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Created May 23, 2017 17:56
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Computation of Magnetic Field Around a Thick Rectangular Conductor - Not Working
%% Header
% Author: Nathan Eckert
% Date Created : 03 - 28 - 2017
% Date Edited : 05 - 23 - 2017
% Title: MagneticFieldFunctionTest
clear all; close all; clc;
%%%%%%%%%%%% Constants / Inputs / Initial Conditions %%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Physical Parameters
% Rail Length assumed infinite
w = 0.01; % [m] - Rail Width
h = 0.01; % [m] - Rail Height
s = 0.012 ; % [m] - Rail Separation
at = 0.0296 ; % [m] - Armature Thickness
ah = h; % [m] - Armature Height
aw = s; % [m] - Armature Width
mu0 = 4*pi*10^-7; % [N/A^2] - Magnetic Permeability of Vaccuum
I0 = 20e3; % [A] - Constant Maximum Current
tau = 0.0007; % [Ohms-s] - Capacitor Time Constant
%% Simulation Parameters
t = 0.001; % [s] - Simulation Time
l = 0.01; % [m] - Simulated Armature Position
t1 = 0.0005; % [s] - Current Profile Times
t2 = 0.0015; % Personal Note - Changed For Comparison to Analytic solvers in mathematica
t3 = 0.003;
%------------------------ Mesh Size Adjustment ----------------------------
Nm = 10; % [~] - Number of Mesh Points
Natm = 5; % [~] - Number of Armature Thickness Values
[zp0,zpF,zpPts,dzp,zpVec] = MakeVector(0,w,'num',Nm);
% Flipping Direction has no impact !!!
[yp0,ypF,ypPts,dyp,ypVec] = MakeVector(-h/2,h/2,'num',Nm);
% Flipping Direction makes a few values non-NaN, though they compute as smaller
[s0,sF,sPts,ds,sVec] = MakeVector(0,s,'num',Nm);
[x0,xF,xPts,dx,xVec] = MakeVector(l,l+at,'num',Natm);
% Flipping Direction has no impact !!!
[y0,yF,yPts,dy,yVec] = MakeVector(-ah/2,ah/2,'num',Nm);
% Flipping Direction makes a few values non-NaN, though they compute as smaller
[z0,zF,zPts,dz,zVec] = MakeVector(aw,0,'num',Nm);
% Flipping direction has no impact !!!
%% Initialize Lists
B = zeros(yPts,zPts,xPts);
dB = zeros(yPts,zPts,xPts);
%% Simulation
% Pre-Loop Computations
if t <= t1 % Compute Current
I = I0 * sin(omega*t);
elseif t <= t2
I = I0;
elseif t <= t3
I = I0*exp(-t/tau);
print('Error: The simulation time entered is outside the defined range.');
J = I / (h*w); % Compute current density in rail
% Loop
% ------------------------- Conductor (Rail) Loop -------------------------
for kp = 1:zpPts % Loop through rail width -------------------------
zp = zpVec(kp); % Define rail width position
for jp = 1:ypPts % Loop through rail height ------------------------
yp = ypVec(jp); % Define rail height position
dI = J * abs(dzp) * abs(dyp); % Compute current element at the rail point (m)
CB = (mu0*dI) / (4*pi*h*w);
% -------------------- Area of Interest (Armature) Loop -------------------
for k = 1:zPts % Loop through armature width ---------
z = zVec(k); % Define armature width
for j = 1:yPts % Loop through armature height --------
y = yVec(j); % Define armature height position
for i = 1:xPts % Loop through armature thickness -----
x = xVec(i); % Define armature thickness position
% Compute magnetic field at each armature point (n)
P1 = (z+zp) / ((y-yp)^2+(z+zp)^2);
P2 = (x) / sqrt((y-yp)^2+(z+zp)^2+x^2);
P3 = (x-l) / sqrt((y-yp)^2+(z+zp)^2+(x-l)^2);
dB(j,k,i) = dB(j,k,i) + CB*P1*(P2-P3);
% Add Second Rail
dB = dB + fliplr(dB);
% Add Contribution from each rail section
B = B + dB;
dB = zeros(yPts,zPts,xPts);
% Compute average B for each armature thickness value
for i = 1:xPts
B1avg = mean(B(1,2:end-1,i));
BmidAvg = mean(B(end,2:end-1,i));
BendAvg = mean(B(2:end-1,2:end-1,i));
Bavg(i) = mean([B1avg BmidAvg BendAvg]);
BavgMax = max(Bavg);
disp(['The largest of the average B values is: Bavg = ', num2str(BavgMax)]);
title('Average B Field Value at Each Armature Thickness Value')
xlabel('Armature Thickness Value (x) [m]')
ylabel('Average B Field Value [T]')
%% Plot
hold on
% Plots -> (x,y) || Matrices -> (rows,cols) = (y,x)
for pIdx = 1:xPts
view([33 25])
grid on
title('B Field Value at Each Point in the Armature')
xlabel('Armature Width [m]')
ylabel('Rail Height [m]')
zlabel('Magnetic Field Strength [T]')
% % Plot B field Plot Between Rails
% figure((get(gcf,'Number')+1))
% hold on
% imagesc(B(:,:,1))
% contour(B(:,:,1),20)
% title('Magnetic Field Strength Between Rails')
% ylabel('Rail Height [m]')
% xlabel('Rail Separation [m]')
% colormap jet
% colorbarH = colorbar;
% xlabel(colorbarH,'B field strength [T]')
% % Plot Contour of B field between rails
% figure((get(gcf,'Number')+1))
% contour(B(:,:,1),30)
% title('Magnetic Field Strength Between Rails')
% ylabel('Rail Height [m]')
% xlabel('Rail Separation [m]')
% Plot m-n
% figure((get(gcf,'Number')+1))
% plot3([0,)
% % Plot B field from top perspective
% figure((get(gcf,'Number')+1))
% % Y X Z
% Btop = sum(B,1); Btop = squeeze(Btop(1,:,:));
% mesh(atIdx,sIdx,Btop)
% xlabel('Armature Thickness [m]')
% ylabel('Rail Separation [m]')
% zlabel('Magnetic Field Strength [??]')
%% GIF
gif = 0;
if gif == 1
axis tight
% set(gca,'nextplot','replacechildren','visible','off')
% f = getframe;
% [im,map] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither');
% [~,map(2,:)] = rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither');
% im(1,1,1,(meshNum^2+meshNum+2^2)) = 0;
% k=0;
for kp = 1:zpPts % Loop through rail width -------------------------
zp = zpVec(kp); % Define rail width position
for jp = 1:ypPts % Loop through rail height ------------------------
yp = ypVec(jp); % Define rail height position
dI = J * dzp * dyp; % Compute current element at the rail point (m)
CB = (mu0*dI) / (4*pi*h*w);
% -------------------- Area of Interest (Armature) Loop -------------------
for k = 1:zPts % Loop through armature width ---------
z = zVec(k); % Define armature width position
for j = 1:yPts % Loop through armature height --------
y = yVec(j); % Define armature height position
for i = 1:xPts % Loop through armature thickness -----
x = xVec(i); % Define armature thickness position
grid on
%f = getframe;
%im(:,:,1,k) = rgb2ind(f.cdata,map,'nodither');
view([45 45])
xlim([-w w]);
ylim([0 0.05]);
zlim([-h/2 h/2]);
% gif utilities
set(gcf,'color','w'); % set figure background to white
frame = getframe(gcf);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
outfile = 'BfieldComputationLines.gif';
% On the first loop, create the file. In subsequent loops, append.
if kp == 1 && i == 1
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