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Last active March 28, 2023 12:10
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An F# Script to scrape the results of a football team from the 11v11 website
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 5.0.2"
open System
open FSharp.Data
type Result =
{ Date: DateOnly
Match: string
HomeScore: int
AwayScore: int
HomeOrAway: string
Competition: string }
let doc =
let teamName = "Sheffield United"
let homeScore = 5
let awayScore = 2
let homeOrAway = "H"
let seasonLinks: string list =
let listItems = doc.CssSelect("ul#season li a")
Console.WriteLine $"{listItems |> List.length} Seasons Found"
|> (fun n -> n.Attribute("href") |> (fun a -> a.Value().ToString()))
let season (row: string) =
let seasonDoc = HtmlDocument.Load(row)
seasonDoc.CssSelect("#pageContent table tr")
let filterRow (row: HtmlNode) =
let tds = row.Descendants["td"]
not (Seq.isEmpty tds)
let extractResult (row: HtmlNode) =
let tds = row.Descendants["td"]
let date = tds |> Seq.item 0 |> (fun x -> DateOnly.Parse(x.InnerText().ToString()))
let game = tds |> Seq.item 1 |> (fun x -> x.InnerText())
let score =
|> Seq.item 3
|> (fun x -> x.InnerText())
|> (fun x ->
let index = x.IndexOf('-')
let first = x.Substring(0, index)
let second = x.Substring(index + 1)
let trimmed = second.Split(' ', '\r', '\n')
(int (first), int (trimmed[0])))
let competition = tds |> Seq.item 4 |> (fun x -> x.InnerText())
let teams = game.ToString().Split('v', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)
let homeOrAway = if (teams[0] = teamName) then "H" else "A"
let result =
{ Result.Date = date
Match = game
HomeOrAway = homeOrAway
HomeScore = fst score
AwayScore = snd score
Competition = competition }
let results =
|> List.collect season
|> List.filter filterRow
|> extractResult
|> List.filter (fun x -> x.HomeScore = homeScore && x.AwayScore = awayScore && x.HomeOrAway = homeOrAway)
|> List.iter (fun x -> printfn $"{x.Date} : {x.Match} : {x.HomeScore}:{x.AwayScore} : {x.Competition}")
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