
results = [0,0,0]
for i in xrange(5000):
j = self_play(player1,random_player,False,False)
print results
def to_tuple(a):
return tuple(to_tuple(i) for i in a)
except TypeError:
return a
#like wargames we will have the computer play itself
def self_play(player1, player2, print_game, should_learn):
board = np.zeros((3,3))
winner = 0
rounds = 0
while True:
p1_action = player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board), False, 0,should_learn)
if not make_move(board, p1_action, -1):
player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True,-0.5, should_learn)
if print_game:
print "Player 1 made an invalid move"
winner = 2
if print_game:
print "Player 1's move"
print board
print ""
if check_win(board):
player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, 0.2, should_learn)
player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -0.1, should_learn)
winner = 1
if print_game:
print "Player 1 wins"
if check_tie(board):
p2_action = player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board), False, 0, should_learn)
if not make_move(board, p2_action, 1):
player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -0.5, should_learn)
winner = 1
if print_game:
print "Player 2 made an invalid move"
if print_game:
print "Player 2's move"
print board
print ""
if check_win(board):
winner = 2
#player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, 5,should_learn)
#player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -2,should_learn)
player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, 0.2, should_learn)
player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -0.1, should_learn)
if print_game:
print "Player 2 wins"
if check_tie(board):
player2.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -0.05, should_learn)
player1.evaluate(to_tuple(board),True, -0.05, should_learn)
rounds += 1
if print_game:
print "Game Over"
return winner
def make_move(state, action, player):
i = int(action / 3)
j = action % 3
if not state[i,j] == 0:
#invalid move
state = np.zeros((3,3)).fill(-2)
return False
state[i,j] = player
return True
def check_tie(state):
if not np.any(state == 0):
return True
return False
def check_win(state):
for row in xrange(0,3):
test_vec = np.array([0,0,0])
test_vec[row] = 1
if abs(,test_vec).sum()) == 3:
return True
if abs(,test_vec).sum()) == 3:
return True
if abs(np.trace(state)) == 3 or abs(np.trace(np.rot90(state))) == 3:
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
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